Wow, thanks for the prayers for my son, although is is my youngest of 2, he is almost 23, and has an umbilical hernia that he can't do anything about because he got it while working for an asshole (sorry!) boss up in Oregon first of the year, and the ass had the kid carrying half sides of beef off the truck because the other guys were too slow to help him, the guy made him carry them alone!!!!! I could just choke that asshole !!! He's so lucky he's over 1500 miles away or he'd have heard from me by now!!!! I don't care that he's over 21, he's still not strong enough to carry sides of beef alone for God's sake, I mean, WHO IS??? AAAARRRGGGHHH!! That whole mess has me soooo mad!!! He's back here suffering, because his wife couldn't work up there and they said it was SOOO expensive up there....So the kids came home. Only spent about 9 months up there, and they LOVEd the area! I saw their pics they sent me, and they were in a gorgeous place! I guess Eugene is right between the mountians and the ocean, so they got to go out every weekend and see the beautiful areas up there.....I am still jealous! Now his wife is working, and he can't get state health ins. cuz they stopped taking new patients, and the ins. she has won't take him cuz he got hurt up in Oregon before he came back here and she got the job, so it's a "pre-existing condition..." a real conundrum...I am heart-broken...I wish I could help my son, but all he can do is rest. Oh, and to top it off, they have to move, cuz the landlord's selling the house they've been living in. Anyways, enough of me, I hope your pregnant wife is feeling better as well. I remember that craziness, and I can tell ya bro, you better do ANYTHING she wants, AT ALL TIMES, cuz there ain't nothing harder to go thru than pregnancy and childbirth! Period! I wish you both all the best! And I pray for your family as well....