Mr. OGeMann's Blue Dream Soil Grow

I did some rearranging today to make some room when its time to but in the SCROG NET, but that's at another time....I made a stand for the pulse one so it would be more stable and just not swinging around now its on a pole showing what she can do :bravo:I took them off the heating mat so that they dont get to laggy decided to take off the dome too.
DONT mind the temperature/humidity... I was just finishing up their home..
#1 has a color discoloration to it because I got it wet during lights on and didn't notice until today..
well that about it for now...yeah let me know if the pics are to big...

I did some rearranging today to make some room when its time to but in the SCROG NET, but that's at another time....I made a stand for the pulse one so it would be more stable and just not swinging around now its on a pole showing what she can do :bravo:I took them off the heating mat so that they dont get to laggy decided to take off the dome too.
DONT mind the temperature/humidity... I was just finishing up their home..
#1 has a color discoloration to it because I got it wet during lights on and didn't notice until today..
well that about it for now...yeah let me know if the pics are to big...

Why do you imbed the solos inside the big fabric pots..interested, because just getting ready to sprout several CBD, plants.
Why do you imbed the solos inside the big fabric pots..interested, because just getting ready to sprout several CBD, plants.
its just easier for me to transplant when they are ready. The cup has holes at the bottom just as normal when you start in solo cups. Plus I think it keep the soil temp from getting to cold for them...I think or I can be wrong...but it works for me
its just easier for me to transplant when they are ready. The cup has holes at the bottom just as normal when you start in solo cups. Plus I think it keep the soil temp from getting to cold for them...I think or I can be wrong...but it works for me
Ok…didn’t know..was worried about roots coming out drain holes into the pot..then tearing when removing the cup to transplant.
Question how you put holes in your solo cups and do you put them just on the sides.
Just the bottom, if you were to put holes in the side the roots would come out and when you would transplant then you would damage the roots..
Sorry, I grow , but don’t know what the acronym, VPD, stands for..please advise
VPD is a way of expression a range of values of temperature and RH.

To humans, 80° and 20% is about as comfortable as, say, 70° and 40%. The temps are "reasonable" and the humidity is low enough to allow our perspiration to cool us. What happens at 80 and 80 - it's hot and almost muggy, for most people. It feels hot and muggy at 80 and 80 to us but we can turn on the A/C or take off our jacket, etc. ,etc.

For humans, we refer to it as "feels like temperature".

At its core, VPD is "feels like" temperature for plants.

That's it. No magic, no mystery. Just one number instead of two numbers.
Going on 2 wks...Do they seem small for just almost 2 weeks or are they fine ?
Light on temps 78°
Light on Hum. 70%
Light off Temp 70°-73°
Light off Hum. 60%

BD2 Day 9 1.jpg
BD2 Day 9.jpg
BD1 day 9.jpg
BD! Day 9.jpg
They look OK to me but they're not large plants, they're…"svelte". :-)

You're right on target at 78 and 70 but not running them 24/0 is impeding their growth. Cannabis is one of the plants that can be grown 24/0.

Why not light them 24/0?

The photo below is a 16 day old Glookie at 0.8 VPD and 300µmol 24/0 (DLI of 26) using a Vipar Spectra xs-1500 (not the Pro) and a Rapid LED Royal Blue puck. On day 24, I upped the light to 590µmol (DLI 51), 700/60 the next day, and 750/65 on day 27, 800/69 on day 28, and it's been averaging 950± for a week or so.

Cannabis will grow in light levels ranging from 64µmol to 800-1000µmol (in ambient CO2). The more

IMG_0976 20240117 1324.jpeg
I mess up and totally forget that I had peat moss in the solo cups, good thing I looked at my notes. I decided to transplant earlier then expected because of the peat moss (don’t know my I did this), so when I was transplanting the peat moss it was so loose and damp it was difficult to do this task, I felt like I was on a operating table. Had to carefully cut the bottom and side of the cups to get it out of the cups. Luckily I didn’t lose too much peat moss around the roots. I managed to keep some of it to fill the holes.
Hopefully they make it through the night.
These are them 4 hrs later, they look and seem happy
UPDATE: 24 hrs after transplanting, I gave them their fist feeding of @GeoFlora Nutrients, It defiantly has a fowl smell too it🤢😷
#1 is doing fine, other than #2 is what I hope is transplant shock ? The tips are pointing down like its thirsty, I'll be keeping en eye on her for a couple of days.
after transplant BD1..jpg
after teansplant BD2..jpg
as worried about roots coming out drain holes into the pot..then tearing when removing the cup to transplant.
if you were to put holes in the side the roots would come out and when you would transplant then you would damage the roots..
The roots should not grow out the drain holes whether in the bottom or sides if the roots only find air on the other side. Sort of like plants being grown in air pots or the polypropylene plastic cloth pots. But, if they find water they will tend to grow into that water on the other side, whether in an air pot or a Solo cup. Same thing if they find moist soil on the other side; the roots will explore into the soil looking for more moisture and nutrients.

I see a lot of seedling vegetable or flower plants for sale in the late spring where the plants were kept wet enough that each plant has more roots outside the small tray or plastic cell than it has inside. In those cases all that needs to be done is rip or cut the excess roots off, pop the tomato or pepper or whatever out and plant as usual. Healthy marijuana seedlings are not any more delicate and they will tolerate the same as any other seedling when it comes to being able to handle loosing some roots.

Have fun and enjoy the day.
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