Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

What Sue said about LOS soil!! FTW!

I have 2 answers for ya....

On the node spacing... completely normal. As plants mature they will alternate nodal spacing... doesn't matter in VEG or Flower they all do it unless they are a mutant of some sort (polyploid for example). You should be able or will be able to tell sex soon after the change.

On stress training AUTOs.. look at it this way, anything you do to the plant (including letting roots get dry) that slows down growth, you won't get that time back as you are on the clock, they finish at a specific number of days. So any loss of growth for any reason, you will loose yield.

On watering... water is better than no water or drought conditions.

Suggest watering every other day.... also top dress with Malted Barley ground to a fine powder (It's a Coots thing) - can do 1/4 cup ground per pot 1x a week - top dress and water in.

If you let the soil dry out, the micro-herd tend to suffer and the plants in turn will also.

Every other day may seem like a lot. It's not. You'd be surprised how much water these plants drink. In flower I've calculated around a gallon per day per plant. It's fairly consistent over time and seasons. I always have a good amount of wind (fans) going and that helps plants transpire and drink water.

Thanks @bobrown14 ! It's good to know that they will do it no matter the growth stage.
What Sue said about LOS soil!! FTW!

I have 2 answers for ya....

On the node spacing... completely normal. As plants mature they will alternate nodal spacing... doesn't matter in VEG or Flower they all do it unless they are a mutant of some sort (polyploid for example). You should be able or will be able to tell sex soon after the change.

On stress training AUTOs.. look at it this way, anything you do to the plant (including letting roots get dry) that slows down growth, you won't get that time back as you are on the clock, they finish at a specific number of days. So any loss of growth for any reason, you will loose yield.

On watering... water is better than no water or drought conditions.

Suggest watering every other day.... also top dress with Malted Barley ground to a fine powder (It's a Coots thing) - can do 1/4 cup ground per pot 1x a week - top dress and water in.

If you let the soil dry out, the micro-herd tend to suffer and the plants in turn will also.

Every other day may seem like a lot. It's not. You'd be surprised how much water these plants drink. In flower I've calculated around a gallon per day per plant. It's fairly consistent over time and seasons. I always have a good amount of wind (fans) going and that helps plants transpire and drink water.
Thanks for all the tips BB! I will soon find that happy medium with everything. Just need that little bit of hands on experience! Also nice that I can rely on your guys' experience as well. :thanks: I have actually recently top dressed with MBP. I intend on following MOFO's way very closely. Ive read that thread through to page 150 at least 4 different times..pretty crazy lol. As well as the most recent 150+ pages that show how things have changed ever so slightly. More or less the dos and donts
Just curious what everyone thought about leaving the bottom node to help fill out the 3x3 space? I know a flux is supposed to be from only one node though, so not sure if I should even try it. Any suggestions would be much appreciated! :Namaste:

Thanks for all the tips BB! I will soon find that happy medium with everything. Just need that little bit of hands on experience! Also nice that I can rely on your guys' experience as well. :thanks: I have actually recently top dressed with MBP. I intend on following MOFO's way very closely. Ive read that thread through to page 150 at least 4 different times..pretty crazy lol. As well as the most recent 150+ pages that show how things have changed ever so slightly. More or less the dos and donts

Mofo.. aka Blue Jay.. I got into No-til from way back IC mag days.. man there were a lot of turds over there. Why I came here TBH. Couldn't stand the banter.

Thats a very good thread... I haven't read the recent stuff well maybe I was a part if it... probably. Follow the soil recipe.. get some good compost, everything will work out.

On your Auto plant, she wont drink as much water as the REG plants will. I usually water my AUTOs every 3 days (for clarification) - still don't let soil dry out if I can help it.

I can't help on the fluxing question... LST is about the most I've ever done and that was only because - Ceiling in the way! Sometimes I will spread the plant out going into flower with some ties...I usually do but that's about it.
LA Confidential Day ~37

Finally watered her yesterday, which would have made 13 days I believe. Am going to start watering much more frequently but at least now I have a better idea of where I stand with watering! It got a little drier than I would like so I watered in with more microbes just in case I killed some life off. Along with silica and yucca extract.

She took really well to the topping! And was doing better than she's ever done just a day later. Also gave a sprout tonic foliar yesterday morning and did a little training to get her flattened out. Think I might just keep the bottom two nodes as well!

Dark Devil Auto - Day 42

Pistils are definitely popping up everywhere and got little buds starting to form! Got about 35 or so days left and she's still stretching a fair amount! Very excited for this one :yahoo:Will edit in pictures of the pistils after phone charges :rolleyes:

And also the new toy I've been playing with :bongrip:

Here's all the goodness!

Mom, can I go over to LaquerHead's and play? He got a sweet new dab rig and I wanna play with it with him! Looking good in there! I must ask what is this "flux" you are referring to. Same question for LOS?
A proper Flux is when you top a plant down to a single node at the bottom of the plant. Train the 2 arms to grow horizontal, as the side branching grows out you tie those down as well. Depending on how much time you have you could end up with unlimited colas on one plant.
A proper Flux is when you top a plant down to a single node at the bottom of the plant. Train the 2 arms to grow horizontal, as the side branching grows out you tie those down as well. Depending on how much time you have you could end up with unlimited colas on one plant.
That's what I'm really doing, I just kept the 2nd from bottom node as well. Hopefully fill out the space better. If not oh well...I'm sure it will do plenty well :thumb: I also intend on trimming up a lot of the lower growth as time goes on, all depending how well my space is filled!
Just let the 2 original grow out to the sides and she’ll continue sending up side branches. The trick is to keep everything as flat to the soil as you can. Light Addict grew Fluxes that extend 2’ or so beyond the edges of the container. Once you turn them loose for the stretch the colas explode!
Hi LH - looking good in here :thumb: LA would’ve grown some good roots while searching for water and good call on the microbe replenishment, i’m sure the herd is doing fine - your cover crops certainly are!

Man those preflowers on the DDA look nice don’t they? You must be excited about her - nice purples deep in amongst those pistils :slide: :yummy:

@Pennywise Do you think the two bottom nodes will really hurt anything though? I thought about taking them off, I just don't like node spacing so wanted to "fill in" a little more. I mean I'm only really going for a giant bush, any way I get there is good with me. Appreciate the info all the same! :thanks:

Really starting to purple up and look pretty! Have a little clawing going on but I'm going to ignore it for now. Been watering a bit more frequently (every couple days) due to it drinking way more!! Have also been doing a nice foliar of citrus tonic/yucca extract/ peppermint oil midway through the week. As well as the normal neem ipm every Sunday! Everything seems to be going good. Seen one little gnat flying around but he's probably trying to relocate after the recent peppermint treatment. We shall see!


Not much going on here really, just doing some training on the two nodes. Have done lots of defoliation recently and will also be removing some of the growth off of the lower node as time goes. Am also trying to figure out what to use to help support branches later in life. Kinda though about just using the net that came with my secret jardin! Suggestions are welcome!

Have also top dressed the both of them with MBP! Only about a 1/4 cup each, if that. Will probably do again in the next couple days along with either a neem/kelp foliar or neem/kelp tea drench. Anywho here's the LA Con as of this morning!

Have got almost all the ingredients to get this outdoor underway...will only be growing 1 plant so will most likely have to be a fem seed. Haven't picked the strain yet, got a blue dream from HSO that I've considered but not certain yet. Only need some quality compost and ill be there! So stay tuned :yahoo:

And a view of the tent!

If all you wonderful people were trying to grow a 1 lb plant would you top the four remaining "main" tops, or maybe just two out of the four? Or keep training and do no more topping? My gut tells me to top 2 if not all 4 once more!
If all you wonderful people were trying to grow a 1 lb plant would you top the four remaining "main" tops, or maybe just two out of the four? Or keep training and do no more topping? My gut tells me to top 2 if not all 4 once more!
If I were trying to get 16 oz off one plant, I would top in a way to get the number of main colas to 8. That is 2 oz per cola (dry). This isn't about the number of colas as much as it is about the weight of the colas, and how well the branch can feed that flower to grow. Big branches make feeding those flowers easier for the plant.

Talking about dry weight is not easy when we will only know the wet weight of the plant. If you get that much weight on a branch it will undoubtedly need to be supported.

This is my opinion only..... take it with a grain of salt.
If all you wonderful people were trying to grow a 1 lb plant would you top the four remaining "main" tops, or maybe just two out of the four? Or keep training and do no more topping? My gut tells me to top 2 if not all 4 once more!
Hmm.....well if I was trying to get a pound out of a plant, I would grow a photo that I could veg for at least 3 months. I would spread it out really wide and try to take up most of the tent with that one plant.

There was a fella on here named Mono that used to try to hit a Kilo with every grow (one plant) and he would fill the whole 4x4 tent with one plant. He hasn't hit the kilo mark with one plant yet, but he has been very very close!

I think to hit those massive weights, you really need massive plants and you only get those massive plants by vegging for a few months. Just my opinion.

I used to look at yields in term of weight per plant but I kind of changed and started looking at from an area yield and not plant yield....but keeping in mind I have a plant limit. My goal now 25 ounces per 4x4 tent, generally using 5 plants......or 5 ounces a plant. That equates out to just over a gram per watt which isn't a lot for this assuming I start hitting that, I will increase the goal.
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