Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

I think when I take the plunge into Los it will be a pre made kit from Kis or buildasoil

Good plan.... all you need you can source locally and get the Amendment mix and the mineral mix from BAS/KIS. The only thing you need then is:

Humus (compost - lots of good choices in bags locally - Coast of Main on east coast and Malibu compost - west coast). If you have your own compost pile that's the best. Can add all your amendments into the compost bin. When the compost is finished, thats your humus portion. Plants go wild.

Hardest part is mixing and the moving containers. Most grow in soft bags with handles for easy move around. I'm still a hold out for hard pots.

Soil grows are kinda boring until they aren't. I'll be flowering till next summer starting here in a few weeks. Once that happens then it gets exciting with lots of eye candy. Wish I had Smell-a-Vision to go with.

I saw a kit that was pretty much Clacksmas Coots recipe and it caught my eye.

It's easy to mix your own there are only a few amendments. I've been mixing my own since we were working on the final mix on another website (GC) way back. Jeremy from BAS was there with us growing just like we were/are.

At BAS he's got a few options. Can get the classic Coots mix or a slightly different mix (amendments are a little bit different). Either will work and it's easy to source everything in 1 place.

BAS has many options with free ship which is nice.
KIS is good, very good actually. You have to specifically know what to look for on that website tho... neither website is actually very intuitive IMHO.

If you need help hit me up... been doing Coots style for a long time.

It's pretty simple really because very few inputs. Emphasis is on quality compost/humus.

I'm actually more interested in the composting we do. Something we work on every day. So it's part of our life, as is growing plants but the composting is where we are doing the most work.

For example, we have a bamboo patch. It needs maintenance every so often. Thin out the patch, make new stakes for plants and put all the bamboo leaves in the compost bins, then the leftover bamboo shoots we cut up and burn, then put those ashes in the compost bin. I actually enjoy doing that and in the spring, when I open the bins - black gold is right there! I can put a price on my weed, but I cant do that with our compost. It's stayin right here.
Good point Bob! The hardest part is mixing..the upkeep is mostly worm farming and compost piles! And that can be as simple as one would like, still with excellent results! Worms are way too easy, people overthink that a lot, but its also one of the most important/contributing factors!

Worms are happy with very little I've learned over the past 6 months, since I've went to the 30 gal static bin....things have never been so easy! In 2-3 months (6-12 months in total) I'll have some of the best compost a person can cant actually buy it though lol.

Ive done nothing to it other than add some water every week or so, they do the real work!
24k Gold - Day 56 of flower!

Has slowed down the drinking a little it seems..and am starting to spot of good amount of ambers already on this girl! Seems crazy how soon they've been finishing, I suspect its near ripe and we havent even came up on the breeders recommendation quite yet! Pretty magenta like colors on her too.

Didnt quite fill out like the LA Confidential but they're still fairly stacked! Hoping thats not due to this leaf contortion/yellowing issue I'm fixing to wage war against (for my own peace of mind). Once this last plant comes down, I'll do some drenches of neem and spinosad a couple times each! As well as clean and spray the piss out of this flower room!

Veg Day ~30

All the youngins are doing good.. Strawberry glue has taken off like crazy!! @bobrown14 must be the aged soil!! It was setting for a couple months after the DDA came out, when I checked the was loaded with worms! By now I would think it's pure vermicompost lol. SG definitely doesnt seem to mind, as its excelled far past the others! Node spacing is super tight also...may have to do something a little different regarding the training!

Blue dream has recovered from her transplant with no issues! Wasnt really ever worried but she was looking a little rough lol. Shes in 1st run soil, and I expect her to explode in the next day or two also!

And last but not least (unless its a male)...we have the gold rush. It seems to want to grow up and not out much. First time vegging in a 1 gal so not sure what to expect. If it turns out to be female, she'll go in the 20 gal the pineapple express was recently removed from after getting some soil trtreatment (neem/spinosad).

Now that I think about it, the more landracey ones probably do stretch/grow a little taller...ig time will tell!

Have been using Docs high brix watering technique for my 1 gal pot...until it finds it's permanent home at least. Then things will continue to stay moist (no-till doesnt have dry cycles). Hopefully you guys can help me determine the sex when it comes time :circle-of-love:

That 24K Gold plant looks great. Aren't plants supposed to look like that down the stretch?? I see that in my garden happy times! Just sayin. :passitleft:

It's a girl :Namaste:

No-till ftw - keeps getting better and better.
Thanks everyone! :passitleft:

Not sure if I ever showed this picture or not but it was taken a day or two after the strawberry glue had fallen over at soil level, pretty sure it was due to having wet feet! The stem shriveled and she collapsed, so I took her out from the direct airflow and propped her back up with a piece of pumice..Turned out to be the healthiest girl of the bunch!

I got that with one of my little ones this round. Fell over... I think you're right about too much water. Usually for me "I think she's dead Jim"

I got lucky this time.
Picked up some 100% organic, pesticide free, alfalfa meal! They ended up just giving me 20 or so pounds of it...its gonna last forever!!! Will mostly use it in my compost bins.

Might end up topdressing a very small amount, though im not sure even a TBSP is a safe amount for 10-20 gallons of soil?? Anyone?

Nice score LH! I don’t know anything about using it though. That one’s gonna have to wait for bobrown I think ;)
He definitely doesn't top dress I know I've read that. He uses in compost, then uses that compost! But he might just know of a safe amount to get it into my mix!
dont use alfalfa meal on your plants brother!!!

I just fried two of mine, one completely shrivelled up dead, only put two small tablespoons in too haha...

Bobrown said add to compost or mix in soil and cook... Picture proof in my journal!
Lol I read that in your thread! Figured there should be a safe amount to use?? Maybe not though! How big are your pots?

I never mixed it in initially and my compost wont be ready for at least another 6 months...thats why I was curious! But then again, they seem fine without it...
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