Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

Getting closer over here Em. My soil is actually "cooking" haha. Basement is at 63 degrees but the micro beasties must doing aerobics in the soil. Soil is 11 degrees warmer than the outside. Only been cooking for a few days too.


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Getting closer over here Em. My soil is actually "cooking" haha. Basement is at 63 degrees but the micro beasties must doing aerobics in the soil. Soil is 11 degrees warmer than the outside. Only been cooking for a few days too.
Thats good! Yes, they get to work quickly when you have all the right stuff there for them
Here we are at day 15 of flower and I can hardly believe what I am seeing. All looks good, great actually...
There has been massive bud growth in just the last two days after the AACT. It is always clear upon adding all that new microlife [and bananas and dandelions] that the plants get a boost... maybe a boost and a half.
The next watering is coming up tomorrow or the next day. This will be a very slow all day watering, featuring Doc's High Brix Soil Preparation tea. The watering after that will be at the 21 day point... and we will go with the High Brix Cationic Drench.
I have also stopped questioning the effectiveness of these Vander 3000 lights.
Half off is prob’ly too much slowpuffer. Only needs to be able to exchange a little air... so mostly closed, but not fully sealed is what one wants for cooking soil. :)

Em - I hope that Cationic Drench doesn’t cause issues for your babies. In a full DBHBB kit grow, it would be way too early for that Drench now, plus the other drenches prepare the soil for the Cat to some extent. I just know that things can react badly to it if given at the wrong time. So I am compelled to say so :)... the Kit products are designed (carefully) to work together and with the soil ammendments, there’s no telling what might happen when using them as hoc ... guess you’ll find out!
Thanks for the quick get back Amy ! I'm now 20 days into the cook. And the lids on these plastic bins, naturally leak a little around the edges, so I'm just leaving them sealed. On day 14, I completely mixed it. And my concern now is if I added to much fish bone meal (ie 4 lb. bag.) And 4 lb. bag of Stonington blend organic 5-2-4 fertilizer. 20 lbs. of worm castings. Just hope it's not to hot ? Speaking of hot, I expected more heat production, but sides of containers cooled down ? Thanks for your help Amy. I'm doing a lot of reading from doc buds journal, but dam, I don't think i'll ever catch up to current. Think, I'm on page 67, of like 1096 page journal. :rofl: My son in law was supposed to order the kit, but I haven't seen it yet. I'm gonna try it on the current grow, but it's not docs soil, so I'm not sure if it will work or not. But the amendment from the kit will be used for making docs soil. and the drenches and foliars will be used on this grow. So as you said, we will find out if the kit works on other mixtures. When the soil is ready, I have 4 ( inzane in the membrane) clones, in two gal pots, probably 7 weeks old by now. They were originally hydro roots, in coco, but was transplanted from root bound 1 gal bags, into COM platinum, about 2 weeks ago, and was watered once at 10 days. Don't think I'll have the time to let them get as root bound as I'd like, in the two's. We just smoked the last joint of this delicious organic weed, and now we're harvesting a coco grow, (ie 10 days into flushing now) And I just know it wont be the same !! I only wish that organic buds developed as fast and large as hydro !!
Thanks again Amy !! Raining today in New England, and very warm 40 degrees !!
I only wish that organic buds developed as fast and large as hydro !!
I am not sure this is an accurate statement for someone doing organic correctly... if everything needed is there, there is no logical reason that hydro should be superior... it certainly doesnt taste the same.
I am not sure this is an accurate statement for someone doing organic correctly... if everything needed is there, there is no logical reason that hydro should be superior... it certainly doesnt taste the same.
And for me, taste is what it's all about !!
s not docs soil, so I'm not sure if it will work or not
Hi puffer!
IMHHO it would be a waste of the kit products to use them on a grow in soil other than the kit like you suggest (so a waste of your $$$). High Brix methods do not have more than 10-15% organic matter in the soils, so with that soil mix I’d say there’s too much for the soil biota to be any kind of happy - from a high brix standpoint.
as you said, we will find out if the kit works on other mixtures
:hmmmm:I’m not sure I said that exactly.:battingeyelashes: The DBHBB ‘kit’ is optimised and carefully formulated to work with a soil amended and cooked as per the kit instructions. Whether it ‘works’ or not with other soils will likely be a matter of degrees. WIll the products ‘work’ the way they are designed to work? No they won’t, not even close. Moreover, a lot of what you have in the soil mix you mentioned, are elements that are also in the DBHBB drenches (fish hydrolysates etc.) so you may very well be overloading your soil if you use those drenches in it. I’m not suggesting you do or don’t do anything in particular, that’s just my response to what you posted.

That’s my take on it and i’ll probably leave it at that. I only piped up about the Cationic Drench because it’s powerful and I didnt want Emmie to have an ‘incident’ right at the beginning of flower.

Hiya Emmie - your flowering beauties back there are looking pretty darn good! :D :ganjamon:
Here we are at day 15 of flower and I can hardly believe what I am seeing. All looks good, great actually...
There has been massive bud growth in just the last two days after the AACT. It is always clear upon adding all that new microlife [and bananas and dandelions] that the plants get a boost... maybe a boost and a half.
The next watering is coming up tomorrow or the next day. This will be a very slow all day watering, featuring Doc's High Brix Soil Preparation tea. The watering after that will be at the 21 day point... and we will go with the High Brix Cationic Drench.
I have also stopped questioning the effectiveness of these Vander 3000 lights.
What a gorgeous site to see!!
Hi puffer!
IMHHO it would be a waste of the kit products to use them on a grow in soil other than the kit like you suggest (so a waste of your $$$). High Brix methods do not have more than 10-15% organic matter in the soils, so with that soil mix I’d say there’s too much for the soil biota to be any kind of happy - from a high brix standpoint.

:hmmmm:I’m not sure I said that exactly.:battingeyelashes: The DBHBB ‘kit’ is optimised and carefully formulated to work with a soil amended and cooked as per the kit instructions. Whether it ‘works’ or not with other soils will likely be a matter of degrees. WIll the products ‘work’ the way they are designed to work? No they won’t, not even close. Moreover, a lot of what you have in the soil mix you mentioned, are elements that are also in the DBHBB drenches (fish hydrolysates etc.) so you may very well be overloading your soil if you use those drenches in it. I’m not suggesting you do or don’t do anything in particular, that’s just my response to what you posted.

That’s my take on it and i’ll probably leave it at that. I only piped up about the Cationic Drench because it’s powerful and I didnt want Emmie to have an ‘incident’ right at the beginning of flower.

Hiya Emmie - your flowering beauties back there are looking pretty darn good! :D :ganjamon:
Thanks Amy! I so much appreciate your holding me back a bit before I made that mistake. It was pure laziness on my part, not wanting to dig through the 1000+ page journal to find what I needed. With your hints however, I was able to figure out what I needed to do and confirm that my LOS was compatable with High Brix. Due to what I have learned in this area over the last several weeks, I realized why it was important to have a strongly amended and cooked soil before trying High Brix, and I knew to not only prepare the soil using the special soil preparation tea, but I also realized the importance of making sure that my microlife population was as high as it could be before flipping that ionic switch. (the 4 pillars of High Brix) Even with my carefully prepared living soil, it has taken 3 weeks to get to the point where it would be appropriate to do the cationic drench and I expect to see a remarkable shift when I do it.
Today is watering day! We are at day 18 of flower.
Lots of things have been happening since we last talked and the most significant thing is that I didn't give enough calmag last time in my AACT and suddenly 3 of plants are showing signs of a magnesium deficiency. I have jumped right on it and have given a strong 2tsp / gal dosage with this water.
Stretch appears to be over and the Super Cheese has almost tripped in height, Ice Breaker has more than doubled. Train Wreck and Wappa have just about doubled in height and Jack is almost but still short of double her veg height. NYC Diesel is coming in at the rear, with maybe a 50% increase in height.
Today I made stacks of bricks and old CD drives to even up the canopy on both sides of the tent. I created a high side and a low side, each with their own LED light 12 inches above the canopy. This should help a lot.
I have been watering since this morning and it is late afternoon now and I still have a couple of rounds to go. Today's mix is 1/3 cup of Big Bloom, 2 tsp Calmag and 2 tsp of Doc's High Brix Soil Preparation tea per gallon of soil. Since the first application to the top roots hours ago, green is already filling back in on some of the damage leaves and all the plants are violently reaching up toward the lights. What I am seeing right now is a thing of beauty... here, look!

The crazy thing is what these Vander 3000 Full Spectrum lights are accomplishing. I am going to feature Train Wreck for you this afternoon... she told me she wanted to show off her new buds. She is already starting to frost up 1 node down from the top too. This plant has turned out to be very strong and can easily hold herself up in the wind.

So here is a bud at 18 days that really is impressing me. Look how fast the nodes are going to merge on this plant into a large cola!

Here is the plant from the side. I give you the loud and proud, Miss Train Wreck!
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