Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Emmie's Organic NYC Diesel, August 2020

Bloom, Day 59

The breeder says we have about 11 days left in this bloom, and it looks like the plants are definitely cooperating. These are not huge buds, being in 3 gallon containers, but they are long and hopefully are going to get a bit bigger in this last stage of final bud stretch.

Not having experienced sever changes in temperature and some very cool nights like the last grow did, this time NYCD looks to be really expressing itself well. The training has allowed me to have 6 or 8 main kolas on each plant and each has been able to rise vertically and stay out each other's way. I have also learned that this variety wants to have some help lollypopping near the end as the sunleaves get in the way of the buds pretty severely. The plant tries to self prune as much as it can, and I also helped so these expanding buds can get the light and air that they need. I am looking forward to this harvest as it looks like the quality is easily going to exceed what we got on the first batch.

Here are some pictures!

Bloom, Day 59

The breeder says we have about 11 days left in this bloom, and it looks like the plants are definitely cooperating. These are not huge buds, being in 3 gallon containers, but they are long and hopefully are going to get a bit bigger in this last stage of final bud stretch.

Not having experienced sever changes in temperature and some very cool nights like the last grow did, this time NYCD looks to be really expressing itself well. The training has allowed me to have 6 or 8 main kolas on each plant and each has been able to rise vertically and stay out each other's way. I have also learned that this variety wants to have some help lollypopping near the end as the sunleaves get in the way of the buds pretty severely. The plant tries to self prune as much as it can, and I also helped so these expanding buds can get the light and air that they need. I am looking forward to this harvest as it looks like the quality is easily going to exceed what we got on the first batch.

Here are some pictures!

Real nice 3 gal soft pot grow Em!
Harvest!, Day 65

This will be a double post, both on this thread and on the Strawberry Cough journal too.

All of the tricks to accelerate the end have worked and the plants are all showing that they are done. We have 10% amber at the top all of a sudden! There was maybe 2% yesterday on the SC and overnight that exploded. NYCD is also now showing a significant amount of amber that wasn't there a day ago. Raising the NextLight MEGA 1 foot made a huge difference and moving it up again 2 days later made an even bigger impact. These plants all got the message and finished out together! I find this significant, as they had slightly different finishing dates, but found enough incentive to finish out simultaneously. hmmm.

So both sets of 3 plants each have been put in the dark about an hour early tonight and they will stay there for 36 hours. Tonight I give you some shots in the green light that the grow rooms are equipped with for after hours work, with whatever color balance my camera is capable of giving. The tall upright ones are the NYCDs and the more sprawling ones are the SCs.


The brief pause of activity under the NextLight has allowed me to make a couple of changes so as to accommodate the new 10g containers about to move in. I wasn't quite sure how much of the total room floor space was in the 5'x5' footprint. We lowered the light all the way down to the floor and taped around it. The outlined box is 3'x3'. Out to each edge to the left, right and back is just short of 5'. The entire back of the room, IS my footprint. I didn't realize I had this much room to work with until actually seeing it.


To add reflectivity in the front of the room, we are building a folding room divider that we will cover with mylar on both sides, and we will place it at the edge of the 5x5 footprint, dividing the room in half and also providing more reflectivity for the 2x5 Mars footprint behind and to the left of the camera. We are learning the room and the equipment still, and the next grow should go even better than these first two.
Tonight we are trimming, washing and hanging to dry. Soon, I will have a total weight of the three plants to report, but I want to show you something. This ending is a perfect example of why we use @DYNOMYCO when we build and transplant our plants. In this picture, two of the plants finished out beautifully with no deficiencies showing. One did not. The plant not able to get access to the ample amounts of potassium and phosphorus that the @GeoFlora Nutrients was providing, did not get @DYNOMYCO. The difference is dramatic. Comparing the size of the buds, the plant without the mycorrhizal advantage is a runt compared to its sisters. The lesson here: never build a container without taking care to also build the mycorrhizal fungi, and when you do, please use our sponsors!

Tonight we are trimming, washing and hanging to dry. Soon, I will have a total weight of the three plants to report, but I want to show you something. This ending is a perfect example of why we use @DYNOMYCO when we build and transplant our plants. In this picture, two of the plants finished out beautifully with no deficiencies showing. One did not. The plant not able to get access to the ample amounts of potassium and phosphorus that the @GeoFlora Nutrients was providing, did not get @DYNOMYCO. The difference is dramatic. Comparing the size of the buds, the plant without the mycorrhizal advantage is a runt compared to its sisters. The lesson here: never build a container without taking care to also build the mycorrhizal fungi, and when you do, please use our sponsors!

I have two tents filled with Dynomyco'd plants Em. I sure appreciate you having made the first jump into it and now seeing the difference in yield I'm over the moon I made the jump too! BTW nice plants!
@Emilya Wow!
Those are really healthy looking buds!! Well done on this awesome grow.
Perfect pictures to highlight the real benefits of using DYNOMYCO and inoculating your roots early on. It is great to see such a dramatic difference, DYNOMYCO for the win!

Thanks for the support - can't wait to see the results of the grows to come:)

Happy Growing :peace:
I have two tents filled with Dynomyco'd plants Em. I sure appreciate you having made the first jump into it and now seeing the difference in yield I'm over the moon I made the jump too! BTW nice plants!
Thanks for the support @StoneOtter!
Glad you are over the moon with DYNOMYCO in the mix - looking forward to seeing your results too :peace:
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.


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