Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

I’d try backing off on the nitrogen, it could slow down your flowers.
I dont "feed" any nitrogen though? I just foliar feed for the most part. And leaf curl is from spraying neem just over a week ago, I also burnt the pistils slightly! I've decided autos are just very finicky.
The dark green leaves and claw are classic nitrogen toxicity

So Neem actually has a good amount of nitrogen too. FWIW. Also - the advice I’ve been given about autos is that they prefer less nutes, so to ‘feed’ at 1-2/3 of ‘normal’ amounts. Haven’t grown enough to verify but that’s advice from those who know ... I’m thinking about how to execute that in a soil grow like you’re doing here - I will attempt to have less of everything in the mix - a ‘lite’ LOS so to speak, for Autos!

All is looking really good LH

Many a fat reefer nugs have met their demise while staring point blank down the blades at this awesome harvesting machine...Truly a wonder of nature this urban grower! Laquerhead had many a story to tell, but it was a rare occasion, such as this, that he did! Doooooooo dodododo dodododo dodododo!
Got my "new and improved" seedling mix all mixed up. Definitely a little out of the norm with the amounts but I just scooped and called it good as I went! This I kind of how it went

18-19 cups Canadian sphagnum peat moss
1 1/4 cup fungal compost from KIS
1 cup Malibu compost
5 1/2 cups perlite w/ 1 cup expanded shale
1/8 cup kelp meal
1/8 cup neem & insect frass (1/2 & 1/2)
1/4 cup garden lime & OSF (1/2 & 1/2)

Obviously I have LOTS of variation (can't for the life of me think of the right term- too stoned). I doubt its necessary but I had it all so why not. It will still without a doubt be a lighter mix than what I started with! So that's all I'm really going for, just wanna keepm' green!
Good morning friends! :hug: Does anyone know the do's and dont's of starting a plant indoors and transitioning outdoors? Mainly concerning the light cycle - id like to veg until about a month from today indoors, then move it outdoors when the sunrise and sunset are about 14 - 14 1/2 hrs apart. <<<Does this matter??
Err on the dry side. That is how roots are built. Letting the plants droop is not a bad thing as long as it is not too often. Look for signs in the climate too. The humidity in my tent drops the day before they need water and 2 days before they droop. If They are building roots, I’ll let them droop. The roots have to search at that point. More roots=better/more meds. Lastly feel the weight of your pots. I have a hard time lifting my 7 gallon pots after watering. They are light as can be when they need water.
Err on the dry side. That is how roots are built. Letting the plants droop is not a bad thing as long as it is not too often. Look for signs in the climate too. The humidity in my tent drops the day before they need water and 2 days before they droop. If They are building roots, I’ll let them droop. The roots have to search at that point. More roots=better/more meds. Lastly feel the weight of your pots. I have a hard time lifting my 7 gallon pots after watering. They are light as can be when they need water.
Yep - that’s the ticket! :thumb: The wet-dry cycle is key.

Until they’re in flower of course ;)
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