#1 Indoor Grow


Well-Known Member
Strain/s: Purple Punch (1.08.24) &
Sticky Orange XXL ( 25.07.24)
Genetic Makeup: Indica
Pot/Bucket Size: 4.2 Gal
Grow Space: 2.6' x 2.0'
How Many Plants: 2
Environment: Indoor
Stage: Seedlings
Medium: Special soil (420 Blaze it)
Lights: 1000 Watt LED (Mars Hydro TS 600)
Nutrients: Plagron Terra (+pure zym, root growth and Green Sensation)
Room/Tent Temperature: 85°
Relative Humidity: 57%
Media/Res PH: 7
Pests: None
Watering: Once Daily or every Second day




How is it going @darkdragon2451

Nice start to your first grow journal.
Tag me if you have any issues with your grow and I will help if I can.

I will be around if you don't mine?

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
I do have a question i want to LST them into this Profile (picture) and nows the question when the First topping would be perfect? Like earlier (3-4 nodes) or normal/late?(4-5/5-6) And how do i achieve it cause normally the main branch will start growing in lenght or Not?

I do have a question i want to LST them into this Profile (picture) and nows the question when the First topping would be perfect? Like earlier (3-4 nodes) or normal/late?(4-5/5-6) And how do i achieve it cause normally the main branch will start growing in lenght or Not?

I like to get a good root ball before I top.
Once the branches start alternating location of the base most people say they are mature enough to start topping.
Have you read any tutorials on that method?
It’s time consuming but fun to do.
I personally just grow her a couple feet and tie over the main stem.
Fast and great for volume.
Just 2 cents.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Here is a link on Quadlinning

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Here is a link on Quadlinning

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thx so much! That helped me Out a lot!! 1 of the 2 Seedlings are about to be ready to be topped/lollipopped. Im gonna start lollipopping and maybe tomorrow or someday im gonna top her Off cause ive Put them into another bucket Yesterday and i dont wanna give them to much Stress!
I like to get a good root ball before I top.
Once the branches start alternating location of the base most people say they are mature enough to start topping.
Have you read any tutorials on that method?
It’s time consuming but fun to do.
I personally just grow her a couple feet and tie over the main stem.
Fast and great for volume.
Just 2 cents.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I did watch a vid Like 1-2 months ago about the same technique (thats where i Got the Idea) but i didnt rewatch the Video to get all the steps again. I dont really wanna let her grow big or tie her cause i Just got a small selfmade growbox without anywhere to tie her really Up! I do have one question tho whats a root ball? Is it Like the leaves in the top where you top them Off or what?😂
I did watch a vid Like 1-2 months ago about the same technique (thats where i Got the Idea) but i didnt rewatch the Video to get all the steps again. I dont really wanna let her grow big or tie her cause i Just got a small selfmade growbox without anywhere to tie her really Up! I do have one question tho whats a root ball? Is it Like the leaves in the top where you top them Off or what?😂
When they start growing the tap root shoots straight down and the rest spread out in your pot.
When the start to circle the cup its referred to as a root ball.

I contacte on root growth for a healthy plant.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
When they start growing the tap root shoots straight down and the rest spread out in your pot.
When the start to circle the cup its referred to as a root ball.

I contacte on root growth for a healthy plant.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oh OK that aint gonna Work Out for These 2 now cause i planted them in 16L Buckets but im gonna save it for later when im growing new ones👌
Strain/s: Purple Punch (1.08.24) &
Sticky Orange XXL ( 25.07.24)
Genetic Makeup: Indica
Pot/Bucket Size: 4.2 Gal
Grow Space: 2.6' x 2.0'
How Many Plants: 2
Environment: Indoor
Stage: Seedlings
Medium: Special soil (420 Blaze it)
Lights: 1000 Watt LED (Mars Hydro TS 600)
Nutrients: Plagron Terra (+pure zym, root growth and Green Sensation)
Room/Tent Temperature: 85°
Relative Humidity: 57%
Media/Res PH: 7
Pests: None
Watering: Once Daily or every Second day




First topping/Lollipopping and a Lil Bit a LST of the Sticky Orange XXL


Strain/s: Purple Punch (1.08.24) &
Sticky Orange XXL ( 25.07.24)
Genetic Makeup: Indica
Pot/Bucket Size: 4.2 Gal
Grow Space: 2.6' x 2.0'
How Many Plants: 2
Environment: Indoor
Stage: Seedlings
Medium: Special soil (420 Blaze it)
Lights: 1000 Watt LED (Mars Hydro TS 600)
Nutrients: Plagron Terra (+pure zym, root growth and Green Sensation)
Room/Tent Temperature: 85°
Relative Humidity: 57%
Media/Res PH: 7
Pests: None
Watering: Once Daily or every Second day




Lollipopped the First node of the Purple Punch strain Yesterday and im gonna lollipop the Second one tomorrow or in 2 days after the 4th node is a Bit bigger. Probably gonna top her in 5-6 days when they 5th Note is showing a Bit. (Quick question does anyone know why both have Brown Lil spots on them? I think its either water that was on the leaves or maybe to little water? Could be the sun also If thats an Option cause i Put them on my balcony for Like 6h a day so they get sunlight (best light in the Market😂)


@darkdragon2451 I topped my plants after the 5th node and then supercropped them to get them to spread out from the main stem. I couldn't use any pins in the soil as I am growing in RDWC and could not use tie downs to the pot/buckets either so I came up with some "braces if you will". They worked well for the training but I left them on a little too long and they were a bugger to get off as the plants got so dense I couldn't see what i was doing or working on. Had to kinda feel my way along on some of the branches. After the training got going well I started topping after every 4th node. Not saying any of this is "right" or "correct". Just what I did. I am not trying to hijack your thread by any means it's just that you asked how to do a training so I thought I would share what i did, seems to have worked out so far/so good.





@darkdragon2451 I topped my plants after the 5th node and then supercropped them to get them to spread out from the main stem. I couldn't use any pins in the soil as I am growing in RDWC and could not use tie downs to the pot/buckets either so I came up with some "braces if you will". They worked well for the training but I left them on a little too long and they were a bugger to get off as the plants got so dense I couldn't see what i was doing or working on. Had to kinda feel my way along on some of the branches. After the training got going well I started topping after every 4th node. Not saying any of this is "right" or "correct". Just what I did. I am not trying to hijack your thread by any means it's just that you asked how to do a training so I thought I would share what i did, seems to have worked out so far/so good.





Yeah i topped her Off the Moment the 6th node came (i find it that way better cause she is a Bit bigger, bigger stem so better for LST and for me personally they grow faster and better when i do it that way! The little Trick you did was pretty smart tbh👌 i thought about this too cause i wanted to do Hydro ponding at First and couldnt tie her down too but i changed my mind! My solution was Drilling 5 cm holes all around the rim of the bucket and Putting in Bolts (Like 8 per bucket) and then you could technically tie them down that way but i didnt try it Out so idk If it works well! What Pin thickness do you normally use for 2 weeks old and Like 4-5 week olds?
Yeah i topped her Off the Moment the 6th node came (i find it that way better cause she is a Bit bigger, bigger stem so better for LST and for me personally they grow faster and better when i do it that way! The little Trick you did was pretty smart tbh👌 i thought about this too cause i wanted to do Hydro ponding at First and couldnt tie her down too but i changed my mind! My solution was Drilling 5 cm holes all around the rim of the bucket and Putting in Bolts (Like 8 per bucket) and then you could technically tie them down that way but i didnt try it Out so idk If it works well! What Pin thickness do you normally use for 2 weeks old and Like 4-5 week olds?
Pin thickness? Not sure what you are asking. If asking about the thickness of the rods/braces they were 1/8" by 24" long. Cut em in half.
Good luck on your grow.


Pin thickness? Not sure what you are asking. If asking about the thickness of the rods/braces they were 1/8" by 24" long. Cut em in half.
Good luck on your grow.


I mean the Lil hooks to LST it Like usual😂 i Just wanted to know what you use so i can See what people use so i can improve If necessary(english aint my native language so idk what its called😃)
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