Emmie's 6 Plant, True Living Organic, LED Grow Journal

OK Brixers... chime in any time here with your smug little looks... could this already be something, just in the afternoon of the next day? I swear the frost was not there yesterday on the NYCD... she has been a bit behind.
If I had to guess, the others have a bit more too.
That fast?
Am I about to be amazed?
I am issuing a public protest. :eye-roll:
My housemate has just informed me that I am NOT cooking up more of that smelly stuff [she did not say stuff] in HER kitchen. I wonder when that happened... her kitchen? The things we put up with. I am ordering some calmag, even though my egg recipe is better. Sorry plants... blame her.
I am issuing a public protest. :eye-roll:
My housemate has just informed me that I am NOT cooking up more of that smelly stuff [she did not say stuff] in HER kitchen. I wonder when that happened... her kitchen? The things we put up with. I am ordering some calmag, even though my egg recipe is better. Sorry plants... blame her.
Hehe. Cohabitation. It's real. I'm not happy this happened. I can relate in a big way though! I'm a little glad it's not only me. Quick story. This fall as I harvested a beautiful pineapple chunk in my front yard my non imbibing sister sees me with a 6 foot branch over my shoulder and looks interested so I walk to her for a sniff and to see. Well she was repulsed and nearly fell backwards in reaction. One person's stank is another's stink i guess. ;)
Hehe. Cohabitation. It's real. I'm not happy this happened. I can relate in a big way though! I'm a little glad it's not only me. Quick story. This fall as I harvested a beautiful pineapple chunk in my front yard my non imbibing sister sees me with a 6 foot branch over my shoulder and looks interested so I walk to her for a sniff and to see. Well she was repulsed and nearly fell backwards in reaction. One person's stank is another's stink i guess. ;)
lol, I have some of them around too... my mum. Can't stand the smell. My sister, being the good one, is the same way.

I have to find a new place for my banana fermentation too it seems. The kitchen window is no longer acceptable.
I WILL cook up my eggshells, but I guess I will have to wait until spring and do it in the driveway. I will get firefighters involved if I have to... they love me. :rofl:
lol, I have some of them around too... my mum. Can't stand the smell. My sister, being the good one, is the same way.

I have to find a new place for my banana fermentation too it seems. The kitchen window is no longer acceptable.
I WILL cook up my eggshells, but I guess I will have to wait until spring and do it in the driveway. I will get firefighters involved if I have to... they love me. :rofl:
I'm waiting for spring for many of your recipes for exactly this reason. Vermicompost too I hope. :p
Bummer about "her" kitchen. Lol! Hopefully all works itself out.
Question for ya Em? Im not sure if i missed it or something but are you adding/using some of "the kit" together with your own living soil mix? Or did you start off from jump street with the "entire kit" and i just missed that?
Im actually hoping its your own LOS and just adding the cationic drenches, foliars and what not, because ive been curious about trying that my damn self but just haven't had the stones to pull the trigger. Pardon my french and all.
Bummer about "her" kitchen. Lol! Hopefully all works itself out.
Question for ya Em? Im not sure if i missed it or something but are you adding/using some of "the kit" together with your own living soil mix? Or did you start off from jump street with the "entire kit" and i just missed that?
Im actually hoping its your own LOS and just adding the cationic drenches, foliars and what not, because ive been curious about trying that my damn self but just haven't had the stones to pull the trigger. Pardon my french and all.
She has already tried to make up. She said, oh cool, firemen! lol
I am definitely using my own soil. Years ago I created supersoil following SubCool's recipe with a FFOF and RO101 base. It has been amended over time and all debris from all subsequent grows was added back to the soil to cook. After reading a bit about Doc and trying to understand what he is doing, I realized that I had several of his pillars solidly in place. So far I have not decided to try his foliars or any of his other products other than the basic tea and the cationic drench but I have continued to use my own versions of natural and organic foliar sprays all throughout veg.
My plan is to follow the High Brix instructions to the T, and I prepared the soil earlier with the tea, used the tea along with the drench, and will use the tea/drench again a second time. I will follow all of this up with a solid flowering AACT so as to further enhance the microlife that are needed at this time, and will continue giving the HB tea as recommended.
Highya Emmie,

Have you discussed this with DocBud yet. Wonder what he'd say? Just a thought.
She has already tried to make up. She said, oh cool, firemen! lol
I am definitely using my own soil. Years ago I created supersoil following SubCool's recipe with a FFOF and RO101 base. It has been amended over time and all debris from all subsequent grows was added back to the soil to cook. After reading a bit about Doc and trying to understand what he is doing, I realized that I had several of his pillars solidly in place. So far I have not decided to try his foliars or any of his other products other than the basic tea and the cationic drench but I have continued to use my own versions of natural and organic foliar sprays all throughout veg.
My plan is to follow the High Brix instructions to the T, and I prepared the soil earlier with the tea, used the tea along with the drench, and will use the tea/drench again a second time. I will follow all of this up with a solid flowering AACT so as to further enhance the microlife that are needed at this time, and will continue giving the HB tea as recommended.
Thats just friggin awesome! Ive been wanting to try that for some time now. My reasoning, kinda like you, if you start out with a good base mix, mineralized, and ammended with all the right meals and dusts, then just use the cationic, de-stress, and tea.
She has already tried to make up. She said, oh cool, firemen! lol
I am definitely using my own soil. Years ago I created supersoil following SubCool's recipe with a FFOF and RO101 base. It has been amended over time and all debris from all subsequent grows was added back to the soil to cook. After reading a bit about Doc and trying to understand what he is doing, I realized that I had several of his pillars solidly in place. So far I have not decided to try his foliars or any of his other products other than the basic tea and the cationic drench but I have continued to use my own versions of natural and organic foliar sprays all throughout veg.
My plan is to follow the High Brix instructions to the T, and I prepared the soil earlier with the tea, used the tea along with the drench, and will use the tea/drench again a second time. I will follow all of this up with a solid flowering AACT so as to further enhance the microlife that are needed at this time, and will continue giving the HB tea as recommended.

Awesome to know you're combining the best of both worlds here. I'm surprised to hear you could be getting results this quickly with the cat drench. Definitely will be looking to try a side by side comparison. Amazing plants as always :thumb:
I still am not sure that what I am seeing is attributed to the drench, but I will say that something good is happening. It is not just at the top of the NYCD that I am noticing things now... I am getting frost everywhere. Not just at the top of the canopy, but everywhere... all of the bud sites on the plants are starting to frost up. It could be timing, the lights and that I am an awesome plant mom... or it could be the drench. I just don't know yet. Something good is happening though.
What an awesome grow!! I didn’t realize we started our grows around the same time! I kept my plants in veg longer, although I think I could have switched them sooner! They are in their second week of flower now! As i’ve been reading, I’m glad you’re liking the 2000w LED’s. I’m wondering if I should get them, and switch them for the lights I have now. I’m using 2 Viparspectra 300w lights with 128v power draw each. I put them 18 in away, as recommended for flower, and top fan leaves started burning. I moved them down to 24, and they were still burning, so now they’re about 32-30 from the tops of the plants. Burning has stopped, and growth is continuing, but I’m curious as to if them being so far away from the lights will affect the yield. Hmmmmmm? Hope all is well! Below are some recent pics :)


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What an awesome grow!! I didn’t realize we started our grows around the same time! I kept my plants in veg longer, although I think I could have switched them sooner! They are in their second week of flower now! As i’ve been reading, I’m glad you’re liking the 2000w LED’s. I’m wondering if I should get them, and switch them for the lights I have now. I’m using 2 Viparspectra 300w lights with 128v power draw each. I put them 18 in away, as recommended for flower, and top fan leaves started burning. I moved them down to 24, and they were still burning, so now they’re about 32-30 from the tops of the plants. Burning has stopped, and growth is continuing, but I’m curious as to if them being so far away from the lights will affect the yield. Hmmmmmm? Hope all is well! Below are some recent pics :)
Are you sure it's the light burning them that's a small light and shouldn't be that hot if it is you could have a malfunction in the light does the fans run I'm worried cause I have my 1000 hps open and it's about 24 away with no issues yet I'm testing

I just got 2 of the 2000w was hoping they would replace my hps but I'm don't see it happening but the babies seem to like it so I guess that's all that matters
Are you sure it's the light burning them that's a small light and shouldn't be that hot if it is you could have a malfunction in the light does the fans run I'm worried cause I have my 1000 hps open and it's about 24 away with no issues yet I'm testing

I just got 2 of the 2000w was hoping they would replace my hps but I'm don't see it happening but the babies seem to like it so I guess that's all that matters

I found myself reading another thread, and the person posted some pictures and it looks similar, and everyone on that thread mentioned cal/mag deficiency, so I think I might try adding some cal/mag into my next feeding. I haven’t used it at all during my Grow, so it kinda makes sense to me? Thoughts?
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