V4L's SeedsMan Comparative Grow: Banana Jealousy 2024

Ladies doing great today! Here is a picture from a few minutes ago.


Here is a picture of my peppers. I’m trying to start three more plants. It took almost two weeks to get these to sprout.


Here is a pic of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket flying over my house a couple of nights ago…

Looking good! Have you been using Dynomyco for long? What has been your experience?
Welcome to my journal! I have been using it for about 2 years now. My experience using @DYNOMYCO has been explosive root growth. A couple of years ago site sponsor @DYNOMYCO sponsored a side by side comparative grow with and without Dynomyco so everyone could see the difference that it made. If you do a search on this site you could find those grows and check them out. Here is a pic below of one of my plants roots a couple of days before transplanting.

Happy Growing!


Ladies doing great today! Here is a picture from a few minutes ago.


Here is a picture of my peppers. I’m trying to start three more plants. It took almost two weeks to get these to sprout.


Here is a pic of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket flying over my house a couple of nights ago…

plants are looking good, those cut up pieces for mulch in the in that one planter? cool seeing a rocket could you hear it?
plants are looking good, those cut up pieces for mulch in the in that one planter? cool seeing a rocket could you hear it?
Thank you, yes Mulch / worm food, it is some organic asparagus scraps from the kitchen. Definitely could not hear the rocket, The Falcon 9 rocket can reach speeds of 18,000 mph, so i'm sure it was way far away. I used my zoom on my iphone to take the pic.
Thank you, yes Mulch / worm food, it is some organic asparagus scraps from the kitchen. Definitely could not hear the rocket, The Falcon 9 rocket can reach speeds of 18,000 mph, so i'm sure it was way far away. I used my zoom on my iphone to take the pic.
Dayamn!!! That's a whole nother side of vroom vroom!!!!
Looking good! Have you been using Dynomyco for long? What has been your experience?
Hey @KrustyBudz61 welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
@DYNOMYCO is excellent.
You should use it directly on your roots as soon as they sprout and every time you uppot.
If you want to say Hi and meet everyone here is a link
Take care. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you for the info and the warm welcome! I feel like I've found a home! I've been growing since the mid 80's and I'm continually amazed at all of the recent improvements in the grow tech out there. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, I find I'm behind the curve again!
I recently retired full time so now I can devote myself to learning and growing. I look forward to getting to know you all!
Thank you for the info and the warm welcome! I feel like I've found a home! I've been growing since the mid 80's and I'm continually amazed at all of the recent improvements in the grow tech out there. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, I find I'm behind the curve again!
I recently retired full time so now I can devote myself to learning and growing. I look forward to getting to know you all!
Anything I can help with just let me know.
@Bill284 posting someone's name like this gives them a notification.
I have pictorials in my threads to make it easier if you take a look.
Lots of information in there.
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you for the info and the warm welcome! I feel like I've found a home! I've been growing since the mid 80's and I'm continually amazed at all of the recent improvements in the grow tech out there. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, I find I'm behind the curve again!
I recently retired full time so now I can devote myself to learning and growing. I look forward to getting to know you all!
Welcome to 420Mag! Lots of good information here and lots of great people willing to help and share their knowledge!

Happy Saturday fellow Gromies!

The ladies are looking great! Today I am going to feed the soil some Blue corn Sprouted seed tea (SST), I have sprouted 2 ounces of blue corn seeds over the past 3-4 days, they probably were sprouting a day longer than I usually sprout them. To that I am adding some Rootwise Microbes, coconut water powder and @Sierra Natural Science sns-209. The above will be mixed with 5 gallons of RO water. Here are a couple of pictures from today. The peppers are coming along slowly but surely.


Blue corn sprouts

Count Mattcula Peppers
I just noticed this mutation last night on one of the plants, one of the fan leaves has 15 blades and some are stacked onto each other. The plant is a little shorter than the others.
Pics below

Happy Tuesday fellow Gromies! One of my 6” clip on fans stopped oscillating just over a week ago. So I contacted manufacturer through their website. They responded fast and told me they were sending me a new fan. Yesterday the replacement fan arrived, not only did they send the replacement but they sent me two! Great customer service!

The plants are doing great, growing like weeds! Getting bigger every day now! A few pics from last night below.

Approximately 25 days above soil



And here are the Count Mattcula peppers

Happy Tuesday fellow Gromies! One of my 6” clip on fans stopped oscillating just over a week ago. So I contacted manufacturer through their website. They responded fast and told me they were sending me a new fan. Yesterday the replacement fan arrived, not only did they send the replacement but they sent me two! Great customer service!

The plants are doing great, growing like weeds! Getting bigger every day now! A few pics from last night below.

Approximately 25 days above soil



And here are the Count Mattcula peppers

Huge leaves! 💕
Happy Tuesday fellow Gromies! One of my 6” clip on fans stopped oscillating just over a week ago. So I contacted manufacturer through their website. They responded fast and told me they were sending me a new fan. Yesterday the replacement fan arrived, not only did they send the replacement but they sent me two! Great customer service!

The plants are doing great, growing like weeds! Getting bigger every day now! A few pics from last night below.

Approximately 25 days above soil



And here are the Count Mattcula peppers

Looking sweet nice work
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