Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

If all you wonderful people were trying to grow a 1 lb plant would you top the four remaining "main" tops, or maybe just two out of the four? Or keep training and do no more topping? My gut tells me to top 2 if not all 4 once more!

I'm in catch-up topped with Buffalato.... topping won't grow a bigger plant (+yield). IF you VEG long time you get bigger plants but lighting is important and most of all genetics. If you wanna grow a 1# plant of Dark Devil... hey never gonna happen (challenge). You need some genetics that has the potential to grow large.

Laquer.... that DD .. going to get you some mighty fine smoke there my friend. It's always been my go-to anytime of day or night. Small yield.. grow LOTS more plants.
I'm in catch-up topped with Buffalato.... topping won't grow a bigger plant (+yield). IF you VEG long time you get bigger plants but lighting is important and most of all genetics. If you wanna grow a 1# plant of Dark Devil... hey never gonna happen (challenge). You need some genetics that has the potential to grow large.

Laquer.... that DD .. going to get you some mighty fine smoke there my friend. It's always been my go-to anytime of day or night. Small yield.. grow LOTS more plants.
I sure wish I could grow more! Not too comfortable with it all quite yet..I know if I get caught with 4 or less plants ill be golden - not to worried about that. But, if I have 5 or more the penalty becomes more severe. And my record isn't exactly clean the way it is. So for now unfortunately, I will just try and max out what I can. Kinda a goofy way of thinking but I want to give it a year or so. Then we'll likely get a little crazy :yahoo::slide:
I’m going to try limiting the number of colas to see if I can get bigger colas.
Man, its crazy what a little defoliation can do. I took about 20 little fan leaves off and all of a sudden I can see again! Will take some more off this evening probably. And I may also try to limit number of colas to a degree. Guess it depends what it looks like after its all cleaned up. I also took two of the lower shoots off on either side that were competing for space already
I’ve always left the little side shoots but they really don’t return much bang for the buck. Would rather see the energy going into a few mains. We’ll see how it works out yield wise.
LA Confidential - Day 55

Okay time to start trying to get everyone caught up (including myself)! Been super busy lately. The LA is responding really well to everything I've given her, every time I've given it to her! Gave a neem/kelp tea two evenings ago and she's since shot out quite a bit. Also top dressed a small amount of kelp (1-2 tbsp) and ewc (1/4 cup) about two days prior to that. Will give a citrus tonic foliar tonight for a mid week IPM. And as I mentioned - will also be giving her another little haircut tonight and probably adjusting her "tie downs" to get things less cluttered hopefully! The growth has been pretty insane the last few days I feel like. This was two days ago.

And these are from this morning. I've also rotated the plant 90° so don't let that fool you :)

On another note the Cinderella seed has cracked and is now in a peat puck! After its a week or so old, I will likely start cutting the tents light hours down little by little. In a month it should be ready to move outside and the DDA will be finished and the LA Con will be ready to flower! I think the timing will come out perfect, somehow. :battingeyelashes:
Gave the LA the weekly neem spray tonight! Sucks my lights go out at 1 am, makes for a long night! Mixed a half teaspoon neem (with yucca to emulsify) in a 20 oz spray bottle and had at it. Will do some updating after I catch some zzz's.
Why do we do this Laquerhead and I, every night vegetables, Minds numbed by THC!
I’ve got my pen, Laquerhead the remote,
Laurel and Hardy is the best bet at 1 A.M. on a Saturday.
No dreads about the work day though,
Funny thing about the weekends when you are unemployed, they don’t quite mean so much,
Except you get to hang out with your working friends.
Well, we got us a spaghetti western on 36.
I like spaghetti westerns, I like the way the boots are all reverbed out walking across the hardwood floor
If fact everything’s got that big reverb sound!
Well what’ll I do now? Change the channel? Pull the pud? We need new pornos!
Well, I guess we’re still growing!

Good morning LaquerHead, and everyone else. If that confuses you it should, LaquerHead and I got our own thing goin’ on here!
Been contemplating doing a perpetual kind of thing after I purchase another tent. Are mars hydro tents any good? If I go with a smaller 2x2 tent to veg in it still won't quite fill up my flower tent when I move said plant into flower, I would have to veg for only a month for that to work out (by cycling 2 plants constantly), which isn't a long enough veg I doubt. So in order to not waste flowering space Ive considered doing 12/12 from seed in the one half of my 3x5 (thanks to @Hash Hound and his amazing results) . And use the other half "perpetually". Hoping that made sense! Now if only I knew the feeding requirements for 12/12 from seed!? Would a LOS soil still get the job done? Would I need to maybe skimp on a few ingredients since there isn't technically a veg? Any info on 12/12 from seed is welcome! Ill also be doing my part by researching but if I didn't have to that'd be even better :battingeyelashes:
Dark Devil Auto - Day 63!

Just trying to make it to harvest with this one! Getting some crazy colors on it, even the stem is turning purple! Probably pull it in about 17 days - upon inspection of course. Ordered another loupe today, seem to have lost my last one :rolleyes:. Also decided to go ahead and get the mars hydro tent (27"x27"x63"), it will be used to dry the DDA. Then it will become a veg tent! Hopefully I can keep something in rotation at all times..we'll see. Now on to the pics

Went to town yesterday and seen another cool toy, and bought it...definitely be my lost bong purchase for awhile lol. Need money for lights! Anyway here's Scarlett

LA Confidential - Day 58

She seems to be thriving still! Kinda seems like she is getting a little pale in parts..not sure what that means but ill keep an eye on it. Its mostly just water I give along with my foliars, did top dress a few tablespoons of gro kashi a couple days ago though.

I'm really digging her shape too! Its kind of a centralized column of branches/tops with a lower ring of branches/tops surrounding it. Thinking it will do pretty well with that light all to itself! Hopefully the lowers will do some catching up.

Cinderella XX - Seedling Day 2

We have lift off! Actually had it yesterday so today is her second day above ground. Had a little tap root coming out of the peat puck so decided to put it into a clear solo cup (thanks Van) with my new seedling mix! Now I can tell just how the roots are doing and also know when to water!:thumb:

Dark Devil Auto - Day 63!

Just trying to make it to harvest with this one! Getting some crazy colors on it, even the stem is turning purple! Probably pull it in about 17 days - upon inspection of course. Ordered another loupe today, seem to have lost my last one :rolleyes:. Also decided to go ahead and get the mars hydro tent (27"x27"x63"), it will be used to dry the DDA. Then it will become a veg tent! Hopefully I can keep something in rotation at all times..we'll see. Now on to the pics

Went to town yesterday and seen another cool toy, and bought it...definitely be my lost bong purchase for awhile lol. Need money for lights! Anyway here's Scarlett

Loving the DDA's......

Everything else looks good......
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