Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

I hope you all enjoyed the updates today.

It's not going to be long now, 2-3 weeks I'm thinking.

They are drinking every other day for some and every day for others. Keeping them fed and watered has been a time challenge.

I probably won't do 3 gallon pots anymore just because of the frequency that they have to be watered. Seems every time I walk into the grow someone is screaming for a drink. :rofl: Wouldn't be such a big problem with less plants....LOL

Some of the buds are starting to get purple and pinkish hues, but no color changes on the leaves. If I wanted purple leaves I would have to get the temperature down and probably adjust lighting as well.

This from the net:

"To produce purple weed, environmental factors such as temperature and light must be monitored and controlled to influence its level of anthocyanin. Colder temperatures, for instance, can cause cannabis leaves to turn purple, as can exposure to UV rays."

Have a great night everyone!
So, here's a any of you reuse the water from your dehumidifier for the plants?
If not, why not?

I was tempted yet just how clean is the filter?
I don't know so I don,t do it.
Better safe than sorry! :rofl:
UPDATE: Seedsman Banana Jealousy ending week 6 LOIS

Finally....LOIS. She started out to be the largest and fastest of all 6 girls. Just after flower flip she started getting temperamental with constant droops of the leaves. I tried more water, holding off water, ...she is just a fussy girl. I nick named her "droopy drawers".

Doing fine on buds though!

It looks like it's droughting by that wilt. Not a bad thing from hat I have been playing with.
How many week till harvest? I usually drought about 2-3 weeks before.

It looks like it's droughting by that wilt. Not a bad thing from hat I have been playing with.
How many week till harvest? I usually drought about 2-3 weeks before.

These are supposed to 8-10 weeks indoors, but from my experience they are ready when they are ready. Could be sooner, could be later. LOL I use that 8-10 as a rough guide only.

I will water right up to a couple days before harvest, and will continue nute schedule as well until about a week before harvest.
Yeah, Lois always looks thirsty. But it's not stopping any bud production, so I don't worry too much.
These are supposed to 8-10 weeks indoors, but from my experience they are ready when they are ready. Could be sooner, could be later. LOL I use that 8-10 as a rough guide only.

I will water right up to a couple days before harvest, and will continue nute schedule as well until about a week before harvest.
Yeah, Lois always looks thirsty. But it's not stopping any bud production, so I don't worry too much.
I will be sending invites to my CBGrow. Doing it outdoors. Up-potting them tomorrow into SIP;s for 2-3 weeks before they go outside.
Would appreciate your following and input.
Looking at these I’m a little mad at myself that I didn’t try to get in on this comparative grow!

@SeedsMan has really come through with these comparative grows of high quality seeds, genetics, and strains!
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