Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Done made me hungry for a salad now! Those are pretty neat looking things! Forgot to take pictures of our little jungle again yesterday. I think the self sustainability thing is why I enjoy it so much. I definitely didnt save any money by building a garden though lol...maybe in time
ya I really like the self sustaining part. Only produce ive bought this summer is what i dont have growing and I want to change that.

definitely get the savings long term with gardening... My folks have had their gardens for as long as I can remember since we moved in. At this point, the only thing she spends money on is seeds, soil and lights so she can get everything germinated and sprouted indoors before they go out. She gets so much produce, she gives it away to the neighbors, local restaurants, family, friends.

Eventually id like to produce enough to donate some to less fortunate families to help feed their kids healthy stuff, but thats a long term goal.

Its amazing how much food we could produce in our backyards, but I'm sure if everyone did it, they'd make it illegal lol
ya I really like the self sustaining part. Only produce ive bought this summer is what i dont have growing and I want to change that.

definitely get the savings long term with gardening... My folks have had their gardens for as long as I can remember since we moved in. At this point, the only thing she spends money on is seeds, soil and lights so she can get everything germinated and sprouted indoors before they go out. She gets so much produce, she gives it away to the neighbors, local restaurants, family, friends.

Eventually id like to produce enough to donate some to less fortunate families to help feed their kids healthy stuff, but thats a long term goal.

Its amazing how much food we could produce in our backyards, but I'm sure if everyone did it, they'd make it illegal lol
Spot on brother! I love meeting all the local gardeners and doing some trading, since like you said I dont have everyrhing I'd like! Definitely going to at least 16x16 next year. In the ground preferably, I'll keep my raised beds for tomatoes though!

I see all kinds of parents these days feeding their children pop and candy (and not because its cheaper than an apple). I'm only in my 20's and I was seldom allowed to have anything like that. It actually irritates me when I see it
16x16 sounds awesome! I have to stick to raised beds, my dogs would ruin them in the ground.... But they keep most of the squirrels and rabbits away, so they earn their keep lol

I hear you on the kids front.... Pop/candy was a treat... After lunch/dinner... If you were good lol... I won't go rambling on but it's just sad to see young kids eating garbage and glued to a screen.
Hi Head! :ciao:
All your veggie gardens look great! Home grown every thing is always better :)
I wish I had the time these days, nothing like your own produce.
Still never easy, a lot of work involved.
:thumb: yeah - it takes some physical capacity that’s for sure
definitely didnt save any money by building a garden though lol...maybe in time

And money too - you often hear people say why don’t poor people just how their own food, which is pretty naive really. It isn’t cheaper at all, just better :)
pop and candy
The real gateway drugs!
Most of America's poor cant afford fresh veggies and meats, they live on processed garbage and can't figure out why they die at a young age from all kinds of medical conditions.
Funny tho (not haha funny)... I have one of those medical conditions (a little cluster of them) and am almost totally removed from active life now as a result, and I have had a really healthy diet and lifestyle for the most part. There’s genetic factors too, and diet and environment play a role in how genetic predispositions play out. Just made me think... really healthy people also get all kinds of medical conditions so bad diet isn’t necessarily a cause... but maybe makes it much more likely? I dunno. Wish there was an easy answer to that ...
Funny tho (not haha funny)... I have one of those medical conditions (a little cluster of them) and am almost totally removed from active life now as a result, and I have had a really healthy diet and lifestyle for the most part. There’s genetic factors too, and diet and environment play a role in how genetic predispositions play out. Just made me think... really healthy people also get all kinds of medical conditions so bad diet isn’t necessarily a cause... but maybe makes it much more likely? I dunno. Wish there was an easy answer to that ...
Theres hardly ever an easy answer! I think it does help prevent to some degree....just imagine being obese while having those conditions, not just a little chunky - but obese! I'm sure it amplifies the condition to some degree
Basically it's the additives they put in processed foods that are killing us.
Preservatives are terrible! Sugars should be avoided at all costs, obviously not the easiest thing to do. And not so much natural sugars either...but they're not great by any means, maybe in moderation! I could talk health/fitness all day so ill leave it at that lol
Yep - I currently have no sugar on my diet except what is in vegetables. No fruit except blueberries. Summer without watermelon is going to be a strange experience. Although it’ll have been nearly a year so might be a good test - I love watermelon :drool:
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