Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

As they should! I harvest for my Lady. I'd get them when they are just milky and get your heart racing. She likes it when they are more amber and chill so Mama gets what Mama wants, at least in my house.
It’s so cool that many folk here are growing for their partners :love:
I’m more of an early harvest girl as well, Ripe. I’ve recently learnt tho that this decision should be different for sativa or indica. Apparently, if it’s the cerebral high one prefers, it’s ok to let a sativa amber up a little as this will only temper the trippiness. But if it’s indica then pulling it early would be desired. You could always stagger your harvest and take some early for yourself. ;)
It’s so cool that many folk here are growing for their partners :love:
I’m more of an early harvest girl as well, Ripe. I’ve recently learnt tho that this decision should be different for sativa or indica. Apparently, if it’s the cerebral high one prefers, it’s ok to let a sativa amber up a little as this will only temper the trippiness. But if it’s indica then pulling it early would be desired. You could always stagger your harvest and take some early for yourself. ;)
Boom! Problem solved! :slide:
Which is what I have resolved to do in the future. I harvested my auto Cheese a month ago and smoking those nugs from underneath could give a lesser stoner a panic attack. We let the top get nice and amber so we both actually won that one.
As they should! I harvest for my Lady. I'd get them when they are just milky and get your heart racing. She likes it when they are more amber and chill so Mama gets what Mama wants, at least in my house.
You could do a split harvest in the future. Take a quarter to a half early when you like em.....and then however much mama needs can go til its just how she likes it. Bam....problem solved and both get the highs you like!

Sorry I know, not solicited advice but an easy situation to remedy.
Another question for all you fine folks! I'm trying to take the lazy approach to mixing and turning this soil I put not mixing it at all lol. Me and the Ms turned it again today and boy is that a lot of work! I know I let coots mix cook in a smart pot and never turned it and its working fine. Was wondering if I should just use the same approach!? Thanks for the advice!

I have also landed on the Cindy XX (the lady did anyways). We've had stupid amounts of blue dream in the past-although it wasn't homegrown. Still decided we would try something new! So ill drop that bean tonight :yahoo:
she made an excellent choice man! Check out @FeralA9X journal and you can find some stellar pics of c99 both outdoors and in.... Quick story, buddy was growing in college, i drove 2hours to visit him for weekend, friend set me up on a blind date type deal, suppose to meet her at the bar... Buddy pulled out his c99 probably 8inches tall, but 24"wide, all nugs.... He broke off a little tester and we quick dried and had a couple rips off of the one bowl we packed.... We were wrecked, cancelled on the chick, ordered pizza, demolished it all and crashed for the night... Lol
Dark Devil Auto Update - Day 54

Tthings are looking pretty good! Still not too concerned about the downwards curl. I think BB helped me nail the problem down, which was spraying neem ipm to late into flower. Thought I could squeak one more in but apparently I was wrong. Either way it wasn't detrimental - every thing is a nice solid green :yummy:

I’d try backing off on the nitrogen, it could slow down your flowers.
I dont "feed" any nitrogen though? I just foliar feed for the most part. And leaf curl is from spraying neem just over a week ago, I also burnt the pistils slightly! I've decided autos are just very finicky.
How long do you have left? Is this a 60 day Auto?
Its actually a 75 day auto I believe. People in the past have said ~80 days is the norm. So I'm guessing I have around 25 days left!
The dark green leaves and claw are classic nitrogen toxicity
I kinda thought so myself, think I said that a page or so back! Just wasn't sure how I could combat it at this point in time, since most everything was mixed into initial soil. Hopefully with water only I can see some improvements!
LA Confidential - Day 49

Went ahead and topped two of the mains today, and trained them the best I could to hopefully get them to grow symmetrical! Not sure ill do the other two, will check for a good spot in a couple days and decide then. Here are some shots before training, she's filling in nicely!

And here she is after topping the 2 lower mains and getting tied back in attempt to spread her out!

Also got the soil into the 30 gal smart pot to cook (will likely turn once more in a week or two,then line bottom of smart pot with lava rocks and refill). I also watered in some microbes - 2 different mycorrhizae products from Rootwise - along with some yucca and aloe vera extract! That should do the trick :battingeyelashes:

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