OMM's Social Network Grow Part 2

Here is something interesting I ran across

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers
one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:

"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds) took only 3 months & 8 days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971 - before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc.

Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land - all because of public pressure.

Congressional Reform Act of 2012
1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office.

2. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.

3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 12/1/12. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve theirterm(s), then go home and back to work.

Now all we need to to is get this passed!
Outdoor Girls Update

Day 49 of Bloom

The Wild Thai and the Columbian Gold


Some of the Wild Thai Colas to be.


Columbian Gold Colas to be.


The side of the house girls


The Chemdogs


A Chemdog Bud


A Medi-Bomb1


The Ak48


An AK48 Bud


Sorry for the not too good pictures...I waited too late to take them. :smokin2:

fini for x
As you can see, I moved the Columbian Gold to a new home. Since then I had to tie up the Wild Thai. Her colas were starting to bend over and I was afaid they might break. Same with the Columbian gold.

The Medi-Bomb1s are tied up too. They are starting to fall over because of their weight. Wish they would hurry up and finish. I waited way to late to take pictures and the shadows were bad. Busy day.
Small detail. AK48 still growing....cut the AK47 down! :high-five:

hehe I knew that just trying to get you prepaired. that way you can keep an eye out for the girl scouts should they happen by:)
I have a good friend that has Crohn's and there are times he is in so much pain. He's also a skinny guy and forces himself to eat most of the time. He smokes when it is bad and he gets some good relief. If you could find a strain that is really high in CBD's that would help I'm pretty sure. I Have read of a strain and for the life of me can't remember the name but it was very high in CBD's something like 13 or 16%. I think it was from India. Just my rambling and if i remember I will let you know.

i bet you are thinking of either Harlequin, or Cannatonic... Both are suspected to get their high cbd from the Nepalese genetics they have ( if i remember correc,tly)... Harlequin is a cutting in the states... Not gonna happen! ;)

Cannatonic is from seed... So thats do-able. I really want to grow a handful of Mazar i sharif... Ive heard wonders from other crohns patients for it.

In my own experience... Of the non landrace "today" strains.. Chemdawg always did it for me.. unfortunately, thats hardly ever local... Usually comes from cali, oregon, or washington..
Your up early .. How do you tell moisture content? 67%?

Hey John. No, I'm up late. Wanted get everything posted. :high-five:

The first and best way is to order some little gadgets that are sold on the big auction site. They cost about 2-3 dollars a piece. Or less, it's been a while. I remember buying 10 of them at once. They read the temp and Humidity inside your jars.

Actually if you have a tobacco store around where you live, you may find them there.. Folks put them in humidors too.

Once you have those, you need one more item. These are pretty incredible. They are called Humidipaks.

Put one in your jar and they will keep your buds at between 63 and 67% for ever. Those you can buy for one dollar each. Just search for Humidipak.

I couldn't put the link in for some reason.

Hope that will have perfect buds.

Well, if they were good in the first place.
fish we should be in the woods. up before daylight and staying a home to get my morning look at the girls......we B bad

your right about that, guess we are tryin to lul them into a false sense of security:)
there were two hunters that were real busy getting ready for harvest of their mj plants.
it took so long that on the very last day of the hunting season they finaly had time to get out. but when they did the places they used to go were turned into a game refuge and posted NO HUNTING!
they drove from place to place, every where they went NO HUNTING game refuge!
so they searched out some farm land and again NO TRESSPASSING NO HUNTING!
the day began to wane and they became desperate.
finaly they came upon a farm that wasnt posted. the one hunter had fell asleep while the other drove looking for a place to hunt.
so the other guy got out of the truck and knocked on the farmers door and asked if they could hunt his land.
the farmer said it would be ok on one condition he told him "I have an old mule in the pasture thats gone mean. I need to put him down but I just cant do it. if you put him down then you guys may hunt my land."
the hunter told the farmer that he would take care of the mule and thanked him for the permission.
on his way back to the truck he got an idea to mess with his buddy. he got in the truck and began to rant and rave about how there was no place to hunt and no one would let them
"I'am tired of this crap" he said "nowhere to hunt, I cant take it anymore!"
just then he drove by the old mule and began to rant and rave even more! then he stoped the truck and said" I'll show them"
he got out got his gun and POW shot the mule dead! all of a sudden he heard 2 more shots fired POW POW his buddy standing there with his gun. his buddy yelled"yeah and I got 2 of his cows too!"
Hey Fish! That was hillarious!! And there was no talk about any farmer daugher or wife either!! Just dead Cows!! Great way to start the morning!!

I am definately in line for the Congressional Reform Act of 2012! Warren Buffet has a great idea!! Definately will voice my opinion and support for that bill.

Those humidipaks really do a great job. I will use them from now on. They take all the guesswork out of curing. Anything that makes life easier is good for me.
glad to get your day goin on the good footLOL
and we need to stand up and back just what Warren said 2 fold! I'am sick of gov. doing what they think is right rather then doing what we think is! arrr...
No havent heard from the doctors office. Called them yesterday to check and They are putting together a letter as to the actual costs of all this. They said I should get it late this week or the next. They are going to try doing a medically necessay statement and hope that medicare may cover it all, especially since I have had prior surgeries, she said that will help. She asked that all donations be put on hold until we hear back from Medicare. They dont want to be responsible for holding any monies. Just a lump sump payment so they can get the scheduling set up. So, for now Im in waiting.

I will have the son check on hanging the monitor. I'm going to try and order some air pots and get a few seeds started in the closet later this week.

Great story fish . Found farmers are real happy for someone to help them kill thoes pests. Corn farmers anyway.
glad to get your day goin on the good footLOL
and we need to stand up and back just what Warren said 2 fold! I'am sick of gov. doing what they think is right rather then doing what we think is! arrr...
your right about that, guess we are tryin to lul them into a false sense of security:)
there were two hunters that were real busy getting ready for harvest of their mj plants.
it took so long that on the very last day of the hunting season they finaly had time to get out. but when they did the places they used to go were turned into a game refuge and posted NO HUNTING!
they drove from place to place, every where they went NO HUNTING game refuge!
so they searched out some farm land and again NO TRESSPASSING NO HUNTING!
the day began to wane and they became desperate.
finaly they came upon a farm that wasnt posted. the one hunter had fell asleep while the other drove looking for a place to hunt.
so the other guy got out of the truck and knocked on the farmers door and asked if they could hunt his land.
the farmer said it would be ok on one condition he told him "I have an old mule in the pasture thats gone mean. I need to put him down but I just cant do it. if you put him down then you guys may hunt my land."
the hunter told the farmer that he would take care of the mule and thanked him for the permission.
on his way back to the truck he got an idea to mess with his buddy. he got in the truck and began to rant and rave about how there was no place to hunt and no one would let them
"I'am tired of this crap" he said "nowhere to hunt, I cant take it anymore!"
just then he drove by the old mule and began to rant and rave even more! then he stoped the truck and said" I'll show them"
he got out got his gun and POW shot the mule dead! all of a sudden he heard 2 more shots fired POW POW his buddy standing there with his gun. his buddy yelled"yeah and I got 2 of his cows too!"

Loved it, Laughed my a$$ off, spit out my coffee laughing so hard
Okay, I haven't been around for a real quick, so I don't have to go back through God only knows how many pages, what did I miss? :rofl:

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