Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

He definitely doesn't top dress I know I've read that. He uses in compost, then uses that compost! But he might just know of a safe amount to get it into my mix!

Late as usual... yeah it's HOT so go easy. Composting is a good way. It can be top dressed and I will do it outdoors but mainly I use it to attract rabbits... oh wait no I don't. hehehehe JK.. yeah its an attractant for critters, its food for all sorts of critters and specially rabbits.

I add like a cup or so to my kitchen scraps then throw into the compost heap. Can do that every day if you want to.

Top dressing - I like Kelp meal + EWC a lot better.

Think of Alfalfa like Comfrey, its a green manure so its gonna get the soil hot until its broken down. Go REAL easy so you dont burn your plants. I used to make teas with it and EWC and stopped and started using Kelp meal with EWC, much better results. Comfrey is better as a top dress, its not as concentrated as alfalfa meal.

LH try it on a plant and see. It's a good source of N. If you're waiting several weeks it shouldn't be too hot by the time you plant.

Composting be sure you have a top to keep the rain out. If too much water in your compost bin, it will wash out the excess N from the compost. We want to keep that in the compost if we can.


Congrats on the harvest. That looks like a good pull there buddy!

Malted Barley supposed to knock off 10-20% off the flower times. I've done 49 days to harvest on a 60-70 day strain. Definitely works very well and the produce is going to be VERY good.

Curious about the fly strips??.. its poison and it gasses off, food for thought.

Once you harvest the bugs leave for greener pastures.

I chop at all cloudy so yours was right there.

I usually don't even wait that long! o_O Mostly cloudy.. but I really look at the calyx shape. I'm too lazy to get out the loop. Yours look perfect. You can see the all cloudy and amber in the first few pics there and the calyx haven't begun to shrink yet so you nailed it brother good job. :high-five:
Congrats on the harvest. That looks like a good pull there buddy!

Malted Barley supposed to knock off 10-20% off the flower times. I've done 49 days to harvest on a 60-70 day strain. Definitely works very well and the produce is going to be VERY good.

Curious about the fly strips??.. its poison and it gasses off, food for thought.

Once you harvest the bugs leave for greener pastures.

I usually don't even wait that long! o_O Mostly cloudy.. but I really look at the calyx shape. I'm too lazy to get out the loop. Yours look perfect. You can see the all cloudy and amber in the first few pics there and the calyx haven't begun to shrink yet so you nailed it brother good job. :high-five:
Good call on the compost! I wasn't aware it needed covered during heavy rains so thank you for that! Maybe I'll just stick to kelp/neem/ewc as a topdress, if it ain't broke don't fix it..

That was just a makeshift room due to high winds, fly strips have been in there for a couple months lol. Thanks for the compliments! I appreciate that.. MBP is the shiz!

Thinking I only got about 7 oz off the kosher x tangie which is little less than I was hoping for but it's dank.
congrats man! Looks tasty! And i look forward to the smoke report as well as the new journal!
Missed this earlier! Appreciate it brother :passitleft:
I'll take 7 oz off a plant!
Lol, I'm not disappointed! Should have thinned her out a little better though, got lots and lots of popcorn off of her :popcorn:. Gummies are definitely in order!
That was just a makeshift room due to high winds, fly strips have been in there for a couple months lol. Thanks for the compliments! I appreciate that.. MBP is the shiz!

Thinking I only got about 7 oz off the kosher x tangie which is little less than I was hoping for but it's dank.

Yeah u right... 7 zips of dank is no slouch. I don't complain about that. All the Cookies gear I'm running now I'll be dancing for 7 zips per plant that would be 28 zips from 4 plants in a 4x4 space. Not quite a gm/watt but dank is dank and gonna take that over yield every day.

Kosher x Tangie sounds like a good cross. Tangie is a good one. I have the original seeds in my vault.. been wanting to run them but always pick something else for some reason. I think because regs and not enough room in VEG rooms yet.

That popcorn is good for puffing, try in the am. Lots of times its good for wake n bake cause mostly clear trichomes give you the get up and go high! Try it. I actually love that shit. I dunno why. I'm a light weight.
Yeah u right... 7 zips of dank is no slouch. I don't complain about that. All the Cookies gear I'm running now I'll be dancing for 7 zips per plant that would be 28 zips from 4 plants in a 4x4 space. Not quite a gm/watt but dank is dank and gonna take that over yield every day.

Kosher x Tangie sounds like a good cross. Tangie is a good one. I have the original seeds in my vault.. been wanting to run them but always pick something else for some reason. I think because regs and not enough room in VEG rooms yet.

That popcorn is good for puffing, try in the am. Lots of times its good for wake n bake cause mostly clear trichomes give you the get up and go high! Try it. I actually love that shit. I dunno why. I'm a light weight.
That'll be alot of cookies! Ive tried a few freshies of the kosher and its absolutely phenomenal, leaves a superr cheesy/kush taste in the mouth..flavor is awesome, hope it sticks around!

These indicas in the morning arent doing the trick so I might just try that lol.
That'll be alot of cookies! Ive tried a few freshies of the kosher and its absolutely phenomenal, leaves a superr cheesy/kush taste in the mouth..flavor is awesome, hope it sticks around!

These indicas in the morning arent doing the trick so I might just try that lol.
CFF gear is supposed to be super terpy and I hope so because I just dropped $100 on 10 Clementine beans. Will also be giving super soil a try this winter, the whole not measuring nutrients or PHing had me sold. I'm doing 27 gal batch
CFF gear is supposed to be super terpy and I hope so because I just dropped $100 on 10 Clementine beans. Will also be giving super soil a try this winter, the whole not measuring nutrients or PHing had me sold. I'm doing 27 gal batch
Hey brother, nice to have you along! Not familiar with CFF? Kinda on the high side so I hope they turn out for you!

Super soil is where its at, I mean I dont call it that really...but it is a super soil lol. Is yours like the OG "super soil" that requires water only i.e. subcools mix? If thats the case, do some research on LOS and no-till (what I do). Its all pretty similar, but some things have changed in the past 5 years I'd say..a blend of all of them might even be in your best interest!

Van Stank, Bobrown, and I have all mixed our own soils to fit our needs just about perfectly! I dont believe theres such a thing as water only soil IMO, but you can get pretty darn close!! Minimal topdressings every month is about all it takes! Cheers :passitleft:
Hey brother, nice to have you along! Not familiar with CFF? Kinda on the high side so I hope they turn out for you!

Super soil is where its at, I mean I dont call it that really...but it is a super soil lol. Is yours like the OG "super soil" that requires water only i.e. subcools mix? If thats the case, do some research on LOS and no-till (what I do). Its all pretty similar, but some things have changed in the past 5 years I'd say..a blend of all of them might even be in your best interest!

Van Stank, Bobrown, and I have all mixed our own soils to fit our needs just about perfectly! I dont believe theres such a thing as water only soil IMO, but you can get pretty darn close!! Minimal topdressings every month is about all it takes! Cheers :passitleft:
Glad to be back on 420, it's been awhile. I liked reading your journal, a guy from my state introduced me to no till, I have his guide but I looked up KIS and adapted that to some amendments I could find locally. I've added peat, coast of Maine lobster compost, ewc, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, neem cake, crab meal, dolomite lime, powdered gypsum and azomite and a generous amount of perlite. Hoping it's not too hot. If I do add more nutrients mAybe some liquid seaweed with waterings? But I don't want to fuck up if I'm spending good $$ on seeds and electricity as my outdoors endeavors have been fruitful but lacking when compared with some of the loud I've had before
Glad to be back on 420, it's been awhile. I liked reading your journal, a guy from my state introduced me to no till, I have his guide but I looked up KIS and adapted that to some amendments I could find locally. I've added peat, coast of Maine lobster compost, ewc, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, neem cake, crab meal, dolomite lime, powdered gypsum and azomite and a generous amount of perlite. Hoping it's not too hot. If I do add more nutrients mAybe some liquid seaweed with waterings? But I don't want to fuck up if I'm spending good $$ on seeds and electricity as my outdoors endeavors have been fruitful but lacking when compared with some of the loud I've had before
Seems your already aware :thumb: I'm glad you enjoyed it! I've learned quite a bit in the last year since picking it back up, as I'm sure you can tell if you've read through lol.

Sounds like a pretty good mix really! Basalt is always good for its mineral content..and I'd maybe opt for oyster shell flour over the dolomite but I've seen dolomite work fine before! Bio char isnt a must but it also brings alot to the table, id add it if you can find locally...or even create it yourself! :passitleft:
Glad to be back on 420, it's been awhile. I liked reading your journal, a guy from my state introduced me to no till, I have his guide but I looked up KIS and adapted that to some amendments I could find locally. I've added peat, coast of Maine lobster compost, ewc, alfalfa meal, kelp meal, neem cake, crab meal, dolomite lime, powdered gypsum and azomite and a generous amount of perlite. Hoping it's not too hot. If I do add more nutrients mAybe some liquid seaweed with waterings? But I don't want to fuck up if I'm spending good $$ on seeds and electricity as my outdoors endeavors have been fruitful but lacking when compared with some of the loud I've had before

If you're following KIS recipe even loosely you should be fine. Alfalfa meal is hot it needs to compost a little bit, so give it a few weeks, don't plant right away.

Hardened off seedlings are OK, seedlings will die.

I'm no-till and water only. Amend between rounds is all I do. It takes a little faith but it works. First round is usually the least productive and it gets better every round after with less and less work each round.

Coast of Main with some peat moss and aeration with those amendments you listed yer golden. Karanja Meal is good add that one to your list - same amount as Neem and what LH mentioned up there ^^^.

Gotta have good water so you don't kill off all the microbes. Thats what I had a problem with when I first started. Our tap water sucks. Rain water is gold I hear too. Cant go wrong there.
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