Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

Highya Emmie,

Ladies are looking mighty fine in there! Will be fun to see how they turn out with the different nutrient strategies. Cheers LadyFair
Here we are at day 15 of flower and I can hardly believe what I am seeing. All looks good, great actually...
There has been massive bud growth in just the last two days after the AACT. It is always clear upon adding all that new microlife [and bananas and dandelions] that the plants get a boost... maybe a boost and a half.
The next watering is coming up tomorrow or the next day. This will be a very slow all day watering, featuring Doc's High Brix Soil Preparation tea. The watering after that will be at the 21 day point... and we will go with the High Brix Cationic Drench.
I have also stopped questioning the effectiveness of these Vander 3000 lights.
Those look great! Nice work!
I'm going to jump on the hydro vs dirt discussion... I dunno.... feelin feisty and wanna drive outside my normal lanes... what can I say.

I'll not be trying to say that hydro will deliver better/more wonderful/whatever angle of things. Honestly, I might even concede that point and throw my hat into that ring as well.
Of course, there are many other reasons and many other gardens where hydro might be a good fit vs dirt. In my world, one of the largest drivers of my choice for hydro is actually pests. During any number of previous dirt grows, I'd always had some form of pest damaging things. This, of course, causes one to leap lots of hurdles trying to eradicate the beasties. The very first plant I grew in a neutral medium really told me loudly that the hydro answer was going to be much better for me.
Now... the other point... and this one I might toss gauntlets on the table for if anyone's feeling up to the challenge... is the speed point. I really feel I can grow more product in less time than a dirt grow. Further, I feel that hydro is about 1/4 faster.
And, yes, my wife has occasionally referred to me as a "simple minded contrarian".
I am not sure this is an accurate statement for someone doing organic correctly... if everything needed is there, there is no logical reason that hydro should be superior... it certainly doesnt taste the same.
Well, I'm seeing those folks, growing in doc buds kit talking about 3-4 Zs per plant. If I get 4 Zs on my coco plants, I would feel like I failed. I'm getting better at growing hydroponically in coco and I have never seen an inside soil grow, that would compare, yield wise !! it wouldn't be bad if my harvest went from 22-24 Zs, with 4 plants, in my little 4x4 tent, to like 18 Zs. i'd have no problem with that. But I have to admit, that I've never smoked anything, as good as grown in super soil or LOS. So I'm gonna use this soil I have cooking, and use it as the super soil it is and start a new batch of promix with docs kit. Thanks to Amy & Em for the right on info. !!
Well, I'm seeing those folks, growing in doc buds kit talking about 3-4 Zs per plant. If I get 4 Zs on my coco plants, I would feel like I failed. I'm getting better at growing hydroponically in coco and I have never seen an inside soil grow, that would compare, yield wise !! it wouldn't be bad if my harvest went from 22-24 Zs, with 4 plants, in my little 4x4 tent, to like 18 Zs. i'd have no problem with that. But I have to admit, that I've never smoked anything, as good as grown in super soil or LOS. So I'm gonna use this soil I have cooking, and use it as the super soil it is and start a new batch of promix with docs kit. Thanks to Amy & Em for the right on info. !!
Well, I do have slight quantity concerns as well. I am more than willing to give up SOME quantity for quality but sure not half. I will say, I have been growing in ProMix HP exclusively for the last few years with the entire Grand Master lineup from Advanced Nutrients. I have that absolutely mastered. That being said, I just started my first TLO grow to see an apples to apples comparison from what I know I do with ProMix with Advanced. If I veg under my 25 CREE cob array for 8 weeks and don't get 7-12 oz per plant (depending on strain) with ProMix and Advanced I did something very wrong. I am starting my TLO grow now with high yielding high potency strains.
Some of those who talk highly of 3-4oz with BRIX are also using low wattage for their grow area size. My plants NEVER starve for light energy so we shall see how this grow goes. I hope to see 6-10oz plants with better quality. I am germinating 6 plants as a TLO trial run now.
Don't be tricked slowpuffer. Good organic soil amended properly will yield plenty, my opinion is just not as fast. My regular soil is Michigan mix. An organic supersoil I buy, add water and some papa's perfect poop at flip, and molasses to, and if I don't mess things up get well over a pound in the 4x4 tent regularly. Auto's included.
Time and pot size is key.
If I grow them until they tell me it's time for the next thing (for instance uppotting) ,by the time they're in a 10 gallon pot filled with roots I'm no longer in control. They are and in a big way. I believe Emilyas' LOS methods are much better.
Here's a pic of my first grow with the Michigan Mix. It was my second grow. Luck does have a strong hand in my life, but that's the point. The soil did the work.
The part of this equation that you guys are overlooking is the size of the soil containers. Using my methods I can grow 3-4 oz in a 3 gallon container. If I veg longer and move up into a 7 gal or a 10 or 15 gal, I am sure that I could at least equal the production of any hydro unit of a normal size.
Yes, hydro can allow for more rapid growth in veg than the typical soil grower who is timid with nutes, but I aggressively use nutrients and feel I can hold my own against any method including the nutrient all the time hydro system. Hydro is clinically cleaner too, so pests and infestations are easier to keep away than in a soil grow, but done correctly, bugs need to be no larger of a problem in soil vs liquid... its mostly a matter of environment and what you allow into your grow space. It is totally possible to buy hardware store soil, sterilize it in your oven, and be just as clean as any other grow... but how many people actually go to these extremes, thinking that they would never be plagued by such things? Sadly, way too many of us.
I'm going to jump on the hydro vs dirt discussion... I dunno.... feelin feisty and wanna drive outside my normal lanes... what can I say.

I'll not be trying to say that hydro will deliver better/more wonderful/whatever angle of things. Honestly, I might even concede that point and throw my hat into that ring as well.
Of course, there are many other reasons and many other gardens where hydro might be a good fit vs dirt. In my world, one of the largest drivers of my choice for hydro is actually pests. During any number of previous dirt grows, I'd always had some form of pest damaging things. This, of course, causes one to leap lots of hurdles trying to eradicate the beasties. The very first plant I grew in a neutral medium really told me loudly that the hydro answer was going to be much better for me.
Now... the other point... and this one I might toss gauntlets on the table for if anyone's feeling up to the challenge... is the speed point. I really feel I can grow more product in less time than a dirt grow. Further, I feel that hydro is about 1/4 faster.
And, yes, my wife has occasionally referred to me as a "simple minded contrarian".
Tead, I agree with everything you say. When a master grower is running 4000 watts, in a perfect environment is getting 4 Zs average per plant, what is my chances of duplicating that, with my imperfect environment and way less light? And less knowledge. I average about 6 Zs. per plant in coco coir, friends with more skill get 8 Zs and I already know that's not gonna happen in LOS or super soil. I'm thinking that if we want good organic produce, then it's gonna be more expensive. But one thing fo sho, no hydroponic weed is ever gonna taste like organically grown goodness. (this will get an argument going ) And yes, it takes longer, with smaller yields, but I'm thinking quality now. And If you had said that I'd be cooking soil, one yr. ago, I'd have said , why in hell would I cook dirt !! May take longer and yield less, but the weed is much more potent, and by leaps & bounds, better taste & smoothness.
And I surely don't miss buying all those coco nutrients and additives, necessary to achieve big yields. I can't say for sure, no one can, but I think organic produce is the way for me. Just hope we can grow enough for two people, in same spaces, with same lights. My thanks go out to everyone, especially Amy, & Em., for all their outstanding advise and understanding !!
Well, I'm seeing those folks, growing in doc buds kit talking about 3-4 Zs per plant. If I get 4 Zs on my coco plants, I would feel like I failed. I'm getting better at growing hydroponically in coco and I have never seen an inside soil grow, that would compare, yield wise !! it wouldn't be bad if my harvest went from 22-24 Zs, with 4 plants, in my little 4x4 tent, to like 18 Zs. i'd have no problem with that. But I have to admit, that I've never smoked anything, as good as grown in super soil or LOS. So I'm gonna use this soil I have cooking, and use it as the super soil it is and start a new batch of promix with docs kit. Thanks to Amy & Em for the right on info. !!
Well, I do have slight quantity concerns as well. I am more than willing to give up SOME quantity for quality but sure not half. I will say, I have been growing in ProMix HP exclusively for the last few years with the entire Grand Master lineup from Advanced Nutrients. I have that absolutely mastered. That being said, I just started my first TLO grow to see an apples to apples comparison from what I know I do with ProMix with Advanced. If I veg under my 25 CREE cob array for 8 weeks and don't get 7-12 oz per plant (depending on strain) with ProMix and Advanced I did something very wrong. I am starting my TLO grow now with high yielding high potency strains.
Some of those who talk highly of 3-4oz with BRIX are also using low wattage for their grow area size. My plants NEVER starve for light energy so we shall see how this grow goes. I hope to see 6-10oz plants with better quality. I am germinating 6 plants as a TLO trial run now.
And I'm gonna go sub to your journal and watch your juorney !! Good luck !!
The part of this equation that you guys are overlooking is the size of the soil containers. Using my methods I can grow 3-4 oz in a 3 gallon container. If I veg longer and move up into a 7 gal or a 10 or 15 gal, I am sure that I could at least equal the production of any hydro unit of a normal size.
Yes, hydro can allow for more rapid growth in veg than the typical soil grower who is timid with nutes, but I aggressively use nutrients and feel I can hold my own against any method including the nutrient all the time hydro system. Hydro is clinically cleaner too, so pests and infestations are easier to keep away than in a soil grow, but done correctly, bugs need to be no larger of a problem in soil vs liquid... its mostly a matter of environment and what you allow into your grow space. It is totally possible to buy hardware store soil, sterilize it in your oven, and be just as clean as any other grow... but how many people actually go to these extremes, thinking that they would never be plagued by such things? Sadly, way too many of us.
I'm not really overlooking the pot size. I have all pot sizes available. Normally with the yields I was talking about I would be in a 5 gallon equivalent air pot. I have no issues stepping it up a hair to the 7 or bigger. As long as I can be close to the yields I normally get in my 5's. I did take note on what rev was talkin about too. He grows 3 to 4 oz plants but in two and a half to three and a half gallon pots and under a 400w metal halide bulb. I think that's actually a pretty impressive yield for that small of a pot with only a 400 watt hid
My last run with 7gal containers resulted in 4-6 oz per plant... and I am sure it would go up again in a 10. There are many tricks for aggressive veg growth too, 24 hour lights, regular nutes from an early age... if one tries to approximate hydro, there is no logical reason that a soil gardener couldn't do a pretty good job of keeping up.
Good organic soil amended properly will yield plenty, my opinion is just not as fast. My regular soil is Michigan mix. An organic supersoil I buy, add water and some papa's perfect poop at flip, and molasses to,
Oh man, I was thinking you were a little creepy, so I had to look up this papas perfect poop. I was relieved your dad wasn't pitching in on this grow!:laugh: All this reading on true living organics has me looking shit(pun here) up every few minutes.
Oh man, I was thinking you were a little creepy, so I had to look up this papas perfect poop. I was relieved your dad wasn't pitching in on this grow!:laugh: All this reading on true living organics has me looking shit(pun here) up every few minutes.
Hehe. Oh boy, I have to watch my presentation. No weird things to see here. Michigan mix and the Papa's go hand in hand.
Hehe. Oh boy, I have to watch my presentation. No weird things to see here. Michigan mix and the Papa's go hand in hand.
Haha. Heck, I live in Michigan and haven't heard of Michigan Mix. I'll have to look that up. I'll pass on the papal poop though
Haha. Heck, I live in Michigan and haven't heard of Michigan Mix. I'll have to look that up. I'll pass on the papal poop though
Yep, me too. I had to look it up also, only found Baccto michigan peat???
Emmie, sorry to hijack your post. Your garden is looking great. I've been looking at your soil mix, and now Fanleaf's mix. Looks like I have a bunch of stuff to buy.
Oh, and my family is not happy with you. I saved a bunch of egg shells last week, and the kids kept asking what they for. I just said the garden. They left for about 4 hours, I made your eggs shell soup, they came home and were gagging. "What is that smell?" I had the 1000cfm range hood on the whole time, and it still stunk up the house! Every they look at that jar in the window sill, they comment on the smell. Wait till I get the gallon of milk out for the L. serum!
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