The VipersNest Continuous

never really went there....would take some re-engineering

I think I'm gonna try it in a little area first just to see how the plants differ... then if it's as good as people say set up a whole room... IDK... it's alot of power but some people are getting 4lbs a plant and since I'm limited as to how many plants I'm supposed to have it's looking like a better option... as long as I want to stay within my limits... LOL.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
I think I'm gonna try it in a little area first just to see how the plants differ... then if it's as good as people say set up a whole room... IDK... it's alot of power but some people are getting 4lbs a plant and since I'm limited as to how many plants I'm supposed to have it's looking like a better option... as long as I want to stay within my limits... LOL.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:

If you are pulling 4 with that area then your near the max IMO.
If you are pulling 4 with that area then your near the max IMO.

That's what I'm saying some people are getting 4lbs a plant with verticle... but they're also using 3000-4000w per plant. Since there are limits in most states as to how many plants you can have, that'll keep me legal... as far as plant numbers... LOL. These guys are using anywere from 36"-72" radius per plant... at those distances in my current setup, not the one I'm journaling, I would be able to fit 4 plants comfortably or squeeze 6 which is aprox 16-24lbs and 12-17k watts... IDK... may be worth it from what I saw... just not sure weather I want to invest that kind of money and possible fail... I was hoping you would try first... LMAO. I'll probably try something smaller first but the way the lights set up it would be less watts per plant to do 4 plants than 2 so IDK... LOL. Go big or go home I guess.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
That's what I'm saying some people are getting 4lbs a plant with verticle... but they're also using 3000-4000w per plant. Since there are limits in most states as to how many plants you can have, that'll keep me legal... as far as plant numbers... LOL. These guys are using anywere from 36"-72" radius per plant... at those distances in my current setup, not the one I'm journaling, I would be able to fit 4 plants comfortably or squeeze 6 which is aprox 16-24lbs and 12-17k watts... IDK... may be worth it from what I saw... just not sure weather I want to invest that kind of money and possible fail... I was hoping you would try first... LMAO. I'll probably try something smaller first but the way the lights set up it would be less watts per plant to do 4 plants than 2 so IDK... LOL. Go big or go home I guess.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:

Go big or go home...thats me to a "T" you think I would have engineered my ENTIRE operation in such a way that I wouldnt get maximum results? There are diff growing techiques..trellising,vertical,Volkswheel(very cool) and others. I would worry about tweaking rather than changing up. even changing up requires a whole new school of thought.
Go big or go home...thats me to a "T" you think I would have engineered my ENTIRE operation in such a way that I wouldnt get maximum results? There are diff growing techiques..trellising,vertical,Volkswheel(very cool) and others. I would worry about tweaking rather than changing up. even changing up requires a whole new school of thought.

I'm just seeing people doing verticle getting those results and it makes sense if they get more side lighting they'll get bushier and the buds you'd usually use for hash or canna butter would end up being a huge cola... IDK... something I'd like to try so I can see if it's better for me.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
I'm just seeing people doing verticle getting those results and it makes sense if they get more side lighting they'll get bushier and the buds you'd usually use for hash or canna butter would end up being a huge cola... IDK... something I'd like to try so I can see if it's better for me.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:

I totally agree with that line of thought. You can grow in an infinate amount of ways...find which works for you. what works for me may not work for you. I would encourage any one to research different ways...I have...and it gave me a very rounded knoweledge base.
I'm just seeing people doing verticle getting those results and it makes sense if they get more side lighting they'll get bushier and the buds you'd usually use for hash or canna butter would end up being a huge cola... IDK... something I'd like to try so I can see if it's better for me.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:

You sound like my friend Propa Gator ;) I think the Geometry of a vertical is hard to argue. Hoping someone does a Coliseum grow around here soon ;)
off topic question. Is watering every 3-4 hrs in a 12 bucket ebb and flow system okay? new system

I would do 6 cycles...15 mins each...cycle 24 hrs...meaning let it cycle when the lights are off.






I totally agree with that line of thought. You can grow in an infinate amount of ways...find which works for you. what works for me may not work for you. I would encourage any one to research different ways...I have...and it gave me a very rounded knoweledge base.

All I know is when I see this I think... Hrmm... I gotta try that... LOL.



The only way I could see growing bigger trees than that is outside... LOL.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:
All I know is when I see this I think... Hrmm... I gotta try that... LOL.



The only way I could see growing bigger trees than that is outside... LOL.

H2OGanjaFarmr :ganjamon:

Damn. Thats an indoor op if I've seen one. Must have seen 8-12 weeks veg time easy. What they saved on reflectors is going right back into the electric bill lol. Those are def. impressive indoor plants.
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