Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

Em, excellent news.
No worries, you don't need to.
You can grind them after and gently mix in with soil.
When I use this I am shaking the jar until it is one soupy mess, chunks and all, and that goes into my AACT bucket. Not only am I getting the nutrition that the extract and left over solids provides, but in the AACT I am also creating the microlife that feeds on that potassium. This is going to be an incredible super charge to the newly blooming plants, just when they need it.
:) I could certainly start collecting and just chuck it in a bin outside for now.. Right?
It will freeze, but better than going to garbage...
I have a small comost pin in my kitchen with an air filter for smell that I fill up in about 3 weeks then dumb in my bin outside its only -6 Celsius where I am but mines fine out there
Hey there Em. Question for you. In your soil mixes what do you prefer? Perlite or Pumice? I went with 2 gallons of Vermiculite and 2 gallons of 3/16" Pumice in mine just do to it being good in my worm casting farm and the CEC. I figured my organic base soil FFOF has some perlite in it already so I figured I may like pumice, or the microlife will like it rather lol.
Hey there Em. Question for you. In your soil mixes what do you prefer? Perlite or Pumice? I went with 2 gallons of Vermiculite and 2 gallons of 3/16" Pumice in mine just do to it being good in my worm casting farm and the CEC. I figured my organic base soil FFOF has some perlite in it already so I figured I may like pumice, or the microlife will like it rather lol.
You made a good choice, although not sure I agree with using that much vermiculite. Pumice is 100% organic and has several advantages over perlite. First it is heavier and doesn't tend to float to the top of containers with watering, so it stays put in the container and it helps make heavier containers to be able to hold up taller plants. Pumice has millions of little microscopic holes and chambers in it, providing a wonderful refuge for the microlife. Lastly, Pumice is very mineral rich, having many elements in it that are needed by our plants and to help support the microlife. If I had my choice over perlite or pumice, I would pick pumice.
You made a good choice, although not sure I agree with using that much vermiculite. Pumice is 100% organic and has several advantages over perlite. First it is heavier and doesn't tend to float to the top of containers with watering, so it stays put in the container and it helps make heavier containers to be able to hold up taller plants. Pumice has millions of little microscopic holes and chambers in it, providing a wonderful refuge for the microlife. Lastly, Pumice is very mineral rich, having many elements in it that are needed by our plants and to help support the microlife. If I had my choice over perlite or pumice, I would pick pumice.
I went with that ratio to stick with the Revs recommendation. I've never used very much vermiculite but figured for the 1st go round I should stick with him hehe.
I went with that ratio to stick with the Revs recommendation. I've never used very much vermiculite but figured for the 1st go round I should stick with him hehe.
Also, thanks for that info about the pumice. Sounds like good stuff for sure. Sure is a bit more expensive than perlite but if this TLO stuff turns out well for me I would be recycling soil over and over again so not as much would be needed later.
bud day 13.PNG

Day 13 of bloom, Ice Breaker

This picture is the only statement that I need to make about the Vander 3000 LED lights. I am seeing the first frost on several of the plants on day 13. Enough said.

Today was watering day and everyone got to enjoy a very special two day actively aerated compost tea. This tea is designed to bring to the soil a special group of flowering microlife, who specialize in the distribution of potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Two special distilled raw nutrients were also added to this tea in a ready to use form, @AngryBird 's banana peel extract and my own dandelion extract at a rate of 1 tbls per 3 gallons.
The tea was bubbled energetically for 1 day with the following raw materials added to 1 gallon of water:
1 tbs molasses
1 tsp calmag
1 tbs dry 5-5-5 all purpose
1 tbs kelp meal
1 tsp high N bat guano
1 tsp high P bat guano
1 tsp liquid fish
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup Fox Farm Big Bloom

After bubbling for a day to create this special set of microlife the following was added:
1/2 cup composted cow manure
1/2 cup earthworm castings

The mix was bubbled for an additional 36 hours, and at the 24 hour point 1 more tbs of molasses was added to feed the microlife. The tea was strained and 2 more gallons of fresh spring water was added. This 3 gallons of tea was then applied to the thirsty plants.

We are trying to get ready for Doc's cationic drench, in 8 more days. The next watering will be the second application of Docs soil preparation High Brix tea, and then the watering after that, and the next one will be the drench.

I hope your gardens are going well! Welcome to February! :peace::love:
Hi Em :hug:
I can't take credit for the banana. Juice, since I found the idea on the web a few years back, when I was researching and digging through pages of how to grow naturally and DIY nutrients.
Unfortunately I lost all my research material in the move, so I can't link it.
(That’s when I found you discussing electricity in another forum as well :))
Beautiful :bravo: the Ice Breaker showing frost really quick. Those Vander lights are proving themselves quite powerful.

What is dandelion extract?
Speaking of dandelions. I've been reading about companion plants and surprised to find that dandelions produce Ethylene gas which can kick start flowering in some plants among other things. I may try to experiment with some companions.
Beautiful :bravo: the Ice Breaker showing frost really quick. Those Vander lights are proving themselves quite powerful.

What is dandelion extract?
Speaking of dandelions. I've been reading about companion plants and surprised to find that dandelions produce Ethylene gas which can kick start flowering in some plants among other things. I may try to experiment with some companions.
Emmie's Backyard Fermented Plant Extracts From Dandelions!
I distill 3 very powerful nutrients from dandelions, one out of the flowers, one out of the roots and one out of the leaves. Each has been proven to be extremely powerful in helping our plants in various stages of their growth. The flower extract for instance, acts very much like Fox Farms' Open Sesame, and it makes new bud site production take off like crazy in early flower, probably due to the element you mentioned.
Since dandelion is also a prolific weed, it could not be considered to be a companion plant.... they would fight with each other for top and bottom dominance in the container, and it could get ugly. Talk to @SweetSue about some of the companion plants she has used in her containers.
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