Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Hmm.....well if I was trying to get a pound out of a plant, I would grow a photo that I could veg for at least 3 months. I would spread it out really wide and try to take up most of the tent with that one plant.

There was a fella on here named Mono that used to try to hit a Kilo with every grow (one plant) and he would fill the whole 4x4 tent with one plant. He hasn't hit the kilo mark with one plant yet, but he has been very very close!

I think to hit those massive weights, you really need massive plants and you only get those massive plants by vegging for a few months. Just my opinion.

I used to look at yields in term of weight per plant but I kind of changed and started looking at from an area yield and not plant yield....but keeping in mind I have a plant limit. My goal now 25 ounces per 4x4 tent, generally using 5 plants......or 5 ounces a plant. That equates out to just over a gram per watt which isn't a lot for this assuming I start hitting that, I will increase the goal.
Yeah - what Van said. Also - bigger pots make for bigger plants. Duggan and Stage grow pretty big plants in DB’s kit (which is a living soil, and fully organic) and they swear by the large pots. 15+ gal. Duggan uses a couple of 26gal for his larger plants.

You’re going to want to keep that soil energy up :thumb:
If I were trying to get 16 oz off one plant, I would top in a way to get the number of main colas to 8. That is 2 oz per cola (dry). This isn't about the number of colas as much as it is about the weight of the colas, and how well the branch can feed that flower to grow. Big branches make feeding those flowers easier for the plant.

Talking about dry weight is not easy when we will only know the wet weight of the plant. If you get that much weight on a branch it will undoubtedly need to be supported.

This is my opinion only..... take it with a grain of salt.

Thanks Bonsai! I think ill top the 4 of em'! :thanks:
Hmm.....well if I was trying to get a pound out of a plant, I would grow a photo that I could veg for at least 3 months. I would spread it out really wide and try to take up most of the tent with that one plant.

There was a fella on here named Mono that used to try to hit a Kilo with every grow (one plant) and he would fill the whole 4x4 tent with one plant. He hasn't hit the kilo mark with one plant yet, but he has been very very close!

I think to hit those massive weights, you really need massive plants and you only get those massive plants by vegging for a few months. Just my opinion.

I used to look at yields in term of weight per plant but I kind of changed and started looking at from an area yield and not plant yield....but keeping in mind I have a plant limit. My goal now 25 ounces per 4x4 tent, generally using 5 plants......or 5 ounces a plant. That equates out to just over a gram per watt which isn't a lot for this assuming I start hitting that, I will increase the goal.

Thanks Van, it is definitely going to be a monster plant. That's my goal anyway. 1 lb out of a 3x3! I apparently set pretty high standards lol. I really just don't want to have to grow 4 out in that space. Punishment becomes slightly more severe at the 5 plant mark
Yeah - what Van said. Also - bigger pots make for bigger plants. Duggan and Stage grow pretty big plants in DB’s kit (which is a living soil, and fully organic) and they swear by the large pots. 15+ gal. Duggan uses a couple of 26gal for his larger plants.

You’re going to want to keep that soil energy up :thumb:

Why thank you Amy! My 10 is for autos and smaller plants so I should be good with my 20 it sounds like. I'm hoping I have enough goodies at my disposal to keep that soil energy up! These LAB's and what not :battingeyelashes:
Gave the plants a bunch of goodies last night and this morning! Last nights "feeding" consisted of 1 gal water with about 1/2 tsp big 6 (similar to TM-7), 1/4 tsp aloe vera extract, and 1 tsp of coconut water powder (have it so why not). Top dressed both pots with approx. 1/4 cup EWC's and watered in with the 1 gal.

This morning I just gave a kelp foliar to the both of them. Only made a half gallon! It was made with just over 1 tsp of kelp, 1/2 tsp ful power (let sit for 24 hrs with kelp), and 1/2 tsp silica. Sprayed at lights on.

Got my goodies from KIS Organics also! Some nice fungal compost, insect frass, and the nutrient kit I will be using for my outdoor plant!! Very excited to get that mixed up in the next few days. Still need to find my fence post driver so I can get this "pod" built! Its purpose will be keeping the bugs and critters away, cutting down on some of the crazy winds we get hit with, while hopefully adding some security to the whole thing! Will post pictures when that time comes.
subbed up and in for the ride! Things look good love the cover crop! Ill double check tonight, but i think i veged my girls for about 4.5months... Mind you i am only running a t5 light at the moment... And i wasnt very kind tp them either, i let them get a little droopy a few times... Didnt do much training, topped one once, let the other go how she wanted... I cheated though, used a pre mixed living soil... Ill be bugging mr brown on how i should reammend after i chop them down. Lots of great info in the first few pages!! Have a great day!
@Pjs420 Welcome aboard PJ! Good to have you here. Sure appreciate the kind words!
I would recommend a mix of neem/kelp/crab. Lotss and lots of mulch. Some good homemade vermi-compost or EWC's. Anything else would be extra. Other extras could include some insect frass, comfrey if its available to you, perhaps a dash of alfalfa meal, malted barley powder if your not already using it. There's ton of options!! Thanks for stopping by, hopefully things will continue to get more exciting in here!
Can anyone tell me what might be going on with my Dark Devil? Im not really trying to "fix" anything, but would like to know what might be causing the clawed leaves in case it is something I need to be worried about. It happened long before I gave them the recent goodies and foliar so its not related to that. I first thought another watering issue but I checked today and it was pretty dry. So over watering isn't the case. It causes my pretty bud shots to not be so pretty! Any ideas or thoughts would be awesome! Thanks everyone :Namaste:
i went back and looked, do you mean the downwards curl of the fan leafs? Im no expert and wont be much help, ive got one girl thats been doing the same and her sister seed has been perfectly fine... Everything has been the same for them too... So could just be genetic trait of that pheno maybe... Im sure someone mlre knowledgable will be along soon to set us straight. Cheers.
i went back and looked, do you mean the downwards curl of the fan leafs? Im no expert and wont be much help, ive got one girl thats been doing the same and her sister seed has been perfectly fine... Everything has been the same for them too... So could just be genetic trait of that pheno maybe... Im sure someone mlre knowledgable will be along soon to set us straight. Cheers.
The downwards curl of fan leaves yes, namely the ones right up against the buds!
Got my outdoor soil a cookin' finally! Made about 4 cu ft, maybe just a hair over. Kiddy pool was not near big enough! Back porch is in ruins for the time being. For this outdoor mix I used the following:

15 gallons of sphagnum peat
9 gallons of expanded shale (1 gallon perlite)
~2 gallons of fungal compost from KIS with ~3 gallons of Malibu compost. Also added a couple cups of LadyBug EWC's

That made up my base mix! I went on the heavy side on all of those so I could add a few extras other than the KIS pack. Might add a couple more gallons of compost when I do the turning of the soil also, still undecided. To the base mix I added:

The nutrient kit pictured from KIS Organics with
~1 cup of insect frass
1 cup of neem/karanja
1/2-1 cup crustacean meal
6-8 cups of bio-char
These numbers are TOTAL, not per cu ft! Might still add a little more basalt or gypsum to the mix, again I'm undecided for now. In order for the soil to cook properly I will need to keep it fairly moist for a couple weeks. In doing that I will be giving it some microbes and fulvic to help get everything going (should have done it to begin with but was strapped for time).

I will try and keep it turned about every other day for 2 weeks. From there it will go into a 30 gal smart pot with a handful of worms and get mulched heavily. Then await its strain that's yet to be picked! Sounds like a plan no!?

Also open to suggestions of what strain might be the best to run in a more or less hot & dry climate! I'm leaning towards either Blue Dream or Strawberry Glue out of the options I have. Will make the final decision tonight and get the seed soaking in a water/fulvic solution.

Feel free to chime in with advice! Hope everyone's day is a good one :circle-of-love:
Shit! You feel free to chime in with advice! Looks to me like you don’t need any, mixing super soil and whatnot! Carry on and just keep in mind that Primus sucks and everything else will take care of itself!
Shit! You feel free to chime in with advice! Looks to me like you don’t need any, mixing super soil and whatnot! Carry on and just keep in mind that Primus sucks and everything else will take care of itself!
Haha, I like to think I know what I'm doing! Any particular strain you would go with? Ever heard of a strawberry glue by TH Seeds?
Not Glue, Cough yes but not glue. I love Blue Dream, Chocolope Kush, Pineapple Express, Tangie Dream and 24k. All tried and true strains! Great smoke from all! That Peach Puree has my full attention! So does the Strawberry Glue. Those are my votes.
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