Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

For sure a happy place away from bs pjs! And I know of another guy that top dresses monthly with I believe a 1/4 cup neem and same for kelp and his plants are unreal! I feel I may have put a little much but time will tell - my main thing is I'm unsure of how hot the craft blend is!
hey lh. the craft blend mix is "gentle." I've been using it for a couple years now. i'm not a fan of top dressing though. don't think it has enough time to break down and get work down deep into your soil mix. much easier to mix enough in from the get go. good luck. k'den ...nice set up btw
hey lh. the craft blend mix is "gentle." I've been using it for a couple years now. i'm not a fan of top dressing though. don't think it has enough time to break down and get work down deep into your soil mix. much easier to mix enough in from the get go. good luck. k'den ...nice set up btw
Welcome lowrent!:welcome: thanks for that little tidbit..if I wasn't being so cautious I would have top dressed a month ago and hopefully avoided these problems! Now I'm playing the waiting game - seeing if something I applied last week is gonna give me lush new growth! I had quite a bit in original mix...I think my 70+ day veg depleted ut a little? I could be wrong tho. Thanks for stopping by!
Here's my line of thought on top dressing. I am a big fan of it. Its kind of like a little shot of go go juice for them. I like to do a couple of them in my the middle of veg when they are really ramping up, another right about the time I flip, and a smaller one midway through flower (no nitrogen, more mineral and "P" type stuff). Sure not all of it gets broken all the way down but thats ok. I reuse my soil and anything not broken down in time or used by the plant will be there for the next run.

I am just kind of trying to find the sweet spot for the best usage amounts....I don't add a lot when I do, its just more of a boost type of thing to keep my micro herd happy and healthy.

Here is another thing to keep in mind. When you cook soil, most people tell ya that 30 days is enough to get good and broken down. Well considering most strains flower out around 60-70 days, you get enough time for things to break down for use. Even the stuff I add at the mid point of flower can add a boost at the end (again, focus on minerals and "P" type of things for your later to dressing) of flower.
Thanks Van! And sorry for the late response. Been getting super busy :rolleyes: will be doing the LA update as well as the Cinderella a little later today! Am also trying to get a privacy fence put up around our garden area - it will be our first chance to garden in the new home (outdoors anyway :laugh:). Lotssss of work to be done! Have to dig theses post holes by hand, build a nice-sized raised bed, mix up 9 yards of soil, and finally plant. Hoping we're not too late getting things rolling. Have a good Sunday everyone! May your day be filled with joy
So much to do, so little time! All good news in the garden today...everything seems happy for the most part. New growth on the LA Confidential is looking better (I think). It doesn't seem as pale as it was at one point. So lesson learned - feed/top dress much more frequently during a 70+ day veg!! Here's a few shots from this morning..I'm also still super cropping branches that seem to rise above the others!

The Cinderella XX is now on day 17 above ground. I'm super happy with its growth!! I decided to transplant it last night..and was amazed how much more intact the root ball was compared to my first 2 attempts with DDA and LA. WORLDS of difference I tell ya. So I'm pretty excited! Learned a lot already in this short amount of time. Now we'll get onto the pictures.

Root ball

And a few shots from after transplant anf then this morning! Didn't seem to skip a beat and looks to be praying already :yahoo::slide:

@Amy Gardner. Not sure if I ever responded concerning the temp but I meant to! I did indeed get the duct stat installed and my temp swing is now within 15 or so degrees Fahrenheit (some days even 10°)! Much happier with that! But when summer really hits and I have to crank the lights up all at the same time - I will have to install the window a.c.. There's no way otherwise. Already have packages galore arriving at my door so going to wait a bit for that!
Looks good LH. Good call on up-potting that girl when you did. Thats about the spot that I like to up-pot mine....they don't miss a beat and they will explode on you!

Well if thats the case, i had better get mine done tonight! Lol thanks van! Looking awesome LH! Cindy is looking like a little tank!
Looks good LH. Good call on up-potting that girl when you did. Thats about the spot that I like to up-pot mine....they don't miss a beat and they will explode on you!
Thanks Van! I'm hoping she explodes, its already the best growth ive had on a young plant to date.
Getting the IPM foliar ready for tonight! The concoction goes as follows (per gallon of water):
1 Tbsp Neem Oil
1 Tsp of Yucca Extract (emulsified with the neem first)
1/4 tsp Aloe Vera 200 x
5-10 drops Essential Oil (lavender this time around, usually alternate with peppermint which is super deadly regarding spider mites)

Probably going to spray every 2-3 days about ~3 times to hopefully annhialate any pests that may be trying to make a home during the precious flowing period. May not be necessary but will do so anyway unless the plant tells me otherwise. I doubt I'll order beneficial insects so I find this step to be very important!

hey lh. I love build-a-soil. I've been with them over 5 years. when I switched from drain to waste to l.o.s, I started out with them. your IPM is pretty similar to what I do and It does work great. I do 1tbsp neem oil, 1tbsp orange oil extract, and 1tbsp of h2o2. I drench the spraying for me. I only encounter gnats though...nothing like mites or such. it's great to do it as a preventative but, I'm bad and wait until they show up and treat. 1 and done though. your transplant looks strong and healthy too. good all the way around. k'den
hey lh. I love build-a-soil. I've been with them over 5 years. when I switched from drain to waste to l.o.s, I started out with them. your IPM is pretty similar to what I do and It does work great. I do 1tbsp neem oil, 1tbsp orange oil extract, and 1tbsp of h2o2. I drench the spraying for me. I only encounter gnats though...nothing like mites or such. it's great to do it as a preventative but, I'm bad and wait until they show up and treat. 1 and done though. your transplant looks strong and healthy too. good all the way around. k'den
Hey lowrent! Thanks for the kind words..the spray hasn't let me down yet. I'm definitely trying to emphasize the preventative part - although I missed last week completely as I got terribly busy and spaced it off o_O
I have also used 100% orange essential oil, as it doubles as an emulsifier for the neem! I'm always trying to switch it up for the pests, that way they cant get "accustomed" to any particular thing. Citrus Tonic is another great product for IPM..and feeds the plants too!

Hope your Wednesday is a good'n! :passitleft:
FYI, you don't have to spray with your IPM treatment every 2-3 days. Think of mites in terms of a 5-7 day cycles...from egg to adult and then from egg laying to hatching. So if you wanted to be vigilant, you could use a high pressure sprayer with just water and take your plant outside....spray the shit out of it with water and then bring it back inside. You can lightly rub any leaf undersides as you spray that are showing heavy population to loosen and knock off any eggs or even insects.

You really only need to treat with the neem mixture every 5 days or catch any recently hatched bugs. But if your plants aren't showing that they are pissed off about getting sprayed every 2-3 days, continue on. Just watch for when they show they are pissed off at you spraying them.
FYI, you don't have to spray with your IPM treatment every 2-3 days. Think of mites in terms of a 5-7 day cycles...from egg to adult and then from egg laying to hatching. So if you wanted to be vigilant, you could use a high pressure sprayer with just water and take your plant outside....spray the shit out of it with water and then bring it back inside. You can lightly rub any leaf undersides as you spray that are showing heavy population to loosen and knock off any eggs or even insects.

You really only need to treat with the neem mixture every 5 days or catch any recently hatched bugs. But if your plants aren't showing that they are pissed off about getting sprayed every 2-3 days, continue on. Just watch for when they show they are pissed off at you spraying them.
Oh most definitely, I only spray once a week. Sometimes twice if you count citrus tonic - but the neem is only 1x.

This week will be the only exception! I missed last week and since I'm about to head into flower and am not going to be buying any beneficial insects, I figured I would eradicate anything that might be there before buds start forming! Thanks for the advice though, keeping me on my toes and what not :high-five:
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