Random Pictures From And Ramblings Of A Fool

But like incidentally...that is the difference.

I probably will get a filter. I could run to town now or text my wife now to get one on her way home. Fix the problem and not know a thing. Then spend money on filters I dont need.

Or I can learn my well.
Okay I wanted to wait to confirm and get them through the woods to show this.

This one may be hard for people to appreciate but I have done this way too many times. I am confident the stupid thing I am about to describe is what I am doing and it doesn't matter. Normally I clone so this isn't an issue. And the real problem is I am not following my rules on how to grow my way. I honestly have picked up a few bad habits from this place. This particular one...this problem honestly ... goes back to one of those lectures from that partner of mine. I should not do what I did. I should plant correctly.

Note: 1 plant, the seed bloated first in the water, broke the husk first, came above ground 2 days earlier. And has been fast and 2 days ahead the whole way. That matters. There is one that is a few days ahead of the other.

Problem #1 too many variables. Now I always do this because I can recover anything unless there is real genetic issues. But I do make things harder on myself than I should. In this case I am doing it before my grow room is even set up.

Number 2...I am too excited about my new home and trying to test everything out. I tried growing sprouts using under cabinet LED lights to see if they might be good for clones. I dont think I proved anything but I did stretch the sprouts a bunch. And I am testing my well water raw.

So after stretching under no light they got powerful LED and started growing and the tops were immediately too heavy for the stalks and fell over. That was a struggle training the thin stalk vertical and boy that just kept getting worse. The top was growing well and the stalk could not support it. After a few days of leafs being too big for these stretched stalks I decided they were not going to support it and had to pot early.

So I potted them and buried the stalk a bit so they would stand. But then I needed a tent. So that got setup and they went from a nice warm room near a wood stove to a cold tent in the garage with a new light. And it was very dry.

I started putting on a thick spray to the top of tea for a few days to try and get them microbes deeply rooted in the top. I think too much got on the plants. They sort of exploded in the leafs even more but still had very slow vertical growth really not adding more body just blowing out what was there.

It looked fine at first and then started to add grow vertically and began scavenge from below.

As shown below it finished on the first leaf and started on the second one. I think it has stopped now. I am.confisent there was enough calcium just not enough available tobgrow as fast as it was going.

pH could be off as qell...in fact is sure to be a bit off. That is the problem with raw soil as well. I have not pH treated it before planting in it.

I was thinking at first give them some water and it will come back as intransplanted into moist ish soil and never wayered.

That actually worked and was all they needed but the fast one showed it was over watered yesterday. That is the pics below.

So I dried out the pots half of the day yesterday.

I potted some other seeds last night. I gave them some pHd water with cal mag and silica. I had some extra and gave a bit to the first 2 because they deserve it.

Over night they doubled in size so they are out of the woods I think.

The stalks are starting to grow so fast it is peaking already and the nodes are supper tight and inhave multiple branches all over all in like 2 inches.

If you looks close those big leafs are the ones that never get big and are the first ones that are meant to be scavenged. They grew too big too fast. And the roots couldn't keep up on the calcium.

pH being correct would have helped it not progress as far for sure. But they went from stretch to 2 days of not being able to support itself to 5 light changes. Humidity kind of banging around.

On a good note I think I have good control in my tent humidity and temps wise. So dial in my compost and this should all work out.

I bought a supper cheap for the supposed watt LED that should come soon and we shall see. Vander 2000W so they say. 200 real watts. If it does as advertised should pay for itself in like a month...we shall see.

So check out the scavanging. It slowly progressed up the leafs till it got to the second.

But the real thing to note is both of those first 2 sets of leaves are way too big...blown out too fast. IMO. I will get some good pics this evening of the real growth that matters ...after a full 24 hours, which in fact does look fantastic.
This post is to bury the answer to a common question I get asked.

I often try to convince people, esspecially hydro growers, that running a compost tea will fix their problem. If you are reading this it is likely you basically said ...

"I am interested in running the tea but I only want to run the EWC part"

Now I hear this for various reasons and ussualy it is money. People don't want to make the commitment to buying bags of stuff. You dont need it all. Some of it just improves uptake ... and you don't need the enzymes. You can use cheap sugars. You absolutely don't need crab meal and really shouldn't be using it without talking to me.

Also... like buy one bag a month and you will be ready by your next grow...who is in a rush?

None of that is even the real point at all! Just the simple answer. The real point of this is if you want to run only EWC...that is fine but know what you are doing and why you shouldn't do that. EWC tea with nothing in it is the gold standard for nitrogen defficiancy. It is how you immediately add nitrogen outside of finding a chemical fertilizer. If you don't add more stuff you are pushing yourself out of balance.

The problem with that is what if you are in bloom? What if you want a more even NPK or maybe high phos? Then what? If you brew only high nitrogen and feed that to your plant how are you going to balance it? You just feed your system a high dose of nitrogen and it is now out of balance.

What if we made something that was close to neutral on the NPK or at least made of more things so that it is more balanced and it wont push your current program way out in one direction only? What if we made something that you could add to your program at any stage and not mess with your program? What about hand crafting a tea that matches the stage you are in?

So if you have constiuents that make everything a plant needs you can modify the recipe to make tea be what you want at any stage without impact to your progam.

Mine is not particularly special except that in my opinion it is cheaper. That's right pound for pound mine gets the job done for less. This is because mine, like everything I do, is inexpensive and minimalist...but not cheap.

K - SILICATE (actually the kelp is enough but I use silica to pH the tea if it is going sour)
ANCIENT FOREST soil for the extra microbes and Humic acid

Seabird guano, rock phos are all great to add.

Fulvic acid is something to add when dosing as it aids in uptake.

The more you layer the more complex it gets. But you don't really need more than the first 5.

I change it up and use a lot of kelp early on...lots of Alfalfa in bloom.

With a complete tea you can fix almost any problem at any stage without missing a deat on your program. You can even do routine maintenance and prevent most problems and reduce your costs. I even go as far as to only run on tea.
Think the Dispensary here in town are $30 now for the Baby Clones that are less than two feet tall (think there is one other place now that sells them, most don't or just sell seeds), sometimes they have Monsters for a couple hundred :rofl: 5 feet tall and not in Flower yet wouldn't work for me unless I put it outside ;) . The Dairy Queen and Deep Purple from my first go round were Clones from the Dispensary, now with my breeding experiments and buying too many (they all sound good) I probably have more than I could grow in the rest of my lifetime, well maybe not quite that bad but definitely years w/o buying any.
Think the Dispensary here in town are $30 now for the Baby Clones that are less than two feet tall (think there is one other place now that sells them, most don't or just sell seeds), sometimes they have Monsters for a couple hundred :rofl: 5 feet tall and not in Flower yet wouldn't work for me unless I put it outside ;) . The Dairy Queen and Deep Purple from my first go round were Clones from the Dispensary, now with my breeding experiments and buying too many (they all sound good) I probably have more than I could grow in the rest of my lifetime, well maybe not quite that bad but definitely years w/o buying any.

Renegade roots!! Ive gotten some good cuts from the agrestic.
I dont have TV service. I am not normal.

Normal is overrated anyway ;), rather be myself as nobody else can be me ......I like watching Hockey and local College Football, my old lady uses it more for white noise but also entertainment as she stuck in her bed or chair, years later I still have trouble sleeping with TV on as it is on pretty much 24/7 for her.

People argue with me. I know it is a 2 way street but I am pointing out the obvious only.

Obvious can be ones perception, and well I guess only works if you know the answer already, besides the difference between "obvious" and "oblivious" is just adding one letter ;) . Simple solutions to complex problems sometimes turn into other different bigger problems out in the real world, albeit I don't have the solution but sometimes I just get real freaking tired of folks on either side shaking the fence I'm trying to sit on ;):rofl:

By the way after yesterday's chat on here I was talking to my pal about the 8 ounce law and it came to me...that is why they invented Autos!

I"m still "old school" I guess and not convinced on Auto's or Fem seeds, but a "to each their own" kind of thing or "if it works for you then that is great". Kind of like the "GMO is bad" wave, when there isn't or they don't have a clear definition of what that is/means. I mean if seedless fruit occurred in nature would there still be any or would it reproduce magically, and does a hybrid fall into being "modified" also?

In my mind it is a plant and does a much better job at adapting than humans do. Power goes out and my kid loses his mind and doesn't know what to do, but I can't talk I get bored after an hour and take a nap myself ;) . Science improves things but in my mind can cause other unexpected problem(s) while fixing a problem.

Just one of those IMHO things, but I'm in the KISS group especially when learning to grow, as chasing real/imaginary "issues" from one side of the spectrum to the other side of the spectrum will give you worse results than just putting a seed in soil and giving it water (either too often or not often enough) and letting it do it's own thing. But that just me and I can be a hypocrite sometimes, as I take "magic pills" (blood pressure, cholesterol, antacid, etc...) to offset my lousy eating habits and chemical imbalance I was born with ;) and yet I try to take the "natural" approach to other things. Like most folks in the world are just trying to keep up with the Jones'es, "oh look at them big buds" or "they got xx zips off a plant so why did I only get xx g's", sometimes it's environment but other times it's genetics. And it's similar to "that guy can run a mile in xx, so I'm going to go out and run a mile like that in my first few tries", best of freaking luck with that my friend ;) as maybe you can and maybe you never ever ever will run that fast no matter what you put in your body :rofl::rofl:.
Oh and you would go "bonkers" on one of the Facebook groups I am in, the folks here a lot more mellow and less opinionated than there. But we get some of them "expert because I read it on the internet" types here too, along with too much Science and not enough "real life experience", though real life experiences "the results may/will vary" anyway and not always worthy as advice ;) . Along with the folks posting a one word thread like "Help" and a pic w/o giving any freaking information and expecting a "good answer", I got enough going on in real life that I'm not going to play "20 questions" in order to try and help someone as you get what effort you put into it too (that and I'm still learning and will be the rest of my life, so what do I know anyway ;) ).
Yeah the internet is pure trash.

We had an FBI guy here talking to us about cyber security and sharing with us stuff about the dark web. The internet is horrific.

I am always learning. I am not stuck...I plan to try a new type of hydro next summer / fall...when I get to it.

I just like don't wanna fight....like I am not replying to "you" in thsi... I am replying to some newb...like yesterday this troll who has been poking at me shut down this newbs journal. This guy has to prove to the world he knows more than me...I take that as flattery...but fuck the fuck off.

I am helping this 60 sumtin old guy who doesn't know much and wants me to help him and he is cool...and this douche comes in and starts bombing the journal and I am out.

So this honest guy gets screwed.

Fucking millenials.

I am not here to argue...if you don't wanna hear about how nature works then don't grow plants.

I am an ass sure...but what I am preaching is lore that is how all plants work. All plants. I am teaching 101 basics to get people off to the right start.

Sure if somone wants to ask me tough stuff I will answer. I am holding somones hand right now through their first tea. They message me every hour now for a week. Super afraid to go live in their hydro... so I am teaching privately how to go live.

I don't mind helping at all. My wife is a school teacher...I have that same mentality of gratification watching newbs grow flourish better than I did at their level.

Facebook is poison. The like button must be removed from websites. It has been proven to have had a serriouly bad impact on the new generation.

Society is literally being poisoned by the like button and facebook...proven by doctors now.

I talk to my plants.
So by the way I am on the fence about the whole auto thing. I agree it is a breaking of the genetic line but they may work this out nicely...who knows.

I dont particularly like them for a bunch of reasons...but since they are more challenging I do like the idea of growing them on the side.

I will never be convinced they are for newbs as they are harder to grow.

Genetics is very complicated and much of the cannabis genetics out there is bunk. Some of the stuff people call a strain makes me laugh.

Autos...I really don't get it but I gotta try it a few more times.

I plan this year to try and veg autos in the tent in the spring and toss them out down by the river to bloom in the summer.

Possibly set up a self watering system sucking off the river with a water hammer pump. I have this field you can't see from anywhere but from my property down by the river...just a bit too high to see from the river and too low to see from my home.

But that is a deer run and they will devour my plants withou nets.

No joke...I have found native American arrowheads down there. And I seen a herd of elk on my neighbor's field. They come on my property regularly. I actually had a cougar den on the property when I bought it but he had to go. The bears have only come by once...when I was stupid. I reloaded the yellowjacket traps with salmon...not smart round here. They came right up to our area and snooped around a but...learned that lesson.

So I need to put up fencing around my plants.

The deer stripped all my fruit trees completely last year.

While I am tapping bout it...all summer long unhear this baby bald eagle crying out all morning till they get feed. Well my neighbor is over that a way with some heavy equipment making roads and he tells me these to adults are watching them all day moving from tree to tree...I am like dude...they gotta baby right over there...you are scaring them.

Wild stuff out here...man I am in heaven.
So my room temps and humidity are still a mess but things are moving along. There is snow outside and it hasn't been above freezing for over a week. The garage is cold and dry. I have been serriously considering putting up the 1000w just to heat the place but it seems such a waste. I have a new LED that was supposed to show yesterday. The snow plow stops before my property. It isn't deep and myself and other locals and forest service use the roads but Fed ex...said it left for delivery and it never came...

So I never put in the big light waiting for the new one... that could be any day or returned to sender...probably just at the post office.

The girls are comming along. 6 nodes in about so many inches. I FIMd em today. I am thinking in a week I will clone them and maybe get them blooming... I don't know. If I wait 2 weeks I can tripple my yield so I may let it go a bit. The rootballs are not ready to be repotted.

The pH is off. I am certain it is high. So I dumped in some sugar water at about 6.1ish. I have a cheapo pH meter that is 1 digit after the point. I don't like that myself but will upgrade later. I used silica for pH up so I used a smidge. I used Aphrodites Extraction for saugar and over did it.

I dumped in only about a gallon per plant and tried to soak it but not get runoff.

I am considering growing more aggressive like I used to.

I already want to finish this grow off to get onto known seed stock and a few autos.

These are from before watering.

Just remembered I have some store bought compost that is kind of old. No animal products in it.

I threw it in a bin and added alfalfa, crab meal, rock phos, azomite...I almost added bat guano but left it pooless.

I will put the bigger plant in the old vegetable compost and the smaller plant in the young compost I made when repotting and see what happens. Mine is very young and this stuff I bought...even I sat on it a while.
Picked up the new light today. While I was there I snaped a shot of the FIM job. The cold dry air from.a.fan is.dryimg them out fast.

Mars 300 vs. Vander 2000

We shall see ... I am used to HID...I am uncomfortable with the coverage. We shall see about the penetration. The Vander is cheap and not using great LEDs.

The real test will be that against the 400W HID as that is watt for watt.

I can't see this coming close ...no way...to my big light. It says in the manual it doesn't get a very big footprint...like 3x3 roughly for bloom. I have a 5x5 so yeah. But for veg they claim more like 4x4. I could use it for a SOG light for veg.

Well...its a fun new light...I don't see like plants. Maybe they like it better than I do.
I repotted early today because the fabric pots are killing my root ball temp. If I have a moist rootball it is near freezing even when I get the temps way up there. This is from the evaporation. So I put them in plastic pots and we shall see what happens. It was too early to transplant so they came apart a bit so there will be a shock delay.

One I planted with my compost but way too young. The other with over the counter stuff I think maybe from home depot.

Unfortunately I forgot to add the mycos to the second pot. Oh well this is a sexing only run really.

Hopefully next week I can find time to set up the tent propper. I still have a lot wrong in there.
Started a small batch of tea last night, about 1.5 gallons. Was doing some research on organic stuff and found a super easy brewer contraption I can't believe I didn't think of. I built stuff like it before just never dawned on me to use it this way. May stop at the store today for some parts. See if I can get it working before my next batch.

About 10 hours in

Changing the pots did the trick. They already are standing up more than that ever did. Problem is they did a lot of scavanging from there being nothing mobile.

Tea will be ready in the morning when I wake up as it is at 24hours now. That will pep these girls right up.

I think I saw one pre sexing. They haven't been happy. But things are way better now.

No the plastic pots did the trick. When I pulled em out the root balls were serriorly cold.

They never looked right at all until yesterday.
I dont expect them to look "right" for more than a week. I still have a few other issues I am being stubborn about. I dont care about these seed plants. I may be getting a clone dropped off in a few hours. I am testing my well. The pH a little high and inhave js calcium problems. But I had a host of problems from the nearly frozen pots.

The underbrush is very strong and healthy. I will be able to train propperly soon and they will take off. The stalks are awesome. The branches have stayed tucked in and are stretching up. I want to super crop but they need a bit more.

Who know in may throw these in the compost bin in a few hours when my. Buddy arrives LOL.
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