Congrats! I Have Twins! Two Plants From One Seed, Part One

Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

WOW!!! Sweet, there is some widow lineage in this strain... So, does that mean that "widows" have a "twin" gene in them? commonly? gotta research this......
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

0o and i forgot,, awesome journal! i love freak sprouts, a.t.m. i got a 3 day old n the first 2 jagged leaves got what look like ,,,,, um.... spider fangs......
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

UPDATE: Female twin has had two lower limbs pollinated by male twin. Will be using top cola to create female pollen and seeds to continue project. May have to rebreed a seperate line to breed out the ruderalis as much as possible. Pics once I get another computer.....stay tuned.
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

UPDATE: Female twin has had two lower limbs pollinated by male twin. Will be using top cola to create female pollen and seeds to continue project. May have to rebreed a seperate line to breed out the ruderalis as much as possible. Pics once I get another computer.....stay tuned.

OK GT......may I ask why get rid of the ruderalis? Just nosy! :circle-of-love:
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

OK GT......may I ask why get rid of the ruderalis? Just nosy! :circle-of-love:

OMM, Ruderalis is what they cross different strains with to get an autoflower. It's what gives the auto trait, but it has VERY low THC content. Both the auto trait and the low THC are undesirable for breeding! :)

EDIT: You've heard me express that I have had no interest in growing autos (until I saw what XLR8 did with his!). It's because I can't take clones from them and I know they're bread to have lower THC!
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

OMM, Ruderalis is what they cross different strains with to get an autoflower. It's what gives the auto trait, but it has VERY low THC content. Both the auto trait and the low THC are undesirable for breeding! :)

EDIT: You've heard me express that I have had no interest in growing autos (until I saw what XLR8 did with his!). It's because I can't take clones from them and I know they're bread to have lower THC!

OK GT......may I ask why get rid of the ruderalis? Just nosy! :circle-of-love:

Precisely as Mr. Krip says, I want to be able to take clones to be able to work with not only a larger scale, but a more stable one as well... Have to eliminate the ruderalis while atleast preserving the twin gene, if not making it occur more often if not exclusively, by way of the method lined out by McCrackin earlier in this journal, this to me is one of the most enjoyable parts of this hobby.
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

Ok GT ! :thanks:

I was just I was reading up on autos...the ruderalis was what made them not need as much water than a regular plant. That part really caught my eye. Live and learn. :Namaste::thanks:
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

That's true, they are native to very harsh environments and are resistant to many things.... Imust disagree on Mr Krip's statement that they are low on THC, with several over %20, and 4 out of 5 of my favorite are local auto's.....
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

That's true, they are native to very harsh environments and are resistant to many things.... Imust disagree on Mr Krip's statement that they are low on THC, with several over %20, and 4 out of 5 of my favorite are local auto's.....

Hi GT ;)

Well, I agree they have more THC than they used to. When I was reading about autos The Pakistan Ryder has a good, powerful narcotic kind of high.
Right up my alley. :Love:

By the way..doin the dew. :circle-of-love:
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

aahhhh....gotta love narcoticpot... dew the heck out of it my friend, and enjoy this beautiful day!:peacetwo:
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

So I to have had a 2 headed monster :) its a bit different 2 sets of broad leaves from the jump. The strain is blue hash. i was researching on the net and this is one of the very few I came across! Did you get this from attitude? Because that is also where this stock came from.


Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

I have seen this before, if I remember correctly , the plant grew as a triploid........ having three sets going all the way up , woooo gotta sleep, been researching some stuff
Re: Congrats! I Have Twins! Two plants from one seed

Thank you kindly my friend, nug is from last harvest, strain is my SugarCane, Autographed ball come from a lady who's house i remodeled for nearly nothing because she was so impoverished, and the twins, well me and my wife prayed for twins(we recently found out we are expecting another child again, number 2!!) and look's like God can be pretty humorous at times, Thank you Lord, you ol' jokester, you...:adore:

+rep to you my friend for always gracing me with your Love:Namaste::adore:

and +rep to you lil stinker for the kind words..:peacetwo:

Aw man, I just had to stop reading a little to say thanks man, you're spiritual energy is very strong, I dig it.. :Love: speaking from the heart. Congrats on the baby! :goodluck:
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