Mr. Cooper's 2024 Grow Journal In RDWC Under L.E.D.

Was away for the weekend and came back yesterday to the girls all looking well. Mostly recovered from last weeks aggressive supercropping trying to get them to spread out some before the trellis netting in a couple weeks. Today is day #25 in their short life.
@Bill284 Thank you. I did. I am building a small house in the mountains at the 7000 ft. Elevation in a small community in eastern Arizona. It's about 3.5 hours drive away from my home in the desert of AZ. Will be a nice summer place one day and do an outside grow once i retire. For now, it's on the 3rd year of the build and finishing up finally. Weekends only.
@Bill284 Thank you. I did. I am building a small house in the mountains at the 7000 ft. Elevation in a small community in eastern Arizona. It's about 3.5 hours drive away from my home in the desert of AZ. Will be a nice summer place one day and do an outside grow once i retire. For now, it's on the 3rd year of the build and finishing up finally. Weekends only.
That’s terrific :thumb:
I built custom homes for a living back in the day.
I miss construction.
Built my VIVOHUT though.
Year round grow facility.
That’s probably my last project but who knows.
Do you have any pics of the new place?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
800 ppm's why is that bad ?
Be nice see a water quality results for the tap water your using .
800 ppm's you will be using allot PH down
your plants might nutrient/sodium lock up !
your buds might a off taste because of the high amount what ever is making your tap water 800 ppm.

The lower the PPM levels the more you can be accurate about the nutrient dosages.
I'm planning to get a R.O. system in place soon. That should help @Zeefarmer
Sorry help ? I have a commercial RO system ..
I have been down.. as in could not walk.
It takes time to get 86 square feet of grow space hydroponic systems in operation again on one leg.
The grow tents I have to be in them every day . staying on top of the PH levels
My 5 stage commercial RO system is back on line.
At 800 ppm no matter what the tap water is not good for you nor your plant .

RO systems ... you need right around 75 PSI inlet to make the RO system be at it peak performance.
Also back pressure permeator pump ..
I have a high psi pump feeding my RO system . but big deal ... without a decent pressure tank ( fiber glass psi tank ) like 20 gallons or more ro systems are worthless.
I have seven, twenty gallon RDWC systems in operating . my plants are using 4 gallons per day per plant and
sometimes more .
I am doing complete water changes in my tanks right around every 5 days ..
I can do two RDWC reservoirs per day.
I need a nutrient cart




smoke a joint to my leg....
Not much to report except I did go through and top all branches that had at least 3 and preferably 4 nodes. at first they looked a little haggard as they always do, but this morning I took some pics on the way out the door to go to work so I thought I would post them (keeping this grow journal as much for myself as to share). Will be away for the next 4 days, so when I return they should show some amazing growth. At least amazing to me.










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