AIO vs DIY Monotub: Purple Mystic Takes On Blue Meanie Cubes

You're welcome @Ramblinrose1965 Alex Grey is one of my fav artists...

I'm having fun adjusting colors on that one! Definitely going to print some out for a project.

Bardo color playing-1.jpg
Checked the AIO Bag again today. It was radiating an eerie green light and making a strange whining noise... no, just kidding, lol! :rofl: Didn't see a thing. Yet.
5 days since inoculation and it looks like the liquid culture is starting to multiply, as evidenced by the formation of condensation around the inoculation point. It won't be long now before I know if it's the rhizomorphic white mycelium I'm shooting for.


AIO Day 6. Made first sighting of live mycelium this evening. You can see whitish looking spots at the bottom of the bag near & below the inoculation point.


Retrieved the Blue Meanie liquid culture from the refrigerator. I'll leave it out overnight to warm up and make a syringe to inoculate a bag of grain tomorrow.
The BMC (Blue Meanie Cubensis) liquid culture before and after the spin cycle (oxygenates media and breaks up clumps):


I've found that so-called permanent markers aren't a good idea for labelling. 70% isopropyl alcohol will dissolve the ink if exposed to it. Still trying to think of a better solution that will also withstand autoclaving.
The BMC (Blue Meanie Cubensis) liquid culture before and after the spin cycle (oxygenates media and breaks up clumps):


I've found that so-called permanent markers aren't a good idea for labelling. 70% isopropyl alcohol will dissolve the ink if exposed to it. Still trying to think of a better solution that will also withstand autoclaving.
This is exactly what you described.

Alcohol Resistant Cryogenic Permanent Markers - Black

Those would work great, @Mycelium Farmer, thank you for mentioning this and I'll keep them in mind for the future.
I can't use or afford a half dozen though right now. Probably dry out before using one up. I put clear 2" packing tape over the text and used a scalpel to remove the tape from over the air filter & the SHIP.
Good enough for the moment.
Got two 10cc syringes chock full of live Blue Meanie Cubensis mycelium ready to go. I think I'll use them both to inoculate the 3Lb grain bag. After dinner and some air conditioning...

Well, that sucks... Opened the the package with the 3Lb bag of grain to find it contaminated and unusable, unless I put it into jars and pressure cook them (which I may just do anyway) to re-sterilize the grain. I wrote the vendor and sent photos, but I'm dead in the water until I have some clean grain to noc!

Yea, and I'm not sure I can re-autoclave the grain either, TR. It would be like cooking it twice as long. Nutrients start breaking down, compounds change, water evaporates.

I don't know how much or even if I should add water before re-autoclaving. It invites problems and isn't worth the hassle trying to remedy it unless the company wants to send a replacement.

I still haven't heard back from Mushroom Supply about it and probably won't until Monday soonest, so I dropped an order on 'zon for Premium 5-Grain Spawn Bags from @Midwest Grow Kits. They should be here Wednesday. The Blue Meanie syringes are stored in the refrigerator until then.
Meanwhile, the Purple Mystic is really taking off now! 🍄 :cheer:🍄

I got a reply from Mushroom Supplies today and they've kindly sent another 3Lb grain spawn bag to replace the contaminated one. :Namaste: I'll inoculate it immediately with 10cc of Purple Mystic culture when it arrives.🍄

I think I'll simultaneously inoculate one of the two 2.5Lb grain bags from MGK with Purple Mystic & the other with Blue Meanie Cubes. We'll see which grows faster on MGK's 5-Grain formula. Going to need another 10Lb of substrate and a couple more Sterilite 1644 tubs.:ganjamon:
Day 12 since inoculating the 5Lb AIO with Purple Mystic live culture, and today got the first photo of rhizomorphic growth in the bag. :woohoo: It will be ready to mix soon.

Looks healthy and aggressive!
Just what I want to see! I'm thinking it will be ready to mix this weekend, with full colonization & fruiting happening by months end.
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