Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Happy 420 everyone! May you all stay high and have a wonderful day :passitleft:

Not much to update with today but ill throw some pictures up! I did get my mars hydro tent in the mail and assembled so I'm pretty excited for that.

Went ahead and experimented on one branch of the LA this morning. Gonna see if "super cropping" might be able to help me if I get in a height bind! I also gave her a foliar feed of Sprout Tonic/silica/fulvic!

Dark Devil has faded like crazy in the last week...good thing were almost to the finish line! Should make for an easy trim tho :)

Then there was Cinderella :yahoo:
She is liking the seedling mix so far, so I'm pretty ecstatic about that. Just tryna' keepm' green! I completely mis labeled the notes on the pictures - Cinderella is on day 7 today, not day 5. Couple more days and I'm going to slowly (1/2 hr every 3-4 days) start cutting back light hours! I'm also kind of surprised that Timber light hasnt toasted the Cinderella- definitely didnt think it would want to be that close.

If your temps are too high and humidity too low...
Vicks Filtered Cool Moisture Humidifier - White
It is great for flowering as it keeps things between 45% and 55% @79ºF all day every day in a 4x4tent.

When I need them a little higher or to warm the tent too...
Vicks Pediatric Warm Steam Vaporizer 1 ea -

This one is good for veg as it can get thing up to 60%, temps still at 78-82ºF.

I have a 4" inline fan exausting hot air out of the tent, the filter is not in the tent. I have 2 6 inch fans that have my home made co2 rigs pipping c02 through aquarium hose into the fans pointing over the ladies. LED and a small 2 foot T5, not HPS, HID or the like. I'm even on the top floor of my house. We'll see how summer in this bitch goes. I hope that helps. Let me know if you want my co2 recipe. It lasts about 2 weeks and seems to help. These are all really easy and cheap ways to very effectively manage this my Primus fanned friend! I hope that helps you.
Thanks brother! This weekend ill pick up a Vicks thing, they seem to be a hot item. I would definitely like to have your co2 recipe tho, cant hurt anything! This summer is gonna be tough I think - that's why I suddenly started panicking yesterday haha. Think I got it pretty well lined out tho. Everyone was a great help!
i have been meaning to ask @Radogast... I believe... If i am not mistaken, he has his exhaust fan set up so it only comes on when it hits a certain temp in the room... Which i thought was pretty handy... Dont know how much it would cost though... If its low temps, i believe somewhere they sell a space heater that also has a temp switch... If you set it to 18degrees it comes on when the temp hits 17 type deal... Just my thoughts!

I have had my exhaust fan on a temperature switch from day one (about 4 years ago.) The temp controller seemed ridiculously expensive at the time ($65?) but since I was spending money on lights, hoods, ducting, lumber, pots, soil, nutrients .... everything it wasn't too painful. The temp switch can be set for high or low, but not both and is rated for about 600W.

About a year ago I added space heaters for the night time (a regular room heater-oil type-with thermostatic controls) and a dehumidifier. Being able to keep the rooms within specific humidity ranges and warm on winter nights bumped my average yield from 1.5-2.5 oz per plant to 2.0-3.0 oz per plant - so I consider it a good investment.
I just use yeast, sugar & water. 2x 64 oz. bottles cleaned well, 1x 20 oz bottle (optional, it is sort of a visual guide to when you need to change the concoction) and some aquarium tubing. Anywhere between 3/4 and a full cup of sugar will go into each of the big bottles. Somewhere in there is the magic # to make it last about two weeks but I can't remember what it is.
Next add 2 cups of 80ºF water, not 75ºF, not 85ºF and shake each bottle until the sugar is nice and dissolved in the water. Next take a cup of 80ºF water and add 1 teaspoon of yeast and mix well. Pour the yeast water into the sugar water and shake until you feel happy about it. Do the same for the other big bottle.

Drill 1 hole a wee bit smaller than your tubing in each of the big bottle caps. Drill 3 holes in the 20 oz. bottle cap. Insert tubing into each of the big jugs, about 10mm should do, it is where the co2 will escape the big bottle and head over to the small bottle. Fill the small bottle about half way with water, enough that the tubing from the big bottles get submerged in the small bottle and you can see the co2 bubbles as they are sent over into the water. The last tube will go in the small bottle, just barely, like the big bottles. Run the other end of that into a fan or over your plants. Co2 is heavier than air so you want it to fall on your plants from above. Shake the mix daily and you will hear pressure build as co2 is released. Be sure to change it when you don't hear the pressure after shaking. It will take about an hour or two for you to start seeing the bubbles in the small bottle, then you'll see them every couple seconds. I put two of these rigs in my tent.

A word of advice; After you get you water to temp, get all that you need and a little more. It takes a minute to get water to the perfect temp and a half hour job can quickly turn into an hour over the matter. Plus, it is then a huge waste of water. I once lived in Phoenix. They take water from several states as they used all their own. Don't waste water if you can help it. Have fun! I hope your holiday was most excellent!
Good morning everyone! :circle-of-love:

I am seeking some more advice today..I would really like to be able to tame the center of my LA Confidential. I ended up snapping the "super cropped" stem only because it wasn't done with enough vigor the first time around...should I allow it to heal itself back? Or just take that whole shoot?
Also, is it ever wise to remove entire branches that are crowding things? They're doing so good too! Just not sure if I would lose yield if I removed those perfect bud sites (not too perfect - because they're crowded but you get the idea) any tips or techniques would be awesome about right now! I think I may have a picture to show what the middle is doing! And maybe I'm just overreacting and should absolutely leave them all?? Can the timber light penetrate that? Any ideas are appreciated!

It is ok to remove whole branches that are going to block light or air.I jsut asked Shed the same thing. I let them heal if they snap. On mine it seems like they haven't even noticed when it happens. I just went through and took a bunch of branches that were not going to make it to the top, the flarf sites. Probably 10 branches per plant.
Hey LH - I’ve not yet done any of that kind of trimming so will defer to the experienced - in which case I can say that SweetSue is forever trimming off what she calls the ‘leaders’, to keep the canopy flat. It seems to work well for her...

I just use yeast, sugar & water. 2x 64 oz. bottles cleaned well, 1x 20 oz bottle (optional, it is sort of a visual guide to when you need to change the concoction) and some aquarium tubing. Anywhere between 3/4 and a full cup of sugar will go into each of the big bottles. Somewhere in there is the magic # to make it last about two weeks but I can't remember what it is.
Next add 2 cups of 80ºF water, not 75ºF, not 85ºF and shake each bottle until the sugar is nice and dissolved in the water. Next take a cup of 80ºF water and add 1 teaspoon of yeast and mix well. Pour the yeast water into the sugar water and shake until you feel happy about it. Do the same for the other big bottle.

Drill 1 hole a wee bit smaller than your tubing in each of the big bottle caps. Drill 3 holes in the 20 oz. bottle cap. Insert tubing into each of the big jugs, about 10mm should do, it is where the co2 will escape the big bottle and head over to the small bottle. Fill the small bottle about half way with water, enough that the tubing from the big bottles get submerged in the small bottle and you can see the co2 bubbles as they are sent over into the water. The last tube will go in the small bottle, just barely, like the big bottles. Run the other end of that into a fan or over your plants. Co2 is heavier than air so you want it to fall on your plants from above. Shake the mix daily and you will hear pressure build as co2 is released. Be sure to change it when you don't hear the pressure after shaking. It will take about an hour or two for you to start seeing the bubbles in the small bottle, then you'll see them every couple seconds. I put two of these rigs in my tent.

A word of advice; After you get you water to temp, get all that you need and a little more. It takes a minute to get water to the perfect temp and a half hour job can quickly turn into an hour over the matter. Plus, it is then a huge waste of water. I once lived in Phoenix. They take water from several states as they used all their own. Don't waste water if you can help it. Have fun! I hope your holiday was most excellent!

Awesome :thumb:
A snapped branch is no big can tape it up with electrical tape or even drip some hot wax on it to seal it. You can apply some Clonex gel or solution or even Aloe to it if its cracked and it will help it heal.
I just use yeast, sugar & water. 2x 64 oz. bottles cleaned well, 1x 20 oz bottle (optional, it is sort of a visual guide to when you need to change the concoction) and some aquarium tubing. Anywhere between 3/4 and a full cup of sugar will go into each of the big bottles. Somewhere in there is the magic # to make it last about two weeks but I can't remember what it is.
Next add 2 cups of 80ºF water, not 75ºF, not 85ºF and shake each bottle until the sugar is nice and dissolved in the water. Next take a cup of 80ºF water and add 1 teaspoon of yeast and mix well. Pour the yeast water into the sugar water and shake until you feel happy about it. Do the same for the other big bottle.

Drill 1 hole a wee bit smaller than your tubing in each of the big bottle caps. Drill 3 holes in the 20 oz. bottle cap. Insert tubing into each of the big jugs, about 10mm should do, it is where the co2 will escape the big bottle and head over to the small bottle. Fill the small bottle about half way with water, enough that the tubing from the big bottles get submerged in the small bottle and you can see the co2 bubbles as they are sent over into the water. The last tube will go in the small bottle, just barely, like the big bottles. Run the other end of that into a fan or over your plants. Co2 is heavier than air so you want it to fall on your plants from above. Shake the mix daily and you will hear pressure build as co2 is released. Be sure to change it when you don't hear the pressure after shaking. It will take about an hour or two for you to start seeing the bubbles in the small bottle, then you'll see them every couple seconds. I put two of these rigs in my tent.

A word of advice; After you get you water to temp, get all that you need and a little more. It takes a minute to get water to the perfect temp and a half hour job can quickly turn into an hour over the matter. Plus, it is then a huge waste of water. I once lived in Phoenix. They take water from several states as they used all their own. Don't waste water if you can help it. Have fun! I hope your holiday was most excellent!
Thanks man screen shot for the old ticker ya know
Think I'm going to chop down the Dark Devil today! Starting to throw nanners I believe and its been 10 weeks! Hoping to get at least 20g off of it but kinda doubting it :rolleyes: just need to go get me some H202 to bud wash and ill be good to go!

On a better note (not to happy with the dda's performance) the little Cinderella seedling has entered her veg stage! I really reallly like the clear solo cup, it has definitely helped me to know when to water..and we get to see some cool root shots :high-five:

Hope everyone has a blessed Sunday! :passitleft:
just need to go get me some H202 to bud wash and ill be good to go!
you really only need H202 if you have mould or powdery mildew...
For me h202 is expensive. Half a cup of lemon juice (or lime) and half a cup of bicarbonate of soda in the first of 3 20gal buckets is the original recipe, and much cheaper! (Almost free for me, since i have a lime tree!!)

How’s the heat mitigation project coming? Have you made any changes yet?
It’s true Amy is right you don’t need to use h202 it ain’t going to hurt you but to each his own doc said . H202 hydrogen peroxide is expensive where you are Amy ? It’s only 2$ for a litre here? Sucky cause h202 can be use to run through your medium if you suspect algae or bacteria or gnats I believe it will kill them . And kill mold . However understand it does not prevent mold only kills it. @Doc Bud say I if I nailed that one buddy? But Lemon juice and baking soda is what I use as well. My big bomb aroma is more intense then the one side I’ve haven’t washed yet. Haven’t tried it verse each other in smoke report yet? ✊
expensive where you are Amy ? It’s only 2$ for a litre here?
hi king - yeah my only local source for h202 is 400ml for $14, and that’s the 3% vol. So trying to get a 1/3dilution into a 20gal bucket is an expensive proposal. I did a litre of it for the last harvest as there’d been some budrot, but it’s too expensive to consider it very often. I’ll try to find another source for it...
Maybe ill try the lemon juice and baking soda? @Amy Gardner you said a half cup of each into a 20 gallon?

Yep- but I think I meant 10gal bucket. I get confused cause I’m always having to convert (I live in a metric world!). Give the branches a good dunking soak and swish for about 30seconds in each bucket and make sure you don’t bash them on the sides or bottom of the bucket (cause that will knock your trichs off!)

Doc’s original (revised) guide:

1st bucket 1/2 cup fresh lemon or lime juice + 1/2cup BiCarb soda (baking soda?)
2nd bucket water
3rd bucket water

If there’s PM or mould spores you can add a bucket with a 1/3 dilution of 3% h202 at the start (so then there would be 4 buckets - with the h202 dilution first).

There’s a budwashing thread actually. It’s Doc’s technique AFAIK and it’s all pretty much there on the first page... actually - he lays out the recipe and rationale in this post Bud Washing but then the recipe gets revised at some point to 1/2 cups instead of full cups.

I’m sure they’re drying better because of it - and people say that’s one of the reasons to do it. It’s greatif you can hang them in the sun in the breeze for a while after, but I realise that’s unlikely (not very stealthy!). But in the tent in some of the light with the fan going would probably be good (but not blowing directly on the bud, just moving the air around). In that post I linked to, Doc says that photosynthesis still continues for a little while... so under some light for a day is good...


Edit: and some folks make the first of second bucket very warm (so either the lemon/soda bucket or the frirst after only rinse bucket). I havent done this, but I’m pretty sure Gray does (with the 2nd bucket).
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