Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Anybody have any thoughts on lst'ing the DD. I haven't really thought about it until now. Didn't figure it would help to much. But am willing to "experiment" if anybody thinks it could help my yield!
I would definitely try to spread her out!! LST is the way to go from what I have seen with autos.
Here's the DD as of now, all tied up and what not! Need to top the LA Con next. I already feel like its going to be really hard to knock off such a beautiful top! But I seriously need to start on this "flux". It'll be a flux that allows the side branching to occur at the same time. I'm not going to remove it all as I believe the COB's can penetrate VERY well. I'm really just shooting for a monster plant is all. Any way I can achieve that goal is good enough for me. The less stress the better to be completely honest! Thanks Van for the encouragement! :high-five:

And the tent view after training!

So hey, I wasn’t meaning to let em dry out in flower... you got that yeah @Van Stank ? In flower I’m watering/feeding really regularly - no lazy Gardner in flower... unless you pop it in a swick for flower as SweetSue talked about... then you’d be sitting pretty! So it’s during veg the wet/dry cycle is important. This is growing mojo from DocBud (well, and many others too) - works whether you’re using the kit or not! So yeah, Van, I think 10+days between water during flower is very wishful thinking!:battingeyelashes:

On a different note... LaquerHead, I did the final stage of my current LAB run yesterday and thought you’d get a kick out of seeing the leftover curd... it’s its very own little universe.
View media item 1509618
I got about 1.5 litres of lacto juice from it...

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Surely you are not going to drink THAT!!!!!

Hey Laquerhead. I just had an epiphany. I gave a plant away to an old lady and it came back today. She had abandoned LST so I went at it. This was one of the plants that had staggered nodes. If they aren't stretching too bad, youcan go to the newest leaf site, spread the eldest of the 2 emerging leaf sets, and FIM the very newest set. That should give you a greater chance of stacking a long, solid cola all the way down the branch. If you can ensure good light penetration down to the 4th node of the top colas, then those staggered branches should be able to fill both side under the new Y split at the FIM site.
Hey Laquerhead. I just had an epiphany. I gave a plant away to an old lady and it came back today. She had abandoned LST so I went at it. This was one of the plants that had staggered nodes. If they aren't stretching too bad, youcan go to the newest leaf site, spread the eldest of the 2 emerging leaf sets, and FIM the very newest set. That should give you a greater chance of stacking a long, solid cola all the way down the branch. If you can ensure good light penetration down to the 4th node of the top colas, then those staggered branches should be able to fill both side under the new Y split at the FIM site.
Im probably not going to do any high stress training on the DD ( or is FIM fairly low stress?). Now had it been my LA Con, I would definitely be considering that! I also think the DD is starting to stagger them a little more and look a little more normal. Guess ill see in a couple days! You said "Y split at new FIM site". Does FIM'ing also split into a Y like topping?
Agreed. Topping to form even lateral branches. Fim usually stalls the main top and lets the two next branches begin to take off and catch up to main. By the time the main comes out of the shock of being fim'd and also begins to grow again, you should have at least the 3 tops all shooting up together now, and if there are any lowers, they will be starting to catch up too.
Hope that help, or even made sense.
The Dark Devil is looking pretty healthy and its lower branches are catching up quick! Here we are on day ~37

Also topped the LA. Pretty hard to do, feel like I'm back pedaling! Hopefully it works out for the better (Idk what I'm doing!). I kinda wish node spacing was tighter but oh well.

Still haven't watered the 20 gallon, think its getting close though as it doesn't weigh quite what it should. We'll continue to hold off for now
Are those little velcro strips being used to spread her? Clever.....I use small pieces of pipe cleaner made into a small "C" and then clamped around the fan leaf. Works really well.
I actually bought some pipe cleaner for that purpose! Ended up not using it as you can see. What do you mean clamped? Just wrapped?
I don't understand the purpose of the velcro. Someone enlighten me.....I'm not seeing it. Was this for topping purposes?
I don't understand the purpose of the velcro. Someone enlighten me.....I'm not seeing it. Was this for topping purposes?
Its so I can get them to grow straight out (parallel with soil) rather than up. Ive since tightened them up a little more. They were only half doing their job in the picture above! From what I understand it's important to get them growing out, right from the start. I think they callous up fairly quick and hold that shape!
Its so I can get them to grow straight out (parallel with soil) rather than up. Ive since tightened them up a little more. They were only half doing their job in the picture above! From what I understand it's important to get them growing out, right from the start. I think they callous up fairly quick and hold that shape!
Thanks for the insight. I couldn't do that. Dwarfs grow real tight..... the branches are not long enough to allow light to those shoots already. I need to pony tail them.
Awesome! Might just do that instead, seems a little easier to tighten or "clamp" down. Thanks Van!
It works nicely..I can just slide it out as the shoot gets taller. Really easy to manage....and gives me something to do with all the short left over sections of the cleaners I use for other training.
Anybody have any thoughts on lst'ing the DD. I haven't really thought about it until now. Didn't figure it would help to much. But am willing to "experiment" if anybody thinks it could help my yield!

What Sue said about LOS soil!! FTW!

I have 2 answers for ya....

On the node spacing... completely normal. As plants mature they will alternate nodal spacing... doesn't matter in VEG or Flower they all do it unless they are a mutant of some sort (polyploid for example). You should be able or will be able to tell sex soon after the change.

On stress training AUTOs.. look at it this way, anything you do to the plant (including letting roots get dry) that slows down growth, you won't get that time back as you are on the clock, they finish at a specific number of days. So any loss of growth for any reason, you will loose yield.

On watering... water is better than no water or drought conditions.

Suggest watering every other day.... also top dress with Malted Barley ground to a fine powder (It's a Coots thing) - can do 1/4 cup ground per pot 1x a week - top dress and water in.

If you let the soil dry out, the micro-herd tend to suffer and the plants in turn will also.

Every other day may seem like a lot. It's not. You'd be surprised how much water these plants drink. In flower I've calculated around a gallon per day per plant. It's fairly consistent over time and seasons. I always have a good amount of wind (fans) going and that helps plants transpire and drink water.
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