Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

So just adding water? Or try and add more P-K also?
I love reading about this grow! It’s so interesting!
Thank you Angela! I have been enjoying your journal too!

Here is an update! Yesterday was watering day and the entire tent is now in sync. It was also the first application of Doc's High Brix Soil Conditioning Tea... getting ready for the cationic drench in a week or so. I am writing this the morning after, and can see that the plants appear again to be very happy, lifting all the leaves up toward the light.

Today I am also cleaning up the lower growth a little bit, allowing for more airflow in the center and the first 6 inches or so over the top of the mulch. This is now day 9 of flower, or 15 after the flip and we have seen the plants stretch to just about twice their height before the flip. 4 or 5 of the kolas from the strongest plants have almost tripled in height, but it is still very manageable under the LEDs, and they don't seem to mind being 10 inches or so below the light, at least so far.

Here are a couple of pictures of Wappa, who today is representing the bunch. She has turned into a real beauty and I would normally expect 3-4 oz from a plant of this stature... let's see what happens! The buds are really starting to puff up already and I remain very happy with the results of this LED light.
Your lady is looking very beautiful at this stage. Bud growth and swell looks like it will be a stunner. Such growth already. Cheers ladyfair.
:reading420magazine:I have an update on the banana peel extract project, now on its 13th day:
I haven't been taking daily pictures because it really is unremarkable, and actually, sort of ugly.
:nomo: The chunks of banana (grind it up next time} keep getting eaten up and if left to settle, a thick brown sludge forms at the bottom and around all of the chunks, which all just sink into the bottom together, leaving a little clearer liquid at the top.
:surf: It sits for days doing apparently nothing, until the other day when I went back to shaking it. Surprise! A lot of the sludge and banana debris disappeared into the solution. So it is breaking up, and the final liquid that results is going to be very thick and needing to be shaken well before applying.
:slide:I will be doing that applying on my next watering, which will be an AACT with heavy flowering nutrients and the microlife to support them, and everyone is going to love the banana!
Wappa is gorgeous! ( insert heart eyes emoji here) She is loving those lights! My crowns are enjoying them too! So pleased with the Vanders right now.
Yes, I have to agree, these lights are doing a very good job. I of course have nothing to compare them to other than the HID I am used to, so I have no way to compare them to any of the other products out there. I also have very little to go on as far as how close can I get these lights and am still needing to see how far I can push the limits as we transition into bloom. The very top buds on the 3 most robust plants are at around 10 inches from their LED right now, with the rest of the canopy 6-7 inches below that. There isn't much else I can do there. The rest of them that didn't stretch their main colas as badly and have a more even canopy are not as close to their light, right now being about 15-16 inches below. I will be experimenting in the next few days with bringing the lights on that more even and manageable side down a bit, just to see how far I can go. Stretch with these lights, doesn't seem to be a big issue.
:reading420magazine:I have an update on the banana peel extract project, now on its 13th day:
I haven't been taking daily pictures because it really is unremarkable, and actually, sort of ugly.
:nomo: The chunks of banana (grind it up next time} keep getting eaten up and if left to settle, a thick brown sludge forms at the bottom and around all of the chunks, which all just sink into the bottom together, leaving a little clearer liquid at the top.
:surf: It sits for days doing apparently nothing, until the other day when I went back to shaking it. Surprise! A lot of the sludge and banana debris disappeared into the solution. So it is breaking up, and the final liquid that results is going to be very thick and needing to be shaken well before applying.
:slide:I will be doing that applying on my next watering, which will be an AACT with heavy flowering nutrients and the microlife to support them, and everyone is going to love the banana!
Wish I had grinded mine up haha
I am sure that after 10 days mine was ready to go too, and the beauty of this fermenting process is that it will just keep getting better and better the longer it sits. I will be using this extract right up through mid flower, when I will stop because of the Mulder chart predicting a competing relationship between potassium and phosphorus availability.
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