Mr. Cooper's 2024 Grow Journal In RDWC Under L.E.D.

A couple pics from this morning. Had to remove the training rods & velcro straps holding them in place. What a PITA. A little defoliation where needed for light penetration. My ppm is still too high but I did swap out 10 gallons of my system with clean ph treatment water so it's better. After next weekend I'll swap out the entire 50 plus gallons & be more careful with the nutrients..
Well, changed the light schedule to 12/12 a couple days ago & the girls shot up about 4" on average.i drained out all 50 gallons of water, cleaned, & got the plants back in their buckets. Before going back in the tent I started clearing out the bottom 1/3 of the plant & defoliating so I can see through the plant and air can get through. Plants looked awesome when I started although super dense, when I got done they looked like they just barely survived a hurricane. 😆






Did a major defoliating and a 2nd clean up below the trellis net. They were so pathetic looking last night I couldn't take any pics so I went in and got a few this morning before work. They had perked up a bunch. I love looking at the clear path for air circulation under the canopy. Getting some hairs at the bud sites, but so far no real buds started. Today is day 13 since I flipped the lights to 12/12. Hoping within a week to start seeing buds.






It all looks good. Been worried about hunidity in my tent and probably need to remove some leaves soon too. Like how much airflow yours look like they can get
I think our humidity is going to start dropping off within a few weeks as the summer monsoon season winds down in September, but, yeah, I want to try and keep good airflow wherever possible.
Nice grow report @Retireegrower !!! :thumb: :bravo: :goodjob:

I almost missed it!
It's nice to read that I'm not the onliest oldschool guy returning to the growers!😅:ganjamon:
I'm still learning every day - sooooo many things changed or got better explored in meanwhile... so I can hear you bro!

So I switched back to soil for now, but in my new grow box I will try RDWC again. First I thought about useing GH too, but then I switched to CANNA Aqua. Got a set of it standing next to me already...

Good Luck on your grow further on!
I'll take a seat over here too...

And Retireegrower, I love the sticker on your leg!
Cool picture bro!:ganjamon:
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