First Grow - RQS Critical Mass - Started 06/05/2024

Thanks Tokin Roll! She’s in a 5 gal fabric pot… I haven’t been watering to runoff, probably should have been…. Also first time testing runoff, probably should have been doing that all along…. But I’m aiming for 1,000-1,200ppm going forward with around 6.5 ph for my runoff… this evening before lights out, I’ll give her a full CalMag and I’m thinking 1/4 nutes, just to give her something while I wait for her to dry out again before full water and nutes
Run off is to give roots at the bottom something to chase and eat.
It also helps wash out all the debris left from everything they haven’t eaten.
Measuring your runoff won’t give you any usable information :Namaste: :Namaste:
You will end up chasing your tail.
Concentrate on what you put in and read your girls.
You will be much further ahead.
IMO. :Namaste::Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
A 1000-1200 ppm's is a little rich. I would back it down to around 800 and after a week if she wants more she will let you know. I just looked at their feed schedule; I stand corrected.
You want to start with low ppm's to start and as she progresses thought veg and flowering cycle slowly increase it.

I am not familiar with Fox Farm Nutrients: FF Liquid Trio + FF Beastie Bloomz, Open Seasme, ChaChing. I have heard of them but know nothing about them. I do know they have specific instruction on when to use and when to stop.

Someone with more knowledge on Fox Farm nutrient line would be better help, maybe.

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