OMM's Social Network Grow Part 2

i bet you are thinking of either Harlequin, or Cannatonic... Both are suspected to get their high cbd from the Nepalese genetics they have ( if i remember correc,tly)... Harlequin is a cutting in the states... Not gonna happen! ;)

Cannatonic is from seed... So thats do-able. I really want to grow a handful of Mazar i sharif... Ive heard wonders from other crohns patients for it.

In my own experience... Of the non landrace "today" strains.. Chemdawg always did it for me.. unfortunately, thats hardly ever local... Usually comes from cali, oregon, or washington..

Thanks for your reply. It's nice to get the names of some strains that do help. I will probably try and get one and grow it for him. I live in Washington so I should be able find something. Hope someone can come up with a sound safe cure for this debilitating disease. Here's to a bud of the future.
OMM, now that harvest is here, I am really curious as to what you got germinating ???????

Thinking of these.

A sweet Black Angel


2 Berry Bombs

Chinese Yeoman

2 Grapefruit Krush

Hawaiian Snow

Orient Express

Mazar x white Rhino

2 unknowns from a friend

2 Brazil Amazonian

Fruity Chronic Juice
Okay, I haven't been around for a real quick, so I don't have to go back through God only knows how many pages, what did I miss? :rofl:


Hey Vapedogg ! Good to see you buddy. Don't know what you saw before you left, but here goes. I got some incredible LEDs from Advanced LEDs and the are the best lights I've ever used.. ass kickers of the great fantastic! Got 8 plants in there. Outside I had 9 , so I've been busy.

Most are entering into the harvest going to be busy.
Sounds like a great menu. I am not familiar w/ the Hawaiian Snow. But I am still excited to watch them grow.

On a side note, I got 5 Northern Lights germinating right now. Can never go wrong w/ the classics.

Allso when are the rest going to finish ?? Once I got the next menu planed, all I want to do is clean up, reset and start
Sounds like a great menu. I am not familiar w/ the Hawaiian Snow. But I am still excited to watch them grow.

On a side note, I got 5 Northern Lights germinating right now. Can never go wrong w/ the classics.

Allso when are the rest going to finish ?? Once I got the next menu planed, all I want to do is clean up, reset and start

Hey Sinful. You got it, nothing like a classic to know what you're going to get as for as good smoke gos. Sounds good.

Hawaiian Snow is a mix of Hawaiian and Laos ion Sativas. Green House Seeds. Been told it's good. :thumb:

Some still have aways to go. Chopped one of the PEs today.
Yeah...i like those LEDs and thats a good list..a good list because i don't see critical mass on there...i have never saw so many fan leaves...i'm so fingers look like they been lifting weights..i'm on a *ucking clipping marathon...

Note to self...No Critical Mass! :rofl: Thanks, Brother! :thanks:
Great looking list for the next round. Fishcake, i quite literally laughed out loud at that joke! :thumb:

Vapedogg, you missed: pretty lights, pretty plants, some outdoors stuff again (yeah!), lots of us with screwed up health, great OMM stories, jokes, b.s. and a whole lotta back-slappin' fun. I think that sums it up?? ;)

Good to see you around again, Vapedogg. :thumb:
Drive bye Pop's. I just did some checking on pic's. I could never keep up with what you do on this pc. I have trouble just keeping up with mine. But I seen what ya posted yesterday,,,,,,,,, cool. That AK is going to have some weight to her. Man I glad to see some buds finish up in your yard. I good afew freebies I think wood grow perfect over there. These are all African Seed it's acclimated great for your climate. Some company called Holy Smoke Sedds. I've heard alot of this pne for along time. Malawi Gold. They claim this weed sets the standard for Africian herbs. Just take a brave soul to grow these out. Another one they fliped me is called Drakensberg and a Zambezi. They have the longer flowering times. But IF some had a good place and the 'balls' jk, it could make a great strain to use in any seed prodject over there. One day we need to catch up.
I didn't see the inside but I know its doing fine. Keepem Green
An LED Girl Update

Day 49 of Bloom

A Group Shot


The PE






NYCD had to tie her up after the photo


The AfganKush






Drive bye Pop's. I just did some checking on pic's. I could never keep up with what you do on this pc. I have trouble just keeping up with mine. But I seen what ya posted yesterday,,,,,,,,, cool. That AK is going to have some weight to her. Man I glad to see some buds finish up in your yard. I good afew freebies I think wood grow perfect over there. These are all African Seed it's acclimated great for your climate. Some company called Holy Smoke Sedds. I've heard alot of this pne for along time. Malawi Gold. They claim this weed sets the standard for Africian herbs. Just take a brave soul to grow these out. Another one they fliped me is called Drakensberg and a Zambezi. They have the longer flowering times. But IF some had a good place and the 'balls' jk, it could make a great strain to use in any seed prodject over there. One day we need to catch up.
I didn't see the inside but I know its doing fine. Keepem Green

That was a long drive by Sprout! :thumb:

I think your right about the Africans growing good over here. I've had the Zulu for a long time, so I thought I would see what it would do. Hope it pops! Ahhhh you have a good place for Africans too.....If you plant early.
The indoor girls are starting to finish now, so It's time to reload. That new light you have is awesome Brother.
Tell you what, between grows we'll catch up old friend.

Love to Miss J!:Love:
and the list is insiting such cannalust in my brain you should grow them all immediately!!!:adore:

BID I hope you do get these lights someday. You would love them and kick some bud butts too!

Canalust hit me too when I started picking them out! :circle-of-love:
Plants are looking outstanding! Those LED lights are really doing a great job. Love the comment on the Critical Mass!
good some part of the day OMM, your inside girls look more better every update.
got my seed order yesterday and after looking at your afgan kush I sure cant wait to grow that.
I like your new list, at that rate you are going to live a very very long time:) I hope:circle-of-love:
when you got yor 2046 seed did it come just in the little baggie? mine came in some funky lookin capsule like thing. I will post a pic with my update later on today.
you have a great what ever time of day!
Plants are looking outstanding! Those LED lights are really doing a great job. Love the comment on the Critical Mass!

He! He! don't need critical mass at all. Thanks man, chopped a PE tonight. If you haven't smoked any before, you're in for a treat!:thumb:
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