Laquer Head's Indoor Organic Obsession: 2018

Hey thanks and :welcome:! Finally got me motivated to do a little update.

The 24k gold has exploded with new growth! Shes going to be a sturdy girl I think..these pictures are from a few days ago as I had to leave them for the weekend.

The Pineapple Express got transplanted about four days ago, the pictures of her are from a few days ago as well....I'm hoping when I return she'll have exploded too! She went into the 20 gallon the LA Confidential came out of just two weeks ago.

The most exciting part of it all is possibly the arrival of the new light! :slide::yahoo:

Two more Vero COBS from Timber! They were more than impressive my first go round so will be sticking with them. The care they put into these things is incredible, packaging and all. I just like how they look :cool:

Dan even gave me a free potentiometer for a light I was gifted...not too shabby!

Thanks for following along! :passitleft:
Or lights knocked down while working on an exhaust fan and filter.
Hey LH!

Been so long and I’m sorry about that. Harvest must’ve been a hoot on that LA - what a beauty. You’re definitely close to half a lb there

And yay for Cinderella 99 :slide: If you can pull the branches out just a bit for space in there the flowers will develop better. I’m so glad it’s looking great for you. Persistence pays off :thumb: nice work!

Looking forward to the outcome of the low n slo - prolly not as much as you are tho!!! Did you quick dry any to test?

Hey LH!

Been so long and I’m sorry about that. Harvest must’ve been a hoot on that LA - what a beauty. You’re definitely close to half a lb there

And yay for Cinderella 99 :slide: If you can pull the branches out just a bit for space in there the flowers will develop better. I’m so glad it’s looking great for you. Persistence pays off :thumb: nice work!

Looking forward to the outcome of the low n slo - prolly not as much as you are tho!!! Did you quick dry any to test?

Thanks for stopping by Amy! Been really busy here worries! Definitely gonna hit around 9.5 oz with her, not including alot of popcorn nugs ill use for butter/topicals. Definitely happy with those numbers.

I actually have tried about a gram or two of it and its pretty impressive for so soon into it...I notice an instant head change though and flavor is definitely on point!

Should be updating the Cinderella before too long!

Edit: I should add, that its probably the beat smoke I've ever grown in my few sporadic years of growing!
Okay, finally got Wi-Fi back up and running! So time for a small update on everything. Sorry for lack of updates lately, been super busy as well as having the Wi-Fi antenna shit out on us!

The Cinderella is now about 2 weeks or so into kind of impressed I guess. Hope shes able to keep it up until the end and get me a good 3 or so ounces. Have stopped spraying for pests as it seems useless as well as being a waste of money. Buds aren't going crazy by any means but they should work. I actually think there is even a male part on her....hoping that doesnt interfere too much!

The 24k Gold is doing phenomenal! It just wont stop, no matter if I'm transplanting or topping. It just keeps truckin along! Very good to hear, but now wish I would have started the pineapple a little sooner lol.

I ended up topping the 24k Gold 2 days ago, and it didnt skip a beat (at the 6th node btw). Going to try and train it a good bit to allow the pineapple to grow out! I'm sorta more interested in the pineapple anyhow! Either way its doing wonderful.

Then there is only the pineapple left! It seems to have gotten a little slower start, it IS 10 days behind however. I still feel it should be blowing up by now but I guess time will tell! It also has a little leaf variegation but nothing to worry about I doubt. I just wish it could grow some more nodes so I could start my foliars (kelp and MOBT sprout tonic)! Thats what gets them going hard anyways.

Either way she is healthy and I'm happy!

I lied, there is one more thing to cover!

The LA Confidential has turned out to be some pretty darn impressive stuff. Bag appeal like no other, still not a great smell as we're only two days into cure, excellent flavor already, and superrr dense! Very happy with its outcome. Havent done the final tally yet as I feel I would be cheating if I presented the numbers with 63% humidity left in the nugs!

Will update with weight in a week or so! But heres some pictures of the final product/s!

As well as a view of the veg tent I forgot to add to the last post :roorrip:

Thanks for following along! Cheers :passitleft:
if You see nanners or male bits down low just pick them off and they may not come back.
Evidently drunk me thought we were talking about Cindy for some reason..but I will try and pick them off as I see them! Thanks!
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