Soil LED Raspberry Kush Upsizing From 4-20 Plants, 2017

Does this help?
Hi Joe!! Everything helps!
I put every light I had right at the top of my 8ft room. My tray is 3x6 sitting on top of an old coffee table. I doubled the reccomeded coverage area so the lights are close together.

Is your direction to let them get closer to the light before I flip? I'll go do some measurements and do a drawing.

Thanks Joe!!!
Hi Joe!! Everything helps!
I put every light I had right at the top of my 8ft room. My tray is 3x6 sitting on top of an old coffee table. I doubled the reccomeded coverage area so the lights are close together.

Is your direction to let them get closer to the light before I flip? I'll go do some measurements and do a drawing.

Thanks Joe!!!

Have you measured I would look at seeing what stretch they have. During your preflower introduction it will stretch most do some more then others ? So it depends if what space you have right now from top of plant to top of light ? How many inches ?

Just remember you lower lights more nutes needed .
Have you measured I would look at seeing what stretch they have. During your preflower introduction it will stretch most do some more then others ? So it depends if what space you have right now from top of plant to top of light ? How many inches ?

Just remember you lower lights more nutes needed .

Thank you do you mean if the lights are closer to the plants they will need more nutz?
Ok so the room is about 8'3"

The distance the tray is from the ground is about 19"

The clones now are 42"

The old seed girls are 39"
Ya you could unless you want them to stay shorter and bushier keep them lights a tad bud closer maybe and looking for bleaching ?
Ya you could unless you want them to stay shorter and bushier keep them lights a tad bud closer maybe and looking for bleaching ?
I do know the advanced XML 650 bleaches when you get closer than 20ish I don't know what the perfect sun will do yet there's an ex-oil light I'm there from advanced and it was turning my leaves yellow around 20. Its really strong. What should I look for for stretching? They don't seem to be currently but I may not be looking at the right stuff.

What was your direction for nutz and light distance? Closer light more nutz?
Yes and differnt types. Led require more micro nutrients like cal mag iron. Your plants still have enough nutes stored for another watering or 2.

When you do get into flower start at half strength flower nutes.

You can jump over and ask for PGRs flowering feed schedule. I would try mirror the exact same schedule.
Yes and differnt types. Led require more micro nutrients like cal mag iron. Your plants still have enough nutes stored for another watering or 2.

When you do get into flower start at half strength flower nutes.

You can jump over and ask for PGRs flowering feed schedule. I would try mirror the exact same schedule.
I think he's organic. I'm chemical. I'm running a three part veg pt1 with pt 2 and a flower pt 3 with part 2. But I bought calmag+ and super thrive. And some other future harvest stuff royal gold an enzyme or something. Lol. Hard to help when I don't know myself.
Ok clone pots are still heavy so no watering yet. The leafs are not as black green lol so i assume they are using up the nutz stored. Everyone grew last night.

My two catalogue clones are in solo cups and will be my fluorescent light moms till I can tell which is the strongest.

The Jonny blz and OG kush are ready to stand out of rockwool!

Temps changed to 26-31 days and 21 night
RH 38day 58night
NO NUTZ lol.
Known pest Fungus gnats. I saw one flying I have not purchased diamacious earth yet...will do today. I have to.
The last LJE auto went to dark today. There are the two WW plumping. They are pretty yellow from the lockout and not plumping as usual but I'll keep watering as needed till the ambers 40%.

Should I start plucking leafs? The old girls are so bushy. I read somewhere to remove everything past 5 nodes down. I've been plucking the lockout brown leafs daily and they're almost gone. Since tomorrow or the day after will be the final nutz flush out, I want to get prepared for 12s.
Dabbs, ready for orders. Lol. I think my nutz lineup resembles yours!


bushy bushy bushsicles.
How thin do I get these. How long after the last water watering will 12s start?

Raz and le Raz

Jonny blz (BH) and OG Kush (CK) new bean sprouts.
Today I gave the two bushes a trim. I removed a grocery bag or two of leaves and it still looks like nothing happened. I clipped off most of the tiny stalks that were coming off thick branches and any that had two shoots off the same node. I thought just one would produce better.

The clones are now drinking off their second straight water after the big flush.

The new le Raz and Raz catalogue clones are doing good. I watered them a little too much when I put the rockwool into Solo cups and it's taking a long time for the cups to dry out. I put the new seeds into Solo cups but did not drench the cups with water so I'm just lightly watering around the rockwool to try force the roots to the peat.

I'm noticing less dark green leafs on the veg growth and will feed next watering. The leafs are getting light green. Some lower ones are yellowing.
Looking forward to adding calmag to my soup. As mentioned, when I added eggshells to my promix the yeilds were double what I got off soil with no eggshells. I just finally put that all together. Now to learn how to use the calmag lol.
Temps 27-20
RH 38-55
Known pests FG

***I saw a small bug crawling around in there today not a FG :-(. Was about 1mm long and narrow beatle shaped thing. I hope it's not a mite. I will set up stickys again and see if I can get a photo.

Cheers guys!
. .
Ok everything looks and sounds to be on track again. Let's start with one good feed and I think if they look good we can send them to 12
Hi! Ok one of my double flushed is ready for water.

Here's what I mixed up
Bloom pt 3 - 2.5ml/l
Pt 2 2.5ml/l
Royal gold 1ml/l
Starting ppm -250
Mixed ppm 870-930 two jugs
I tried to make a shade and put a light under it. Let's see if these pictures turn out better.



le raz

Temps 27-18
RH 38-45
Pests fungus gnats seem to be gone! Or managed.
Own what a kush curl is? But it does look like they are ready for some food
The double flush may have been a little excessive. Sorry. But the leaf curl on the non-ras plants is from the flush and no nutes. Looks like a cal mag and iron def which this feed should rapidly reverse. I would cut the numbers on the next feed back some also. Maybe just a half a ml for each grow micro and bloom... we don't want to starve and purge over and over. Keep in mind my feed levels are in ML per gallon not ml per liter.
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