Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

The stash is adding up quickly😎❤️

The 1st and 2nd plant both weighed over a pound when wet so we’ll see what those come out to.. I know this sinsemilla is gonna be super heavy when it’s done.

Good save Kef! I'm still holding on to Bruce bannon with the single nanner. That I saw anyway. :hookah:

If it was only one or two stamens I would’ve picked em and just watched but there were more and they were random so it wasn’t worth risking pollinating the superstar.

Those remaining plants have huge buds! Nice work!

Bagseed genetics so I’m not complaining, they all have performed exceptionally, and in 3 gallon pots to boot!
Still chunking








Shes getting beefy😍 Lots of white hairs still. She's got a bit left yet. Has her water consumption started to drop off yet?

Yep, slightly.. In her prime she was going through a quart and a half of water per day, almost 2 quarts.. she’s down to around a quart a day or so. Still taking it in but stays hydrated longer

Still sending out new white hairs and calyxes though so she’s still got some steam left.. I did see something I didn’t like though.. some new growth that is much brighter than the other stuff.. doesn’t look like a stamen but I’m keeping my eyes on it
Flip +66

Still throwing hairs and chunking up.. Every time I think she’s ready to settle down she starts back up.. Trichomes are signaling I may want to harvest in pieces, some look ready, others look like they have some time left, I’ll post those pictures next







Drying is going nice and slow, just how I like it.. I’ve been keeping them below 68f (Averaging 60f) with around 50rh give or take. They’re hung in levels with each level having a small fan blowing underneath them. Enough airflow to rock the branches, but not hitting them directly.

The buds have shrunken from their original sizes, the leaves are still soft and branches are still bendy so we still have a little while left.. Probably 3-5 days at least. They’ve been hanging for 3-4 days so far.
I posted a review for the @VIVOSUN AeroWave E6 clip on fan I mentioned earlier. I love it. I’m probably going to replace my current fans with the AeroWaves and start using their grow hub to automate my airflow in the room. We’ll see though, I am always hesitant to make multiple changes to my room at any one time and I have other priorities.

The full review can be seen here:

Had an explosion of smell erupt overnight from the room. This is interesting. This morning I shifted the timer and will now be doing 11/13. I’ve kept the intensity at the same level. If cannabis works on a DLI schedule then removing an hour of lights on is more than enough of a signal and decreasing the intensity as well would likely alert the plant and stress it out.
Water consumption dropped drastically overnight. Normally by this time they would’ve needed a quart, however the soil has stayed damp the majority of the day. I gave them half a quart an hour or so ago. If this lack of thirst continues through the weekend it may be time to call it. I’m not willing to call it yet since the red hairs are still up, the amount of white hairs they’re pushing out is noticeable and the calyxes are still building.

Had an explosion of smell erupt overnight from the room. This is interesting. This morning I shifted the timer and will now be doing 11/13. I’ve kept the intensity at the same level. If cannabis works on a DLI schedule then removing an hour of lights on is more than enough of a signal and decreasing the intensity as well would likely alert the plant and stress it out.
They explode with that extra smell when it's watering time at some stages some of us have noticed.
Flip +68.. Another burst of growth throughout, white hairs clawing back the 50/50 ratio.. this growth is accompanied by a return of water consumption. She may be signaling her final push, we’ll see. We will know more in a day or two.

Stems snapping on the first harvest.. 7 days for drying.. I’ll be jarring it up today. I’ve got mini hygrometers and Bovedas already ready to go.
Flip +68.. Another burst of growth throughout, white hairs clawing back the 50/50 ratio.. this growth is accompanied by a return of water consumption. She may be signaling her final push, we’ll see. We will know more in a day or two.

She's putting a real finish on!
Stems snapping on the first harvest.. 7 days for drying.. I’ll be jarring it up today. I’ve got mini hygrometers and Bovedas already ready to go.
Souweet! :love: :hookah:

Got halfway through the harvest.. the larger buds still had bendy stems so I trimmed em up and hung them back up for another day.. it’s always difficult lol.. the buds feel like they’re dried out but the stems tell a different story
Got halfway through the harvest.. the larger buds still had bendy stems so I trimmed em up and hung them back up for another day.. it’s always difficult lol.. the buds feel like they’re dried out but the stems tell a different story
Through the whole grow this is the most critical time I think. Good watching!
Through the whole grow this is the most critical time I think. Good watching!

I’m overly cautious during dry and cure.. If I’m iffy on a dry I’ll burp my jars.. even if hygrometers say I’m good I still do it. I’d rather my cure take a little longer and be extra sure.. Plus when you’re growing LOS, your end product is fire even before cure if you’ve done it right.
The plant still growing has smashed on its brakes for water consumption. Yesterday she only got a half quart and is still damp today. She may be ready to call it quits.
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