Chuckeye's Sativa Grow In ProMix HP

Day 41

I didn't have the heart to chop the Amnesia Auto so she got a bit of a trim and one more feeding ;)

Day 41  Amnesia Auto 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41  Amnesia bud 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41 Crop  Amnesia bud 3 Oct.jpg

Double Chocolate

Day 41  Double Chocolate 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41 Double Chocolate bud 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41 Crop Double Chocolate bud 3 Oct.jpg

Lambs Bread

Day 41  Lambs Bread 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41 Lambs Bread bud 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41 Crop Lambs Bread bud 3 Oct.jpg

Durban Poison

Day 41 Durban Poison 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41  Durban Poison bud 3 Oct.jpg

Day 41 Crop Durban Poison bud 3 Oct.jpg

Green Crack, missed the bud shot :bongrip:

Day 41 Green Crack 3 Oct.jpg

Nice to see some pistils changing color, gives me hope they will done by Xmas ;)

By the size of those pistils, I would guess that they will be ember, chooped, dried and cured easily by Christmas.

I grew a big grow this year in hopes that I will be able to keep enough to age 9 months +.

Nice looking plants, my friend!

Well I finally did it :yahoo:

Amnesia Auto came down yesterday, day 96 !

I did expect a slight stunting from starting under a 85w CFL for 18 days, 46 days of 12/12 And experimenting with blasting her with light to make up for the shorter days o_O

As expected the results were slight canoeing of the top leaves and what seemed like continuous foxtails for the last couple of weeks.

The GH MaxGro/Bloom performed admirably even though I was stingy with the amounts I fed !

All in all I can't say I'm that disappointed, the final weight was 17.6 oz WET.

The exciting part is I'm trying two new drying techniques !

I have a little over 7 oz's of the smaller buds in the freezer in prep for when I can get over to my friends house to use his Harvest Right cryo cure.

And I have a little over 10 oz's of the larger buds in a KFC paper bag (no grease stains ;)) in the frig on a wire rack :yummy:

Glad to be down to four plants, it just seems to be so much more of a better fit for the space, watering/moving them around, etc.

Day 95 Full beer can 8 Oct.jpg

Day 95  Harvest high angle 8 Oct.jpg

Day 95  Bud close up 8 Oct.jpg

are those wet weights_ Guessing yes. She looks proper. Well done and interested to see how the cure and dry goes
Thank you @Lerugged, yes those are wet weights.

First time I've weighed them at this stage, mostly because I normally hang on the branches to dry. Then cut off branches and into totes to cure, usually don't bother with weights until they are dried to 58%.

Basically want a control to compare what comes out of the Harvest Right. I will try them right out of the machine but am more interested in rehydrating to room relative humidity for the taste test !
Amnesia grew great Chuck! Beautiful harvest!
Thank you @StoneOtter, not the largest I've grown but she sure is Chunky and Solid !

I'm now a full time convert of topping, training and lollipopping. And no more rushing to start growing under a CFL bulb o_O

Trimming couldn't have taken more than twenty minutes !

Congrats on the Amnesia harvest, Chuck. She looks good.
Damn, they look good, Chuck!
Couple days late posting these...

Day 50 of flower, day 100 in total !

Double Chocolate, the most vigorous of the group by a little bit ;)

Her canopy is @ 38", the tops I've pulled over and secured to the wire hoop have all grown about 18" horizontally !

And the hoop has her contained in a 24" circle !

Fed with 7.5g/4L of MC o_O She keeps asking for more !

Day 50  Double Chocolate front 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50 Double Chocolate high 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50 Double Chocolate Bud 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50  Double Chocolate Bud Two 13 Oct.jpg

Durban Poison. Pretty well a problem free Lady :yummy:

As usual I increased her feed as I notice slight yellowing on bottom leaves, now at 6.5g/4L of MC with just the bare hint of leaf tip burn...

Canopy @ 36".

Day 50 Durban Poison front 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50 Durban Poison high 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50 Durban Poison bud 13 Oct.jpg

Green Crack.

Some minor issues with the switch from MC to MaxiGro. She had some adjusting to do and I had to fine tune the amount of feed. Once that was sorted she has been pretty well trouble free and much larger than I expected !

Can't remember if I flushed at the change of nutrients ? If I didn't I should have ;)

Canopy @ 38" and fed with 7.0g/4L of MaxiBloom.

Day 50  Green Crack front 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50 Green Crack high 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50  Green Crack bud 13 Oct.jpg

Lambs Bread.

She is only 28" high but when moving her around the buds have that Heavy swaying side to side feel :yahoo:

Measured @ 7" in circumference o_O

The leaves have always been a bit on the dark side but she has asked for more, now up to 7.5g/4L MC.

Day 50 Lambs Bread front 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50  Lambs Bread high 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50 Lambs Bread bud 13 Oct.jpg

Day 50 Lambs Bread bud two 13 Oct.jpg

Lately some of the top fan leaves have been turning color.

I have no idea if this is normal or not, a google image search didn't show anything similar.

Might just be an entry for Purple Pic's, he, he...

So, enter the beauty of ProMix :cool:

A 3X flush with the last gallon @ 7.5g/4L of MC...

Day 52 Lambs Bread leaf 15 Oct.jpg

FYI > The Amnesia Auto has been in the frig for six days.

Went in @ 10.48 oz and is now 6.2 oz. Not quite feeling crispy yet, I snuck a hygrometer in there tonight !

Frig is 32% and 3 C.

Cheers, eh ?
My friend just sent me pictures of my Amnesia auto buds he ran through his Harvest Right machine.

He did a small test with six buds weighing 44g wet, dried weight was 11g. I would have expected it to be less ?

The final smell and color is exactly as it was wet !

Initial smoke report was Smooth :bongrip:

The balance is being run right now, he, he...

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