I almost missed this post. I've been boring people with a lot of similar ideas to this for a while. The legislators ARE the problem, and you can't fix it when they make their own laws. Who EVER thought that was a good idea?!?!?!
Couple of things I would add: I believe that "parties" IE. Repulican or Democrat, should only be for election purposes. By law, these partisan relationships should be disavowed once elected. You are no longer a democrat, you are a U.S. Senator (for example). Part of their swearing in, should be disavowing party affiliation, and swearing to serve as a non-partisan citizen elect.
This goes hand in hand with: Allow them a single-term only, make it 6 years. 6 years is enough time to get something done, and this way they won't spend 3 years of it running for re-election. No more need for party affiliations if you can't get re-elected anyway. This 6 years should be contingent on pre-determined performance goals and null and void with partisan behavior. While I like his thought on being ineligible for election if there is a deficit of more than 3% GDP - keep in mind he sees the world through financial lenses only, and there are other core issues that this doesn't address. Single term - 6 years, no re-election ever. Simple.
I would add that "Super Pacs" and the current system of lobbying need to be abolished immediately, as well. Both are at the core of our downfall. Make no mistake, we are in a serious downward spiral as a direct result of an ineffective legislature, partisanship, super-pacs, and lobbyists. The amount of legislation being WRITTEN by special interests with deep pockets via lobbyists (think big pharma, big oil, insurance companies...) is DISGUSTING. I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote more of our current legislation than our legislators. How is this legal?!
These things are all related to the fact patients are denied safe access to their medicine. Too many deep pockets in big pharma for that to happen. If this drug is so dangerous, and bad, why is it okay for big pharma to sell it to us in the form of drugs like Marinol? We need to face facts, the system is broken, big time.
We need to take our country back, now. Can we get Warren Buffet to run for president?