Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

One day I will no doubt, hey listen subscribe to the Introduce Yourself thread and greet newcomers making their first posts. I try to greet as many as I can. A lot of newcomers have no clue and are looking for a little guidance.
That might just be what im missing...I find joy in helping people!

Tried my first bowl of freshies tonight! Think it may have been Duggan where I seen mention of that..but, definitely not bad at all! Think the pineapple will turn out pretty tasty

asked many questions that werent really ever answered (sounds selfish, maybe it is) a time where I had to act somewhat quickly - so I posted on other threads with great results! So maybe I dont need one? As Dusty said though, it is a good calendar of events!!

What Dusty says is true, and a big part of why I started to do it.

When that scenario happens to me - and it does, a lot! - I try to bring the response I got back to the thread so I have the answer there for continuity, and in case anyone reads it down the track, or in case someone is reading it that isn’t in the other thread where the answer came.

Also, don’t underestimate the folks who come to read to learn without joining. They are many!

There's a few of us that monitor that thread and greet newcomers.

I used to do that a bit. It’s fun, but I found I just couldn’t keep up the energy for it! It’s a good plan LH. I would like to see many people inspired and guided by what you’re doing. :D

Have we all convinced you to stick with it yet? :rofl:

No pressure of course...

Thinking I'm going to give up the journaling....theres literally 2 or 3 that actually follows along so I feel the time I put in isn't really worth it. I'll just hang out in your guys' journals!!!!!

Gonna miss ya here. There aren't that many organic farmers for some reason at least not journaling grows which is a shame.

Need to get the word out. Someday soon we will be able to take our harvest to market. There will be rules a regs and people using chem ferts are going to be in for a surprise. It's how its going down in Oregon now... it's a little crazy but we organic growers won't have any problems.

Its funny, I generally work from my oldest unread threads forward. I try to get to the older posts for that reason specifically.

Thats how I do it. Even wait to get to my own journal after I get to all older posts first.

I like journaling my grow in case I have questions. I don't write shit down or document very well so with a journal I can always go back and check dates plants etc. Gives me a good reference. Also always trying to improve my game and going back thru even pics is helpful. I did X last year and changed it slightly this year, did I make an improvement?? Easy to see in pics.

Over the years I've figured out how to do less work and grow more better weeds. That and made some good friends here too. You are 1 and there's a good crowd here on your journal too. All my 420 friends are here, just sayin.

Learning is a life long pursuit. I'm almost 60 and I strive to learn new stuff everyday. Interaction is part of that. Laying my shit out there in a public space is a very very good way to help with the learning process. Helps with
Of course Amy! Helping the new peeps will be where its at!

And my hardback journal never made it past page 1 so I need something to refer back to lol

I agree Bob, times are changing! Sustainable gardening is our obvious next step, imo!
I'll look him up!

Im glad you all enjoy it! I would like to have more traffic to feel as though I may be helping some peeps get a good start, or attracting them to LOS, and turn as many people away from nasty nutes as possible! A more sustainable approach! But everyone that follows is already on board with that lol..for the most part anyway! And to have a bit more knowledge from other sources getting spread around, I love learning!!!

I also understand alot of people that come to this website already have a niche, or method/mindset that works for them..and thats cool!

Ive also asked many questions that werent really ever answered (sounds selfish, maybe it is) a time where I had to act somewhat quickly - so I posted on other threads with great results! So maybe I dont need one? As Dusty said though, it is a good calendar of events!!

I'm also not the best host in the world lol, so maybe I dont need the traffic.

I have learned a ton from everyone here so dont get me wrong! I appreciate that :passitleft:

Post more pics if you want more people to come through....also get out and hit up more people's journals. Also make sure your signature has your link.

One thing I have seen is that those of us that grow in LOS generally don't get the same traffic that bottled growers get. Not as much to do for us so not as hands on. No one questions how much of this to feed or how much of this to add and what's causing the plant to do this or that. No whats your PPM or EC, or how do you like this nute or that additive. We are boring growers to some people LOL.....just the way I like it.

Visit others journals and many times people extend those same courtesies to you. Post more will cycle your thread back to the top where it gets seen. The visitors will come over time.
One day I will no doubt, hey listen subscribe to the Introduce Yourself thread and greet newcomers making their first posts. I try to greet as many as I can. A lot of newcomers have no clue and are looking for a little guidance.
Great advice.....newbies will gravitate to any journals of people making themselves known to them generally. Plus your journal will be more appealing than some of the other faster movers like PW and mine. 300 pages tend to scare a lot of new people (I mean who wants to go through 300 pages right)

Also perpetuals are ok, but sometimes people like shorter journals. Perhaps change it up and close out journals after harvest and start a new one. Keep adding the links to your signatures. Just a few ideas for you brother!
Great advice.....newbies will gravitate to any journals of people making themselves known to them generally. Plus your journal will be more appealing than some of the other faster movers like PW and mine. 300 pages tend to scare a lot of new people (I mean who wants to go through 300 pages right)

Also perpetuals are ok, but sometimes people like shorter journals. Perhaps change it up and close out journals after harvest and start a new one. Keep adding the links to your signatures. Just a few ideas for you brother!
I just thought of that yesterday :high-five:...will probably do that after this kosher x tangie comes down next week!

I definitely dont like reading through 300 pages, but always get sucked in anyways!
i was a long time lurker before i ever became a member, so you never know who might be reading your journal and finding it useful.... Ill be sad if you stop! But like van said, maybe journal the specific strains youre running will draw more interest tp your journal(s).

LOS for the win... Even though im cheating and using bagged living soil LOL... Saves me the guess work/time/storage space.... Learning how to ammend it properly is my next task... Learn a little every day.

hope you keep it up bro!
I think when I take the plunge into Los it will be a pre made kit from Kis or buildasoil
Kis makes some very good soil..Lab and field proven! I tried running my outdoor in 30 gallons of it but she never really stood a chance to begin its just expensive compost lol

It'd definitely be alot easier than sourcing everything, but way pricier!
I saw a kit that was pretty much Clacksmas Coots recipe and it caught my eye.
If and when you decide to, let me know! His "coots recipe" packets were pretty off volume wise, not so sure ratio wise as it doesn't state it I don't think. That's what led me to trying his!

There is certainly more support when going coots route though!
Will do, he claims it's Coots original recipe.
I kind of think it is! Pretty sure it's way toned down though (more profitable perhaps?). I use approx. 5 cups of amendments per cu. ft. Not including rock dust/basalt, which is another 5 cups or so! And i still have to start topdress about a month or 2 in! I think thats what made me second guess the volume for how much soil he recommends for the packet. Possibly tripling could solve that problem!

For future reference that is ;)
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