Random Pictures From And Ramblings Of A Fool


Well-Known Member
So I started a grow ... sort of. Very loose cannon. I still shouldn't set up my tent but I don't dont care as I have tons if seeds. I am growing some sort of unknown but they are "femd" seeds from a clone of a great plant.

I made up an 18 gallon container to begin with of compost stuff. Still missing a few things but I will add later. That is cooking.

I am not in a hurry so I put 2 sprouts into 3 gallon pots with a light mix of stuff. I will repot in a bit into hotter pots when it is available.

12 parts very light soil
6 parts perlite
4 parts steer manure
3 parts fox farm
1 parts my compost at 1 week
A little coco then I remembered how much I have in the compost and stopped.
Dash of dolomite lime.

My compost has a bunch more but is again subcools.

The plans is to do a few grows to dial in the tent in the new place and find a mother. Then set up an undercurrent grow once I have a good clone base I like. And keep recycling the grows as I go as I will also have an outdoor garden which needs it.

I still have inspectors coming by. It is legal what I am doing but I don't want the tent up till that is over. That could be weeks.

I have a secondary place to move stuff to if I have to. So heck with it. I will get these going and see what happens. Worst case in 5 weeks I am up and running full tilt so whatever. I got pleanty of seeds and want to make some tea.

Which I started a few hours ago. Still don't have everything for it but enough.

This isn't realy my grow journal. I will be posting pics and yammering. About my grow. But I will do a propper journal when I get round to my next grow. Or maybe a few autos on the way. But I need to get my stuff up and running first.

I only wrote this down because I made the soil by looking at the pile and adding stuff till it looked nice ... and this is a nice place to not forget it.

I am Italian and learned to cook from my grandma. I don't use measuring cups in the kitchen either. I cook great food an just whip it up because I know how much things I need for balance in there. Same with my soil. I made compost enough times that I grab stuff I have laying around and mix it till it looks good.

That was like most bins of soil I make...a bunch of leftovers plus some good stuff.

Enough for veg for a while and I will repot in a month anyway.

Same with my tea. I started a super small batch today. We shall see how she comes out. Should be more than enough to get me through to the next pot.
So I have tons still to do moving in and unpacking but the tent is going up anyhow. I got the fan running a few minutes ago cleaning out the air un here which is really badly needed. Still feels like a construction zone.

I got a really old 400w HID I got over 20 years ago I still like to use some times. I want to try it next to my LED which is a baby Mars Hydro MH 300, 140W.

I got 2 plants so we can put 1 under each and see what happens.

I started some tea and found some old Vegetable Glycerin laying about and tossed it in. Wow it is awesome. I really like the performance.

I am going to make a diluted bottle of tea and glycerin to use as a foliar to see what happens.

Should be up to full speed soon.

VI!!!!!!!!!!! it is SO GOOD to see you growing again! I missed you! :hug:

I've cut back my indoor grow a whole lot: just 4 plants now. No energy to run 3 or 4 units anymore.

I'm trying to create Harlequin Seeds, as I only had 3 seeds sprout. My last couple grows were also seed projects. So I have enough seeds now to share, and never have to buy anymore!
Ah yer still here! Seems so much has changed. I am glad you are still around.

Hope life has been well for you! I went through absolute hell. I think I survived but some of it ain't over. But I am back in a place where I can grow. So yup...I'm back. I think I am a cranky old man now. Need to get more medicated.

Missed you...I will check your grow out soon now that I have your link.
I have everything from my last grow. I have a top of the line 1000W DE HPS I will switch to when the plants ask me.

I just drowned them in super hot tea and way over did it. Fun...

I dumped a bunch on my compost. The tea was super active. I don't care I just wanted to brew some tea. It has been so long. I just wanted to get growing again. When I get this setup right I am popping some autos.

Right now themz 2 are some test starters. Some hermi seeds I made running a girl too hard. She was an F1 to begin with...I think.

I just wanted to get growing again.
I am Italian and learned to cook from my grandma. I don't use measuring cups in the kitchen either. I cook great food an just whip it up because I know how much things I need for balance in there. Same with my soil. I made compost enough times that I grab stuff I have laying around and mix it till it looks good.

My grandma cooked like that, mom tried measuring what she was doing and writing it down, but it still never was in the same league (or same galaxy for that matter) as the food grandma made :rofl: even with making her measure and mom writing it all down. Too many variables to use an "etched in stone" use of measurements of ingredients ;) and if I followed them to a T I would still be in a different galaxy for my results compared to yours :rofl: I'll try to follow along (for what that worth) as I will more than likely learn things even though it's not a "formal" journal ;)
I learn stuff here still once in a while. It is all about being open to new ideas.

I try as any techniques and methods as I can at least once. There is much to learn in failure ... often times more.

My last journal I did like a how to. Very detailed so that a non English speaker who doesn't know about farming could follow along.

I have that for reference. This grow I am actually going to do a few more short cuts so I dont need to be all fancy for a quick n dirty grow.

In a bit I will pop some real beans and document them proper on the side.

This area is for me to yell into the void. Store a few pics. Ramble a few stories. Then I can keep the real journal clean. I get messages from people who are like "I finally have enough posts to ask you a question." Well now they can just come here to ask.
I get messages from people who are like "I finally have enough posts to ask you a question." Well now they can just come here to ask.

Not sure you wanted to open that can of worms ;) or may regret it :rofl:

How many generations of Clones have you done before things went stupid? Not sure if it mutated or what the heck and some other issue. Had a Blue Widow I had going for a couple years (cloning the clones of the clones kind of thing), was on the 6th or 7th generation and the last ones went into Flower at 4 inches tall no matter the light cycle. Really liked that Strain and we only had one seed, but I did experiment breeding with of the Clones before it went stupid so I have a poly-hybrid of it, my tester plant of breeding experiment still curing but smells good and she threw lots of purple (I'm partial to colored stuff and probably all in my head that it is better than non colored stuff ;) ). You can see pics of the experiment in my bud and plant pics link in sig, towards the end of the 2nd page as last pics I posted in there.
I don't have to answer ;)

This guy did it just last week and I think he was really just trying to see if I wasn't FOS. Asked me about hydro a bit then stopped. Entertainment for me.

But typically by 3 years they die fo sho.. 2.5 is a good run. That a how long ruebgenetics go before they break down. It has.nothing to do with generations cloned it is strictly age.

Ussually what happens...like us...it stops processing something well. Becomes defficiant in something you can't fix. Curls up of, has holes, grows wierd. It fails random things.

Starting around 2.5 years on normal seed stock.

Clone away till it is difficult then give up fast. Don't cry enjoy the memories.
Figured it was something like that, but wasn't sure if was from clones of clones of clones, as have heard of folks keeping a Mother for years. I just don't have the space to keep a Mother, along with trying to stay within the "rules" as only allowed 4 plants here Rec, and the bozo's count anything as a plant, and with my luck I pop 4 seeds and 6 weeks later I have 2-3 Males and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels ;) though lately I been getting less than 50% males anyway. Also seemed like they were getting less bug resistant, or just a fluke and one of them bug epidemics lol
Cloning is the way to go. I have a cool way no one likes to believe I will show here in a few weeks.

What I do..ussually is fake it and maintain the line and keep cloning the clones. So I will clone both of these immediately and flower them and see if either of them is to my liking. If not start over or if I like...pop 2 autos... grow out my 2 clones...confirm mature clones are good because it does matter. When the autos are done take 2 more clones and bloom the parents. Round and round.

You can Grow some good SCROG thata ways. Nice and slow and easy. It is hard to grow small for sure...probably the hardest thing for me.

Poor genetics makes the percentage males drift one way or the other much...but you could be on a bad run growing slow... 3 males back to back is common.

Popping seeds every time trying to do only 4 I would use Fem seeds for sure.

If you are not cloning then you obviously don't care about the genetics really. Popping seeds constantly is saying I believe my seed supplier is better than possible. Seed are not 100% awesome...under the best of conditions some fail. So only popping seeds constantly is faith in your seed source. That is fine these days really but
...a good pheno is worth holding onto.

I clone everything just in case it is worth keeping. But unless it takes a beating and grows fast I ditch it.

Vigorous growth and hearty plants are what matter to me. I know how to sweeten the flowers.

If I find something I can abuse and it stands up strong I keep it going. Hence why I abuse my babies.

Once I have clones I like though I am Mr. Nice Guy.
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