* Yes I understand that, but if you had a terminal degenerating disease, your other life is the medical system, that you can't do on the internet. You wouldn't be logged in if you were having scans done every 6 months. You wouldn't be logged in while you're in therapy, occupational therapy and CBT Classes. We have completely different lives despite our common love for healing.
Otherwise, I meant this place is my home while I drudge up the courage to keep up all my appointments. It's not a choice as in your case, it is...with peace and understanding, I'm happy you're healthy, I don't have the luxury quite yet, but you're helping me/us. Thank you.
I hear you. My husband had 14 different specialists that I had to coordinate as he was dying. That was when I pulled on the support of this community the most. I was saved by the Personal Hotspot through my iPhone. I'd link the iPad up and then the neighborhood was with me everywhere. All those interminable hospital hours became a pleasure.
Dale got plenty of laughs as he spiraled into death. He was comforted that I'd have a community to hold me together when he was finally gone. Without this loving family I don't know what I'd have done.