Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Decided to reorganize the grow space! Got me a new fan and a couple "stands" also gave the lavender a little more light, it seems to be doing good also - and it reeks! In a good way. Hoping the light isnt too intense for the seedling...only one way to find out. Can't wait until I'm able to fill that space entirely! Good times are comin'.

Gave the LA Con. just over 2 gallons this morning of a compost tea I made up with some kelp and a big handful of ewc..threw a very small amount of coconut powder in for fun also. Shook/stirred it as often as I could for a 24 hr period. Hopefully its good enough!

Dark Devil got mostly plain water again, with a splash of compost tea. Its fading quickly...but I do have a couple cool night shots I took when power went out! It has loads of white hairs still shooting out so I think I have a while to go still.

Didn't get a picture of the Cinderella but not much going on there! Oh, I did put a Ziploc over the solo cup to act as a humidity dome! Also gave it a little splash of water this morning

Edit: Pay no mind to the terrible environmental conditions they had at that time! They were thirsty and my RH showed it. It usually never goes below 37% and usually around 45%! For some reason its been getting warm in there tho, kinda wishing I would have had Dan wire me up so that I could have the drivers mounted outside the tent! I'll probably just put in a window a.c. I'm also only running the lights at about 70% (that's just an educated guess). Hoping those temp swings don't screw anything up - ill get it in check shortly!
Your tea will be fine just shaking like that.

Nice color on those buds brother!
Thanks Van! I'm really liking the color as well! Kinda screwed up the top bud with that neem foliar a couple weeks back, it still hasn't and I doubt it will fully recover but those lower ones are looking mighty fine
Keep on sniffin till your brain goes pop keep on sniffin till your brain goes pop! I saw that little purple negged plant and mine did! POP!
Mines about to go pop thinking of all the things I "want" and "need" in order to take things to the next level lol. I'm a perfectionist of sorts, and would really like to get my temps in check! How does everyone else achieve a consistent environment? I'm looking for ideas!!!! Right now my tent temperature is highly reflective of how the weather outside is behaving. Don't have co2 so I can't do a closed room....right? Would a split a.c. solve all of my issues? Not too worried about low humidity, I know how to fix that! So bring on the suggestions!
Low humidity....a couple options. The best option is a humidifier. If you can't afford one or don't have access to one, then you have to get creative.

1. Get a couple wet towels and hang them in your grow areas.
2. Get a bowl or two of water and have a small fan blowing over them
3. Spray bottles are your friend.
Low humidity....a couple options. The best option is a humidifier. If you can't afford one or don't have access to one, then you have to get creative.

1. Get a couple wet towels and hang them in your grow areas.
2. Get a bowl or two of water and have a small fan blowing over them
3. Spray bottles are your friend.
I think ill utilize the water bowl thing..keeping the soil slightly more moist is also going to help. This morning we were at 50%...and that's more like it. Now if I could figure out how to avoid my 20-25° temp swings. Do you use a environment controller or anything?
I think ill utilize the water bowl thing..keeping the soil slightly more moist is also going to help. This morning we were at 50%...and that's more like it. Now if I could figure out how to avoid my 20-25° temp swings. Do you use a environment controller or anything?
Here it comes.....the fan.....:rolleyes:

LOL...I like it too Van.... :laugh: (gonna buy one this year....probably during my next grow....which will start before fall.)
had low humidity in my closet as well, just added a bucket with 4inches of water at the bottom, kept it topped up as needed and humidity stayed about 40%+.... I also need to figure out how to achieve a consistant environmental temperature... So im very curious as to what others have to say.... your Dark devil is looking good!! cheers
had low humidity in my closet as well, just added a bucket with 4inches of water at the bottom, kept it topped up as needed and humidity stayed about 40%+.... I also need to figure out how to achieve a consistant environmental temperature... So im very curious as to what others have to say.... your Dark devil is looking good!! cheers
Thanks brother! All ive been able to figure out in my few hours of research is maybe set up an a.c./heater of sorts and hook it up to an environmental controller...which all in all would cost roughly a grand. Not exactly my first option but my only one so far!
i have been meaning to ask @Radogast... I believe... If i am not mistaken, he has his exhaust fan set up so it only comes on when it hits a certain temp in the room... Which i thought was pretty handy... Dont know how much it would cost though... If its low temps, i believe somewhere they sell a space heater that also has a temp switch... If you set it to 18degrees it comes on when the temp hits 17 type deal... Just my thoughts!
Van uses a fan that is called:


That can be found on's super nice as he explains it. It does cycle or change speed according to temp. I plan to get one......gadgets you know.

So you can attach a probe for temp monitoring. You can set the fan to run off the internal timer, or based off temps.

For me, I just run it 24/7 at about 50% of max power (no need to in a small tent with no heat issues). I might turn up the power some when it gets hotter.

So you can attach a probe for temp monitoring. You can set the fan to run off the internal timer, or based off temps.

For me, I just run it 24/7 at about 50% of max power (no need to in a small tent with no heat issues). I might turn up the power some when it gets hotter.

How does it adjust automatically? I know it does speed, but can it also stop the fan totally?
Not too worried about low humidity, I know how to fix that!
Cracked me up that this ^^^ ending to the post was followed by advice about the humidity! :rofl:
Thankfully got to the temp control question in the end tho...

the only thing I’d suggest there LH would be to find a way of attaching some thick ass insulation panels to the outside of your tent ... it might help keep it more stable. Or just find a way to regulate the temp in the room the tent is in... I’m about to have a similar challenge and am thinking about adding insulation panels to the outside of my grow box.


So you can attach a probe for temp monitoring. You can set the fan to run off the internal timer, or based off temps.

For me, I just run it 24/7 at about 50% of max power (no need to in a small tent with no heat issues). I might turn up the power some when it gets hotter.

that looks like the bees knees right there! Lol time to go to the amazon......
Am definitely going to start out by getting a duct stat or that cool gadget like Van has. Hopefully that will do the trick. Pretty sure I will still need a portable a.c./heater tho. The room the tent is in just gets too hot! Will probably choose to either vent that air outside or hopefully into attic if at all possible!
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