Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Yeah really sorry LH, they’re definitely spider mites. They’ll go darker in the next stages of growth.

The best treatment folks have use recently has been just an alcohol spray. Conradino did it with grappa and it worked!! Newty recently did it with just iso (watered down) and she said it works. Killed mites, didn’t harm plant.
I’ll check her thread for the dilution...
They look like spider mites but the spider mites I had were dark.
Thats what was throwing me off so much!

Yeah really sorry LH, they’re definitely spider mites. They’ll go darker in the next stages of growth.

The best treatment folks have use recently has been just an alcohol spray. Conradino did it with grappa and it worked!! Newty recently did it with just iso (watered down) and she said it works. Killed mites, didn’t harm plant.
I’ll check her thread for the dilution...
Thats quite alright! Lol, after reading on bulb mites I was about to panic even more so! Not too worried about spider mites, plenty of tricks to knock em down!

I think Newty said 1:10 ratio over on Vans thread! Got some yesterday so will try it out this evening! :thanks:
Time for a little update!!! The girls are on day 38 and 48, respectively! The bugs are pretty much non existent as far as I can tell. I will most definitely continue to spray for the next week, than release the predatory bugs I'm about to order (lacewings, ladybugs, and possibly nematodes). That should clear them out real good!

And for the first time in a LONG time the 24k Gold is finally praying! VERY happy to see that happen! I'm expecting to see the both of these plants do very well. The Pineapple has sorta-kinda caught up with the 24k gold thankfully. Just required much less training! Way too early of a guess, but I'm hoping for at least 8 oz's from each :yahoo:. Have a look for yourselves!

24k Gold for starters!

And the Pineapple Express!

And the view of the entire tent upon opening, such a beautiful thing!!! :circle-of-love::love:

Thank you for following along everyone! Very much appreciated :thanks:
They both look great LH!
Thanks brother! I really appreciate it....big congrats to motm nomination as well! Your so very active and helpful to everyone, whether they're long time members or just starting out as I was a few months back! Thank you oh so much for all you've done :thumb::thanks:
Have pretty much settled on this for an IPM until I make the switch to flower in a few days. Just in case anyone was curious! Never really considered the tweetmint enzyme, but since it has the peppermint oil in it already I figured it would only help! The enzymes replicate that of insects, and are supposed to break down their exoskeletons. Or something along those lines lol!

Day 2 of Flower

Feeling like I pretty well have the bugs under control, and the girls are getting huge so thought I'd better flip them before they outgrew the tent..The 24k is taking up nearly an entire 3'x3' space. Pineapple isn't too far behind! Flipped on 9-5-18

Gave the both of them a pretty good defol, went extra hard on the 24k...though you cant really tell anymore! Will defol once again in another 2/3 weeks after deciding which shoots will amount to anything.

Gave them their first spinosad treatment last night. Will continue with that for a few days until hairs/buds start forming. Then wash all the leaves and whatnot down a few times using a aloe/yucca foliar so as to not harm the beneficials when I add them to the flower room!

Haven't decided to start another seed quite yet, been way to busy with work! Not to mention the Cindy developing bud rot which really threw a wrench in my schedule (not that I have one). Will be making topicals using the Cindy at the beginning of next week as long as all my packages arrive! So we're still not perpetual, not sure I can handle that quite yet. Nor do I want to move a "2 month veg" plant in a 20 gal around a whole lot! May just always start and finish in same tent. Just thinking aloud now!

This is the 24k Gold as of yesterday

And the Pineapple Express, definitely gonna have to buy a few more of these seeds as long as the smoke turns out! The structure is most awesome, and not too many leaves to have to deal with. Been pretty pleased!

Moisture meter broke, pay no mind to that! :thanks: for following along
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