Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Was pretty busy in the grow room again last night! After procrastinating for two weeks on hanging the light...its finally done :theband:. Took quite some time to finally come up with a pretty simple solution lol. It isnt the orientation I was looking for, but it'll work fine. May add a Chibi from Timber or a samsung strip, someday not likely in the near future. Ahh who am I kidding

Tied the Pineapple Express down for the most part, need to pick up some more binder clips today to finish her up. Shes on day 27 Veg. Hoping I dont have to flip her prematurely due to the 24k, or lug her back and forth from veg to flower tent. Also gave her a small drink of water, and neem foliar before lights out. Want to make sure no bad guys show up as im going into flower (unable to spray for most part).

24k Gold is on day 37 veg. Wouldn't mind being able to take her to 55+ days of veg to allow Pineapple some time to grow. If only she'd slow down a bit :laugh:. She's been drinking like crazy too. Loving the way the canopy is developing :circle-of-love: have a look! Edit: The first three photos are post training, so she looks a little roughed up!

:thanks: for joining along
looking fan-friggen-tastic in there LH! Love the way you've trained that pineapple! wouldn't adding in some 1750k be awesome? Oo to win the lottery

oh and congrats on cutting back the booze! I did that about 8years ago...but now I have to give up pop cause I drank it to replace the booze lol i swear caffeine and sugar are the thing leads to another :rolleyes:
looking fan-friggen-tastic in there LH! Love the way you've trained that pineapple! wouldn't adding in some 1750k be awesome? Oo to win the lottery

oh and congrats on cutting back the booze! I did that about 8years ago...but now I have to give up pop cause I drank it to replace the booze lol i swear caffeine and sugar are the thing leads to another :rolleyes:
Thanks Pjs! It would be awesome indeed, hope to do just that in 6-8 months! Spent wayyy to much money this year already lol.

I dont do the pop thing, thank God. Alcohol probably contains the same amount of sugar though, or at least in the long run. Plus kills your inhibitions! Lose lose situation
Everything looking good and proper in here Head :)

Congrats on getting the light up and on winding back the booze intake. My growing habit is fast becoming my main habit and that’s way healthier than others I have had :thumb: (never booze tho thankfully, I’m allergic ;) )

Everything looking good and proper in here Head :)

Congrats on getting the light up and on winding back the booze intake. My growing habit is fast becoming my main habit and that’s way healthier than others I have had :thumb: (never booze tho thankfully, I’m allergic ;) )


Thank you! And I agree, it has most definitely become my "favorite" habit! The others now just get in the way (except for shooting), which is why they gotta go :ciao: lol. I love these frickin plants :circle-of-love:
Not much to report today, thought I'd give a little update of the plan as of now. We all know how that changes though!

Probably going to give them both about 2 more weeks before I flip em. In that time I'll let them grow mostly up with a little more training out here and there, Pineapple for the most part.

Not sure I stated this yet but gave another neem foliar just a couple nights ago. Try to do the neem once a week, if not a little sooner. Alternating in middle of week with citrus tonic, which is supposed to deter pests also (and it feeds the plant!).

Having trouble getting the 24k Gold to pray, not sure what the deal might be. Still growing very nicely though. Letting her dry out real good now, than give her a fresh start again with a hefty watering and some microbes (similar to recharge).

This picture was from this morning, directly after another tonic foliar!

Time for a little update! Plants are doing fine considering this little pest I'm trying to deal with. Cant pinpoint what they are, kinda looks like a spider mite, or an aphid! They also almost resemble the "opaque" dust mite that can be found on google. Surely they wouldnt be on my cannabis causing harm? Cant really get a good picture with the loupe I have.

I do know they're almost a solid milky/opaque color of varying sizes. They also have those two "tails" coming out the ass end. And they're hairy. The head also appears to be darker than the rest, like a little reddish/brownish tint to it. Also 8 legs I'm pretty certain. Very plump round body. Hopefully that gives someone an idea.

I'm trying to decide what kind of beneficial insects I need to get ahold of before I have to start flowering in about 10-11 days. Gonna be alot of late night spraying goin on :rolleyes:

Pretty sure whatever it is I'm seeing could be dealt with the same way, correct? Neem, 91% ISO, various essential oils, and spinosad? Feel like that should cover them all! Do root aphids need a neem drench (if thats what they happened to be)?

I know there's alot of questions, but would sure appreciate the help!

Here's some "damaged" leafs, though they're really not all that bad off. Thats what I need to prevent though!

Considering I have a few of these bastards crawling around probably just about everywhere by now with my crazy airflow, I'd say the plants are still doing great! Heres some pictures from last night, on day 33 and 43 of veg.

Pineapple Express

24k Gold

Greatly appreciate any and all help! :thanks:
Heres the best picture of the critters I could get!


After looking at hundredsss of different insects, Im thinking they look almost exactly like a spinach crown mite. Same color legs, cellulite looking bodies, pointy dark-ish head. Bulb mites are also very similar. Do all these things have the potential to mess with a cannabis plant?
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