Soil LED Raspberry Kush Upsizing From 4-20 Plants, 2017

I agree, nice success on the roots....
You know what's too funny. My wife was expecting a delivery of boots today from some online shopping she's been doing......well it so happens that I've also been waiting for my cloner to show up. When I saw the Amazon wrapping on the dining room table I ripped into it like a kid on Xmas morning.......then the delay.....then the disappointment.......then the......oh shit, this isn't my stuff......lmao. Oh well, she'd already seen them lol.
Ha! Priceless excitment - disappointment - shame those are rough emotions all at once!
Day 28
I've been lazy as I had an air cast and doing physio. You know how they say a good guest is one who knows when to leave? Pains a sh1tty guest!!
Today I finally planted the last two clones. So there are 12 new Raz girls and the two old girls are scattered with bud sites. I cut these clones with a friend and was pre-occupied...that resulted in not marking what clone came off what I guess I'm cutting two more with labels this time!!!!
Crop is 14 Raz, 3 LJE, 3 WW one that will be harvested in a week or so, she's getting fatter daily. I angled my perfect sun COB to be super close (as recommended on the site) for the last two weeks and they are frosting up . I didn't treat those leaves but it's almost going down so I'll keep an eye on it.

Two of the new girls are weak looking.

Ones just tiny but still coming.

There are two LJE in bloom. One more to start along with the next two WW autos. The way they are coming off it's going to be a good spaced out harvest!

The two old Raz and my ripening WW should be dry for Christmas!

Rh 25-60%
Temp 25d 17 night
New Raz girls 5ml/L QG part 1&2.
Two old Raz and all new autos 10ml/L QG part 1&2.
Old WW auto water flush.
Day 32 Raz clones are getting settled I'm still looking for new growth. They are taking water about every 4 days now so I'm assuming that's forcing them to look for water. The two new ones I just put into pots are taking water every two days too keep the rockwool wet and keep them from wilting over. The two seed lady's are so big. I kinda wish I had a scrog now cause of the grow sites. Oh well hope I will be trellising. The LJE autos are flowering and the white widow autos are almost ready. One WW auto I pinched right and have two main cola with four main branches at the same height. I'm perfect on my 1/10 auto pinches that are successful. I will need to take better notes to learn.
Temp 26d 18n I adjusted the heat up to help these seedlings.
RH 35d 50n
QG nutz 5 ml/l part 1&2
Any idea of how often I fellow should change the panda in a room. Only asking as I had a small fire, unrelated to my room, and my exhaust sucked all the smoke into my grow room. Now I notice a film on the panda that would affect reflectiveness. Just wondering if people using it change it to keep clean and good for its purpose?

WW pinched with two cola and side branches as tall. My middle finger is at pinch or fim

Clones some weaker some stronger. There not as yellow as they look as I tried to use different filters to mask the red glow. But just getting rooted, makes sense they would be stressed. I'll keep an eye on them to not to rot the roots. Any other suggestions? Using QG part 1&2 at full strength. Maybe next water I'll cut it in half for seedlings. Not sure if they're yellowing from water too much or not enough, nutz or just stressed from transplant. Not too worried yet but if anyone know that I should be worried...let me know. Lol and thanks!



Le Raz

Hyper Raz

Great harvest bud! Some serious colas there. Great work

Just wipe that panda down with some disinfectant spray when you can low. Also look into bud washing if you want. It can rinse off that soot you don't want!
Great harvest bud! Some serious colas there. Great work

Just wipe that panda down with some disinfectant spray when you can low. Also look into bud washing if you want. It can rinse off that soot you don't want!
Thanks! Yea silly money spending mentality never even crossed my mind to wash, I only was like tear out and replace. So sad, I need to consider the environment more! Thank you for all three things the environment, saving $ and most important my safety to wash the flowers! I totally didn't consider that. Your a life saver. .
Day 32 jar time!


Today I went around all the new girls and twisted the stalks till they "snapped". A supercropping tech I think. Can't remember where I read it but somewhere on here. I was a little too snappy with the WW I mentioned I fimed properly and had to tape er up!

The new girls are still looking a little yellow. I'm feeding them 1/2 the full growth nutz. The manufacture of the nutz recommends 0.5ml/l more than I'm dosing. Some things I did recently that may be adding to the speed and yellowing of the new girls.
Moved the light from 30-24 in away.
Could also just be stress of new room switching from florescent to LED.
The stalks were solid enough to twist/snap so although they look yellow they are not flimsy. My on going cloning issues.

I will over this next grow start buying all these nutz mentioned on this site so I can follow step by step. So much easier for others to share.
So not much interesting still vegging. The old girls are getting so leafy. The autos are coming along one WW is flowering the other is right behind. Some pics of what I'm up to.

Some random shots
Day 36 I bought some kelp foiler spray to help the clones along.

Next time I'll plant the new clones into Solo cups to let the roots get some air. The 1g pots are possibly staying wet too long and impeding growth. Anyway, clones seem to be doing well. Finally on day 36. I have two still in the humidity dome and will put in solo cups and see if they advance past some of the weaker stems I have transplanted.

The two old girls le Raz and hyper Raz were given hair cuts. I will need to transplant to a larger pot for flower. They are needing water every two days now.
Yes they need water, they always do lol. The Raz sucks!! Thays a good thing

My last auto WW shows pistols today so we're in flower on all the autos. The snapped one has recovered The oldest flowering LJE smells awesome!

Here's whats going on
Temp 27
RH 35-40%
QG part 1&2 and part 3&2 for autos 5ml/l
Today the Raz got part one and 4ml of cal mag/L general organics. I just did a calc and that's about double the suggested application. I hope it's ok
I used a kelp foiler spray on everything.
Not sure why I tried this new method. The part 2 I use has 2%ca and N. This cal mag has 1%ca and N so I hope I'm on target. Time will tell. The two week wait flip to flower starts today!!! Looking at these old Raz I need to keep these beasts small!!
Hey thanks for checking this out! Have a great Sunday!
Looking for help with what to track when moving lights closer or further from the canopy. I don't like the fluffy buds. I've noticed good tight buds the closer I get to the buds.
- What can I track or keep looking at to find the perfect distance for my lady's?
- I'm using a PS cob and a Adv led XML 650.
- I'd like to put the PS on a light mover. It's so skinny I think it would do well on one.
- If you move the light can you go closer? Maybe I'll ask the vendor that question too.
Looking for help with what to track when moving lights closer or further from the canopy. I don't like the fluffy buds. I've noticed good tight buds the closer I get to the buds.
- What can I track or keep looking at to find the perfect distance for my lady's?
- I'm using a PS cob and a Adv led XML 650.
- I'd like to put the PS on a light mover. It's so skinny I think it would do well on one.
- If you move the light can you go closer? Maybe I'll ask the vendor that question too.
Yes just holler at Neil. But my buddy iron dog had one on his mover yielded like crazy!

Try and give the clones less lught for now. They probably are hardening off some now they are under the led. Just stick with it low! Doing great.
Thanks for the advise and motivation!
Totally agree with that statement and and your friends results. From what I see happening. There may also be other factors lol in learning.
Can you ask him to show his engineered way he mounted the light to not turn while moving? I had the kind led on this mover before and it was constantly twisting. It's nice to see what others do!
Here's the update for the light mover. To Quote the email I hope that's alright.

"wouldn't go closer than 2 feet away until you are at the last two weeks. If you do put it on a mover, set the stop points only 1 foot apart. The first signs of light stress is the edges of the leaves will start to look sharp, like teeth. Then the edges will start to curl up. Next the leaves will curl down. Then they will start to turn lighter in color, especially the leaves under the center of the light."

I'm so happy theres a place to get such great info so fast! Many thanks Dabbs for reading my posts and constantly helping me out your my go to!
Hey that's what I'm here for! And now that you mention it I'm starting to wonder if I have a little burn. But it's lower leaves so I think just a deficiency from under feeding in stretch.

Anyways. Always a GREAT idea to reach out to the manufacturer. A lot of times of I'm going to pay good money for something it's for the trusted customer service!
Found ya what up .

How it s cool i jump on from time to time.

What I post is to the best of my understanding . Just take into consideration there are many different views on growing almost everyone has there way of Methods I'm just trying to help deliver the best ones.

Found ya what up .

How it s cool i jump on from time to time.

What I post is to the best of my understanding . Just take into consideration there are many different views on growing almost everyone has there way of Methods I'm just trying to help deliver the best ones.

Thanks for joining Joe! These extra posts will help me get to be approved for voting also.
Recap I have some raspberry kush I'm trying to get a crop from. They are from cannafarms. I have some 3 lemon juice exp and 2 white widow flowering. I'm using quick grow nutz I have a temp activated switch for day and night 26-18 operating 2 6"(one intake one out) There are three house fans for airflow the room is 7*7*8 panda with mylar for the light zone. My Rh is a prob 30-50,%. I have a humidifier set near the new clones. That's about it!
Day 37 today I moved the lights right to the roof. 54" above clones 48" above autos and old Raz. It's so f bright in there now. I literally wear polarized sunglasses lol it hurts my skull. It's new trial for me. I'm a little frightened with doing this but when I look at everyone's pics the lights are always high. And there's some serious weight in thier pictures! Trust the system! I'm still struggling with RH it got cold here so I guess my Rh coming in has dropped. Better look for another humidifier.

Ok so I found one auto I may need to let dry completely. It's kinda sagging and not looking Steller. I do remember a bit of moisture at the bottom of my finger but thought ah well won't I say to everyone else thinking was my first mistake!

I also noticed one auto that had some leaves curling. Any ideas? It's 24 hrs since watering. I saw it said too much N could do this. Not sure.

I really like the way these LJE autos are coming along. I LST one and I think I like it.

This one looks good without touching but I probably should.

Temp 25-27d-18n
RH 29
No feed
I removed a fan after I moved the lights. So now there is two fans on the floor blowing up and one large fan circulating so all leaves twitch a bit.
The new girls are coming along awesome. I think they really liked that kelp foiler spray!!

I also took two marked clones today to test which plants better

Temp 30
Rh 89
I'm going to take the dome off after 3-5 days and start letting them get dry and get used to the low Rh. I read up a bit on that. 28 days to get roots is too long!! Imo.
Looks good low. I love your cob. The distance to the clones seems fine. Cobs have killer penetration so don't worry about their height too much.

The little twist in leaves is odd I've had it a couple times and may even still I'll have to check. I know on fan leaves it's a sign of Ph fluctuation... maybe to be back the nitrogen if at all possible.

All is looking well though. Keep it up
Looks good low. I love your cob. The distance to the clones seems fine. Cobs have killer penetration so don't worry about their height too much.

The little twist in leaves is odd I've had it a couple times and may even still I'll have to check. I know on fan leaves it's a sign of Ph fluctuation... maybe to be back the nitrogen if at all possible.

All is looking well though. Keep it up
Thanks Dabbs! Your quick turn around time on questions is unreal. Its like I have my own assistant. Thank you, I'm not used to that.
I like your group here that follows you. I checked out some of their strings and saw info you and others talked about so hopefully a few questions will be averted lol. No gaurentees! This is a funny bunch, makes for a pile of reading so the humor is important!
I cant believe the learning curve I'm going to through. Not only that but also instead of reading and understanding there's folks to clear the message and give you backing it will work! I'm greatful to be here and have you and this team help me out!

So happy this 420 mag is around.
I found my leaf problem wind burn that's were the intake fan was intermittently coming on. Looked exactly like the pictures on here showing wind burn lol. I'm clearing up my Rh problem. It's around 20 or lower when the lights are on and the cold air moved in. I changed my humidifier filters and added another. Night time Rh is 50 and day 20 this am it was 16. So I fixed that problem. The new clones are taking off! I'm letting soil dry right out. As I read. Ok. I think I got this room handled for now. Let's open the stomata back up!!
Ahh yes twisting is normally a result of wind burn. Even clawing and sometimes spots. But you caught it early so I'm sure your ok
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