Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

Oh, and my family is not happy with you. I saved a bunch of egg shells last week, and the kids kept asking what they for. I just said the garden. They left for about 4 hours, I made your eggs shell soup, they came home and were gagging.
I get that from my other house inhabitant too! No worries about the jacking, it is all within topic, sort of, but bottom line is the activity draws people in to read what we are doing here.... so its all good. :)
My main use of it is to break down solid organics and it is used most commonly in my garden to make liquid fish but it is also very beneficial in my compost teas and as a foliar spray and a root drench to increase the disease resistance of the plants and allow much easier nutrient uptake. I use it anytime I am doing a fermentation that produces ammonia or alchohol as a by product, such as in the banana fermentation I am doing now. I use it in my compost pile to speed up the breakdown of the organics. I spray it in the dog pen outside to eliminate odors. I sprayed my brother's tennis shoes with it when he wasn't looking. These microorganisms are some of the most beneficial that we know of, and I would have no qualms adding this to my own food to aid digestion, if I felt I needed such a thing.
So much knowledge here. :reading420magazine: I have to agree on the Quality over Quantity when it comes to plants. Usually hydro makes sense in a business sense, Faster harvest equals more profit. I recently talked to a grower that runs hydro, he feels that most hydro grows don't flush properly and harvests too early. He flushes his hydro for two weeks and brings most of his plants to 10 weeks maturity. My point is Hydro has a lot of marketing hype behind it. There's a of information, but how many side by side comparisons are there?
All I can say is "It's all in the grower" I ended up getting the guy's Gorilla Glue and it smokes just as good as the last organic bud I've had.
Each grower has their own preference, I think it's worth trying everything until you find what works for you.:snowboating:
The part of this equation that you guys are overlooking is the size of the soil containers. Using my methods I can grow 3-4 oz in a 3 gallon container. If I veg longer and move up into a 7 gal or a 10 or 15 gal, I am sure that I could at least equal the production of any hydro unit of a normal size.
Yes, hydro can allow for more rapid growth in veg than the typical soil grower who is timid with nutes, but I aggressively use nutrients and feel I can hold my own against any method including the nutrient all the time hydro system. Hydro is clinically cleaner too, so pests and infestations are easier to keep away than in a soil grow, but done correctly, bugs need to be no larger of a problem in soil vs liquid... its mostly a matter of environment and what you allow into your grow space.
Exactly :thumb:

seeing those folks, growing in doc buds kit talking about 3-4 Zs per plant. If I get 4 Zs on my coco plants, I would feel like I failed.
those who talk highly of 3-4oz with BRIX

And y’all should check out Duggan’s grows - 2lbs from 4 plants last 2 runs i think... and Stage as well. Both POTM winners in Doc’s kit :) Most DBHBB growers I know grow their plants to the size they want, to fulfill whatever their needs are for it - sometimes that’s 1gal 1/2 ounce variety, other times its 14gal and 1/2 a pound.
Exactly :thumb:

And y’all should check out Duggan’s grows - 2lbs from 4 plants last 2 runs i think... and Stage as well. Both POTM winners in Doc’s kit :) Most DBHBB growers I know grow their plants to the size they want, to fulfill whatever their needs are for it - sometimes that’s 1gal 1/2 ounce variety, other times its 14gal and 1/2 a pound.
Please don't half quote me! That makes it sound like I was knocking growing the high bricks Style . I said there are many factors involved in that. Including using small pots sometimes and as well as occasional underpowered lights. I am not saying anything bad about growing with the high Brix method. I'm simply stating that I would not be happy with the low yields like that. I am trying to experiment with converting over to True Organics over synthetics and like it or not I don't want to lose half of my yield. So I do have some concerns like I said but like I also said there are many factors that go into some of those low yields. That is why I will be aiming to do what I can to keep my yields as close to what they are while doing an organic grow.
I will be aiming to do what I can to keep my yields as close to what they are while doing an organic grow.
I think you will find that vs a synthetic grow, an organic grow will end up so much more resin production that the sheer weight of the buds themselves are a major factor in the end weight. I would have to believe that two plants side by side, one grown synthetically and one organically and using the same training methods, that they would have the same number of buds and based on your lights, roughly the same size... but the difference will be in the overall weight of the buds. Done correctly, you should exceed what you did in synthetic grows, by a significant margin. I went from 1.5 to 2.25 per 3gal average per plant in my FF grow, to well over 3 and sometimes 4 growing organically. The buds are just stickier... danker... better, and they go snap crackle pop when you put them in a pipe.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! :love::love::love:

Can anyone guess what time it is?

It is cationic drench time!

I don't think it is quite time to water yet, probably tomorrow though. The buds are looking fabulous right now and I want to get them all documented on camera so we can see how far the buds have gotten to this point, and hopefully notice a significant change over the next week and a half or so after the two drenches. Doc, it is your time to shine... I hope to be impressed!
I will start this photo journal this afternoon when I return home from work and we will get busy. Looking in this morning after being away for two days has made me very happy. The buds are significantly bigger, the plants seem very happy to see me, and the magnesium problem has been halted since I see no more dead leaves falling from the lower branches and no more rust spots. All systems are go for cationic lift off.
Tonight we start the photo archive of the girls at budset and before the drench. We are at day 22 of flower. I have decided to wait one more day to water with the cationic drench, when everyone is ready. They will get the high brix tea with the cationic drench, and calmag.
So far, the plants appear to be very strong. I have seen plants in the 4th week of flower not look this good. I will let you decide.


Jack Herer
Tonight we start the photo archive of the girls at budset and before the drench. We are at day 22 of flower. I have decided to wait one more day to water with the cationic drench, when everyone is ready. They will get the high brix tea with the cationic drench, and calmag.
So far, the plants appear to be very strong. I have seen plants in the 4th week of flower not look this good. I will let you decide.


Jack Herer
Neat to see you getting results from LEDs that you didn't quite expect. They all look great!
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