Soil LED Raspberry Kush Upsizing From 4-20 Plants, 2017

Ok did some reading looking at grows. I think my grow room is waaaaay too small. Looks like I'm building at least double the size after Christmas. I don't have great humidity control only about 35 during the day. With the expansion I will mount this unit higher up also. F I need that light from advanced led in the new year at the latest. I was worried that cob was not coming as the website reflected and pulled the trigger on that advled where I could have had three cobs instead. Poop! Maybe it's just buyers remorse. Lol. Added to the realization that I'm restricted in ft2 lol.
I think I see like a small fly or two from time to time in my room. What should I do?
Ok did some reading looking at grows. I think my grow room is waaaaay too small. Looks like I'm building at least double the size after Christmas. I don't have great humidity control only about 35 during the day. With the expansion I will mount this unit higher up also. F I need that light from advanced led in the new year at the latest. I was worried that cob was not coming as the website reflected and pulled the trigger on that advled where I could have had three cobs instead. Poop! Maybe it's just buyers remorse. Lol. Added to the realization that I'm restricted in ft2 lol.
I think I see like a small fly or two from time to time in my room. What should I do?

You can get a fly trap thingy or maybe a Venus fly trap plant . But if flies at eisaie I would get those sticky things they stick to maybe outside of the room too?

Have you tried a saucer tray with ice cold water. In newspapers? It helped my one tent bumpy about 10-15% I dress. Just ah w to keep re wetting newspapers.

Doesn't hurt to try right ?
Day 40
Temp 26-27 day 22-20 night
RH 35-38 day 45-55 night
I LST all but one auto. I've been thinning the old Raz and some auto leaves when the cover a flower site. I tilted my clone tray to let me put water in the bottom to keep rh up and not soak the rockwool. I started fimmimg the clones that are healthier. Still letting the pots dry. That's about it not going to post anymore updated till after boxing day to give my supporters a break!
Here are the autos
this is the wind burnt one.

Clone tray
That a 3 by 3 or 4 by 4 tent? They look good. The flying things.... regular flies? Grab a pic of one if ya can.
No it's a room 7*7*8 I panda and mylar the walls. Im going to get some sticky tape. If they are anything they are small small. I'm thinking it's in my imagination lol. Sry. It's was so dry may just been particles in the room. This break I'm expanding the room to 15*7*8 as now the clones are in 1g pots and my room is full. If I expand I'll be able to walk around like you suggested. I'm Just doing exhaust fan calcs....
My app just
Thanks Joe
It feels more like a grow room now. Very comfortable in there! Temps and Rh where way easier to manage in a smaller tent. Maybe just because I did it it seemed easier once I get this new area functioning properly it will seem easy too. Story of life lol

Yeah trying to keep a stable environment without thousands of dollars is the game buddy..
Hi team!
The lately most noticeable improvement to this botany challenge I've noticed is the addition of foiler spray. I have calmag+ from general organics and kelp do you know who I can read to get a good idea of how to get the most out of this?
Btw snow moved in out door Rh 80-90% rooms low is 32% and high is 45%. I'll have to see if now that it's climatized I'll have to see if it can hold when it gets back to the normal 20% range. Temp max is 28 min 20 it floats in the mid 25-26 till late in the day I love the room now feels good want to park in and enjoy the humid sun! I always wanted an indoor garden!
Foliar. I used a few drops of my cal mag xtra and misted once or twice a week. But I have botanicare liquid karma (which can be used as a foliar spray also) so I would start with a few (5) drops of your stuff per full squirt bottle. I think 1 ml per liter is what the suggested amount is but I always aim for half.of manufacturers recommendation
Pest!?I caught a fly. I'm so sad :-(. It's about 2mm like 1/16? I don't know small.


I have this

Neem oil is even a better alternative if not mistaken?
Soloution run a light dose of hydrogen peroxide 3% through it. As far as ratio goes I don't have one yet but that's what my best advice would be if your not running z7 or hydrogaurd in res .
Thank you Joe!
The 1g pots were too big for clones so I bought a bunch of solo cups for next time. They are taking forever between waterings.
I bought some h2o2 and will mix into water next feeding.
I've been overwatering! It all started my last crop I planted autos straight into 5g pots they were always wet, then I put them outside because I thought the sun would do wonders. Then I brought them inside Lol. So I learnt!! The last few updates I was saying things about wet pots. Now I see why every journal has h2o2 added from time to time. However bad this is to my lady's, it's a good thing to learn.
My pots are very dry except for the WW I harvested partly earlier. I'm now taking it out completely. There's not enough veg to dry it out. The clones are very dry, I'm going to allow to dry more. It's dry to my second knuckle. When I wiggle my finger it's not damp, but there's a small difference. Maybe I'll water tomorrow. I've hung up sticky strips. I bought a new thermometer to give highs and lows.
Night 18 day 25
RH 32day 60 night
Tomorrow water what needs adding peroxide. Then carry on as usual.

This is the worst LJE auto next pic also.

These ones look ok I think

Two seed Raz
Soloution run a light dose of hydrogen peroxide 3% through it. As far as ratio goes I don't have one yet but that's what my best advice would be if your not running z7 or hydrogaurd in res .
Nope none of that. I guess I'll buy some after Christmas. I just saw Dabber talking about z7. (I think) Lots of posts on it I guess thats why lol. Learning is fun. Thanks for the quick help!!
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