Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

good afternoon ( 4 me at least ) mr.L, apologies on my tardiness but I figured 17pg wasn't going to kill me and glad I did. So super info being shared, and by some bomb folk as well... Well I got a beanbag, a bag of OGK, and the required bag of " Cheese Puffs " so let's commence......:Namaste:
Mmm..OGK, my first strain ever! Don't mind if I do :passitleft:. Thanks for taking the time to catch up, I try to share the information I find to be interesting/important..started working Saturday's and things have gotten pretty busy around here so just trying to keep up! Thanks for joining in Smeegol, any questions or advice feel free to pop in :thumb:
Boy those plants have really taken off over the last two weeks. It seems like there is a lot of wait and watch around right now. Good luck on yours man.
Hey thanks Ripe! They're starting to look pretty good I think. The Cinderella has taken OFF, holy moly. Yeah its not too exciting yet but there's plenty to do so that keeps me going. Will be getting gifted a light from one of our own wonderful 420 members - as soon as that takes place ill probably have somewhat of a perpetual going and hopefully have bud porn year round' for all to enjoy! :yahoo:
Good luck to you as well my Primus friend!:passitleft:
Time for a little update. I'm not so happy with how the LA is doing, lots of discoloration still. Think I may have overwatered it a little as well. Hoping it turns it around in the next week before going into flower.

I have faith it will turn around. Did a little more of a top dress with some kelp and neem. Between the two of them they should contain anything the plant may be lacking! This is also necessary for the no till method in general - I believe it's what the LA Confidential has been lacking.

My little lavender plant I've got growing in there..very fragrant stuff! Not sure what ill do with it yet. Got any ideas?

Cinderella XX - Day 24

Didn't get around to doing the update on her yesterday so the first few pictures are from yesterday morning when she was looking pretty droopy and thirsty...she got a good bit of a tea I made using kelp, ewc's, and a gallon jug. Pretty simple but seems to work great. She was praying super hard this morning.

Here we are this morning, looking much happier! Probably going to top above the fourth or fifth node either later on this evening or tomorrow. Even though she's going outside I'm still going to try and control her height some.

On another note, got just over halfway with putting up fence for the garden! Definitely going to be late planting but its only our first year here so not worried too much, next year we'll be fully prepared! Also got most of the new amendments delivered, enough to make 30+ cu. ft. Still lacking a little peat and perlite/pumice so hoping to get that ASAP. We have shit for gardening stores around here :rolleyes:. A lot of the soil will go to the raised beds. Ill also mix up a couple new batches for indoors - and maybe make some minor adjustments!

Garden preps are looking great Head! So nice to see C99 perk up like that after liquid :) perfect wet-dry cycle...

I still think the LA confidential is lacking magnesium and calcium and maybe sulphur. Epsoms would give Mag and some sulphate (?) but not calcium and might throw the calcium off further. Do you have access to worm castings?

Lots of em, and I've topdressed with them twice fairly recently..maybe I should go heavier! I know organics takes a while to take effect though so ill wait a few more days and possibly go heavier on them! She started looking a bit better until I stupidly thought she was thirsty and watered her - she wasn't thirsty. Hopefully a few more days and she'll progress ojt of the funk. Just a few more days (if things turn around) and ill likely be flipping her and moving Cindy outside!
Time for a little update. I'm not so happy with how the LA is doing, lots of discoloration still. Think I may have overwatered it a little as well. Hoping it turns it around in the next week before going into flower.

I have faith it will turn around. Did a little more of a top dress with some kelp and neem. Between the two of them they should contain anything the plant may be lacking! This is also necessary for the no till method in general - I believe it's what the LA Confidential has been lacking.

My little lavender plant I've got growing in there..very fragrant stuff! Not sure what ill do with it yet. Got any ideas?

Hey LH, that looks a bit like a pH issue to me. I had very similar appearance on a couple of my plants early on. Do you check pH on your water? If you don't, that could be an issue. Give your plants water with 6.5 pH for a few waterings (perhaps with a splash of Cal-Mag) and that issue should disappear.
Van could be onto something there LH.
When I had that fade recently, after the rains washed out the pot, in addition to the depletion of the minerals in the soil, the PH of the soil dropped a lot and that compounded the problem. I mixed in a generous amount of wood ash to the worm castings for a topdress (about a cup of wood ash) and it recitified it. Good idea to check your water too as Van suggests (I know mine is good, it’s rain water and we check it periodically). The wood ash also has some mineral content which will help too, as well as raising the PH. That’s a good call VS! :thumb:
Hey LH, that looks a bit like a pH issue to me. I had very similar appearance on a couple of my plants early on. Do you check pH on your water? If you don't, that could be an issue. Give your plants water with 6.5 pH for a few waterings (perhaps with a splash of Cal-Mag) and that issue should disappear.
I use RO water and don't have a ph pen...but I wondered about it. I'm starting to believe its a watering issue also. I watered this morning and it started running out the bottom with less than a half a gallon when it was bone dry! I'm going to figure that out when I get back home. Gonna be a long tedious watering process tonight to try and rehydrate everything. Not sure how we got to this point tho :rolleyes:. All this outdoor garden preparation has had me neglecting the poor thing. Definitely not gonna let it happen again though just for some veggies - I like bud way more!
Should I try and get some ph strips maybe??

Edit: I guess I do know how I got to that point huh? Lol
I use RO water and don't have a ph pen...but I wondered about it. I'm starting to believe its a watering issue also. I watered this morning and it started running out the bottom with less than a half a gallon when it was bone dry! I'm going to figure that out when I get back home. Gonna be a long tedious watering process tonight to try and rehydrate everything. Not sure how we got to this point tho :rolleyes:. All this outdoor garden preparation has had me neglecting the poor thing. Definitely not gonna let it happen again though just for some veggies - I like bud way more!
Should I try and get some ph strips maybe??

Edit: I guess I do know how I got to that point huh? Lol
Ok, so rule out source water as your issue. If you are using RO you likely have a Cal Mag issue especially if you are growing under LEDs. I would suggest getting some Cal Mag if you don't already have some, a brand that can be used with organic soil preferably.
Also would top dressing ewc do the same as cal mag? I dont have very many bottles...
I don't know.....the EWC I have list their calcium at 1%. I think you might need more than just than if there aren't additional sources of calcium in your soil. The other thing it could be if it isn't a Calcium issue is that your ratio is out of wack. When the ratio gets out of wack on the low side for calcium, it can lead to that sort of look. When its on the high side it has a bit of a different look but you gotta get real high in the ratio for that (like above 15:1 Cal to Mag).

EWC and ACT with lots of EWC will start helping you with the issue.

Also make sure you are watering very very slowly. And not to ask a stupid question but are you SURE its bone dry? Do you lift the pot? Always lift the pot (unless you are growing in 15+ gallon container) to make sure she is ready. I usually only get quick run through if I water too fast (even if the soil is really dry).

How long did you let your soil cook before you planted (just for my information)?
I don't know.....the EWC I have list their calcium at 1%. I think you might need more than just than if there aren't additional sources of calcium in your soil. The other thing it could be if it isn't a Calcium issue is that your ratio is out of wack. When the ratio gets out of wack on the low side for calcium, it can lead to that sort of look. When its on the high side it has a bit of a different look but you gotta get real high in the ratio for that (like above 15:1 Cal to Mag).

EWC and ACT with lots of EWC will start helping you with the issue.

Also make sure you are watering very very slowly. And not to ask a stupid question but are you SURE its bone dry? Do you lift the pot? Always lift the pot (unless you are growing in 15+ gallon container) to make sure she is ready. I usually only get quick run through if I water too fast (even if the soil is really dry).

How long did you let your soil cook before you planted (just for my information)?
I did change nozzles on the sprayer which is partially why it ran out but it didn't use to back when I used said nozzle. Been trying to water before work but don't have the time I need to water as slowly as id like so I'm changing to evenings. Ill look into some cal-mag, thought I had plenty of calcium sources mixed in but maybe not. I also let it cook 30+ days.

It was most definitely bone dry - which is the only time I can lift it without looking like a clown lol. 20 gallons wet with 33% pumice is no small feat with a bush growing out the top! But that's really the only way I can tell, the sides stay dry for the most part unfortunately so impossible to tell that way!
Yeah well you are doing everything right brother. I just know that those that use RO literally have none of the calcium and other stuff found in tap water at higher levels for a lot of us. Good stuff for those of us growing organically, but sometimes makes those that have to use calculators to feed plants struggle. So perhaps its a heavy feeding calcium strain in conjunction with the RO water. You seem to be checking the necessary boxes as you are trying to figure this out.
If it is PH it could be the soil itself. Get a soil ph checker if you can. Those little kits where you ad water and the special solution and shake it up work well. I always tend to wilfully ignore the question of Ph because a well rounded soil buffers naturally right? Well yes it does, for the most part. but if ratios go out, like VS mentioned, then maybe not so much. It was my soil I ended up testing (my garden helper is PH obsesssed so he made me check it - and he was right, that time ;) ). Quick soil test will help with patience too! Give you something to focus on for a few days while the plant has time to respond to the latest adjustment you’ve made (which can take up to a week or so). :thumb:
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