Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

white 5gallon pails my buddy gets for free from his work, duct taped black and drilled holes in the bottom. Put two tablespoons on each plant and... Well you saw the results:rofl: cant help but laugh at myself.

ask the guru, @bobrown14 , pretty sure you could add some to your compost and it will help speed up the process as its hot. Ask first so you dont end up cooking your girls like me lol

also, @Norcaliwood posted this link somewhere, so i saved it, thought you might find it useful organic ferts:passitleft:
Veg Day ~32

Moving right along! Thinking I'm gonna give them there first neem treatment tonight. Probably make it half strength as I'm not sure the 2 little uns' will like it a whole lot...But dont wanna skimp on IPM either!

Hopefully the gold rush will be ready for its first dunk/drench by tomorrow sometime. I wanna see it take off! Might try to drench in a light kelp tea, that should be ok I'd think!

I kind of think it is! Pretty sure it's way toned down though (more profitable perhaps?). I use approx. 5 cups of amendments per cu. ft. Not including rock dust/basalt, which is another 5 cups or so! And i still have to start topdress about a month or 2 in! I think thats what made me second guess the volume for how much soil he recommends for the packet. Possibly tripling could solve that problem!

For future reference that is ;)
I use a lot of stuff in my soil mixture. I think I have about a cup of amendments per gallon of soil. Never compared mine to Coots, I am sure its got a lot of the same stuff, but I am sure that its a lot different as well. My biggest issues was knowing and learning what amendments caused pH drifts over time. A few adjustments it was good.

Definitely much better going with an established recipe than creating your own, especially if starting out.
He definitely doesn't top dress I know I've read that. He uses in compost, then uses that compost! But he might just know of a safe amount to get it into my mix!
alfalfa is hot so be careful! Compost should be good though!!
Harvest day for Kosher x Tangie!

Mannn does this stuff have alot of sugar leaves!!! Thinking I'm going to make my own personal goodie bag out of them :slide: hopefully they're as good as Doc and the rest of em' say!

The smell is actually almost nauseating...I love it lol. Will be back later with some pics from harvest! Hope everyone's having a good start to their weekend!
This will also, most likely, be the end to this journal...just have to find the time to be able to create a new one and repeat myself all over again lol(soil mix, method, IPM, feeding, lights)!

Now that I think about it, it just might be fun...But still very time consuming!
Okay....finally got all the harvest pics uploaded. May have gotten carried away.

Here she is before harvest, and the remaining foundation. The tent is also due for a cleaning tomorrow, a very thorough one! Dead ladybugs are strewn about..

It seems fairly soon to pull a 59-67 day strain, but she was showing some amber over a week ago! Malted barley powder seems to do wonders. Here's a few of the best shots I could get, from various parts of the plant!

And lastly, the harvest pics. Along with the makeshift room, its super windy out here so no clothesline this time! I have a medium sized fan blowing air underneath them for approx 6 hrs....seeing how the just got a bud washin'. Then into the paper bags for a low and slow dry!

Got lots and lots of trim/popcorn off of this girl, guess I'll have to make a bunch of gummies :rolleyes: lol

Thanks for following me along this incredible learning experience, and for the tremendous amount of help along the way! :thanks:
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