A 420 & Seedsman Collaboration Ft. Banana Jealousy by WakkaDerpin, Comparative 2024

Day 10
Temp 75°F / humidity 80%
Watering when dry (bottle spring).
Lovely seedlings. 🍋
Thanks @KeithLemon and @Lady Cannafan
Overwatering is still my main concern.
I've been giving them about 1 teaspoon every two days and i use the pickup test.. The weight should be close to dry before watering or else root rot (bacteria) will set in.
Thank you @KeithLemon
overwatering will be your biggest concern. After the initial drowning the roots need oxygen.
It isn't the getting wet but the drying out that promotes growth.
Hopefully that helps.
Canuk just sponsored a comparative where they gave out multiple strains. Some people were the only ones to get certain strains. Most of the people that failed, did so because of overwatering. They blamed @Canuk Seeds for it and I felt bad for them. If they decide to do another comparison hopefully they only have a few strains to choose from so they don't have that problem again.
I was debating on using H2O2 to increase my own germination rates.
Only flaw is that if its overconcentrated it will degrade organic tissue, killing the seedling.
If under concentrated it will release all the oxygen when it comes in contact with organic matter and turn into H2O, drowning the seed.
It's a little more labor intensive without it but im already reaching 100% germination over and over again so why change what works, right?
i use 1 part 3% peroxide to 10 parts water, however that's quite dilute. here's a research paper at other ratios.
Excellent study. Thanks for sharing this @Regrowth
notice on figure 2.
"The water germinated seeds exhibited contamination and did not survive on MS media" this was ultimately due to overwatering... Not only does h2o2 sterilize any growing bacteria, it also releases oxygen whenever in contact with organic matter allowing the roots to breathe. However, in any concentration higher then 1% it proves to be detrimental.
Group shot day 12.
Temp 75°F / humidity 80%

steady amount of growth so far. Bottom right is the one we saved.
Here we go again! Off to a great start WD 💪

The girls are growing up fast.
In order to build a strong foundation able to support 6 ft tall plants I've decided I will start training them early, could be as soon as next week.
So I added a pinch of dynomyco to help with root development, nutrient uptake, and to prevent water stress.
This comparative will be predominantly focused inside a 5x5 tent using a scrog. However, I intent to put one or two of these girls outside for a summer grow. I will be using multiple growing methods I've learned over the years including quadlining, lst, hst, mainlining, lolipop, etc. Etc.
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