Hey OMM,
Congrats on the harvest...looks
And the rest of the girls are so beautiful. I love the colors, man they look cool. The PE is still my fav, but the afgan is a close second. It's so hard to choose. Good to hear the outside girls are still there...keep that pop gun handy. Shoot their eye out!
I'm thrilled to know you're still not smoking...how many days now? Should be getting over the hump pretty soon, right? Positive vibes my friend...I'm rootin for your success.
Sucks about the a/c...did it just die? or did you get it working again? It's cold here now....31 this morning at 6am, only gonna hit 50 today.
Hope this finds you and Jo well...
Looking forward to the next story installment...and pics of the outside girls. How's that medibomb doing?