SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Those leaves starting to get light green indicate it's ready for stronger nutes. I'm a bit stunned by people going over 6 gr. per gal. I haven't tried going over 6 with the newer versions, because back on Ver. 2 , I went to 6.5 gr. & got a terrible "N" tox. Never went past 6 since then.
How old is the N.L. ? Last N.L. Auto I grew hit the roof of my tent. That was crazy. She just wouldn't quit growing.
I think it took over 12 weeks to finish.
For the SIP, yes go to 2 gr. for 1-2 feedings, then 3 gr. for 1-3 feedings. Between 1 - 4 gr. you ramp things up pretty fast. After that you just increase .5 gr. when you see the leaves getting light green.
I'm currently seeking a new 1 or 2 part nutrient to try out. Thinking about trying Maxi Grow & Bloom. I'm just not happy with MC anymore. They change the formula too much so I can't ever dial things in because they change it again. If they'd just go back to Ver. 2 & leave it alone it would be great. Didn't need to dial anything in back then. Worked perfect straight from the bag.
Here's a plant I grew with Ver. 2.

Wow… I’ve never grown a plant like that. Mine is about 5-6 weeks old. She doesn’t look like she’ll produce much. But I’ll see it through for the practice. Any chance I’m getting yellow because it’s too much MC? I don’t think that’s the problem but thought I should ask. Also, would Cal mag help? I haven’t used any Calmag because I heard with MC 9-7-16 you don’t need to. Would love to know you’re thought. Also thanks for the feeding schedule …it’s now bookmarked! Thanks!
I found the Maxi's were similar to MC, start of yellowing of bottom leaves.

Up the feed.

Mine doesn't start at the bottom, which would indicate an "N" def. Mine starts at the middle to top of the plant which indicates a "K" def. If it started at the bottom I wouldn't even be worried about it as that's more normal.
Wow… I’ve never grown a plant like that. Mine is about 5-6 weeks old. She doesn’t look like she’ll produce much. But I’ll see it through for the practice. Any chance I’m getting yellow because it’s too much MC? I don’t think that’s the problem but thought I should ask. Also, would Cal mag help? I haven’t used any Calmag because I heard with MC 9-7-16 you don’t need to. Would love to know you’re thought. Also thanks for the feeding schedule …it’s now bookmarked! Thanks!
Shouldn't need Cal-Mag unless you're in Coco. You would see reddish / rusty looking spots on your leaves if you needed Cal-Mag. Not too much MC. If it were too much the leaves would get dark green & possibly even wilt some if it was toxic too long. You might need to up your nutes some, add Nitrogen or Potassium. Just depends on where the yellowing is & if you are in Veg or Flower to determine what's needed. I feel a plant really shouldn't yellow until the last 2-3 weeks of flower when the plants put out a ton of pistils during it's final bud swell.
You know what else shows up as yellowing on top? P and K toxicity! :)
Yes, but MC hasn't really changed the "P", but lowered the "K" so that is why I think it's a "K" def. I wonder if it's possible to come up with a calculation that is the same as the V-2 MC ?
What did you say the NPK of the latest version is ? I just remember the "N" being 10. I'm wondering if it's the same NPK as the Maxi Grow & Bloom.
Yes, but MC hasn't really changed the "P", but lowered the "K" so that is why I think it's a "K" def. I wonder if it's possible to come up with a calculation that is the same as the V-2 MC ?
What did you say the NPK of the latest version is ? I just remember the "N" being 10. I'm wondering if it's the same NPK as the Maxi Grow & Bloom.
The pic of your bag lists it as 9-7-14. The newest version is 10-8-15 and v2 was 9-6-17. They've played around with the Ca and Mg numbers as well which are different in all three of those versions.

The NPK ratios MrS and I are aiming for are closer to 5-2-6. MaxiGro comes in at 5-2.5-7 which isn't that far off, but I don't know what the numbers are for their Ca/Mg/S are.
The pic of your bag lists it as 9-7-14. The newest version is 10-8-15 and v2 was 9-6-17. They've played around with the Ca and Mg numbers as well which are different in all three of those versions.

The ratios MrS and I are aiming for are closer to 5-2-6.
I was just looking at the bags of Maxi Gro / Bloom. They up the "P" a lot in the Bloom, so maybe you're on to something there with the yellowing leaves. The Gro is 10-5-14 but the "N" drops to 5 & the "P" goes up to 15 when you switch to Bloom. The "K" stayed the same in both. That's sure giving me something to ponder. I guess if I don't get the yellowing with the Maxi stuff I'll know it was a "P" issue & not "K" as I thought. Or maybe even both ?
The pic of your bag lists it as 9-7-14. The newest version is 10-8-15 and v2 was 9-6-17. They've played around with the Ca and Mg numbers as well which are different in all three of those versions.

The NPK ratios MrS and I are aiming for are closer to 5-2-6. MaxiGro comes in at 5-2.5-7 which isn't that far off, but I don't know what the numbers are for their Ca/Mg/S are.
Maxi Gro:
10% "N"
5% "P"
14% "K"
6% ""Ca"
2% "Mg"
0.1% "S"
0.05% "Fe"
0.002% "Mo"

Maxi Bloom:
5% "N"
15% "P"
14% "K"
5.0% "Ca"
3.5% "Mg"
4.0% "S"
0.1% "Fe"
0.002% "Mo"
Harvest Update : Cherry On Top : Shed
6 oz. + 13 gr.

Looks Great ! Really Frosty, Crumbles nice & soft, yet slightly sticky. Has some Purple undertones in the buds.
Broke up a few buds to test out. Dammit, Ugh.... Seeds ! Well, may as well roll one & test it out anyway. Wow, it's really friggin' good. Darn shame it's got seeds as this batch looks really, really good compared to a lot of the others I've had.
Pics don't do it justice.
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So a couple of days ago I moved the 2nd Cherry On Top to the closet for harvest. That left 1 Aurora in the Shed & 1 in the Tent. So, I moved the one in the Shed to the Tent. I can really see a difference in the two when they're side by side. The Tent Plant is bushier with bigger buds. The thing I'm noticing about the Shed plants is.... It was about 8 - 10 degrees colder out there and it gave the buds some purple in them. They also look a little frostier & seem to be finishing about a week sooner than the Plants in the Tents. Here is the one that was in the shed. I think she could be done next week.
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The one that was in the tent already is putting out tons of pistils at the moment. I believe she's in her final bud swell mode. Probably still have 2-3 weeks on her.

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Harvest : Cherry On Top / Tent
I started chopping this girl last night & finally finished her up this morning. A lot more there than I thought.
She's taking up a good 9 feet of closet shelving to hang her. Wouldn't all fit on one rack. Had to use a small section on the other side of the closet also.
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Here is the GG Auto I started about a week or so ago. She's doing OK so far. Waiting Impatiently for those roots to hit bottom & get some plant explosion.... lol.
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And last, but not least here is the "Banana Purple Punch" Auto I started earlier this week. She's a tiny little thing. Hope it doesn't runt out on me.
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After my last grow I'm very excited to be trying 6 of the planters at once. Was it luck or is the Golden Ticket ? That's my question.
So far, and now that you're churning out big plants consistently, it's looking like  not luck. Still, it's early. I think you should run a few more rounds just to be sure. :laughtwo:

Fantabulous plants, Buds. Hope you get your yellowing sorted, but that doesn't seem to be holding the plants back too much. :theband::thumb:
my sipidisip thing has arrived..
Does that style wick up the moisture through the legs ? The inner floor does appear to be higher than the water tray below. My guess it if you overfilled the Tray / Res the water would come out between the Res & the bottom of the pot ? The legs lift the pot high enough above the Res to create the Air Gap.
OK, back to my update.
This here is my "Aurora Indica" in the shed. As you can see she's also yellowing a lot. I'm not real concerned because these girls did not get a defol after the stretch. Therefore, they were kind of bushy & I'm kind of seeing this as a self defol.... lol. Only a few weeks to go anyway.

And here are the final pics of this "Cherry on Top". She's got some really stinky, sticky ass buds on her with touches of pinks & purple in the buds. I remove as many Fan Leaves as possible while the plant is still whole. So much easier when the pot holds the plant for you. Here's a few pics.

It got pretty cold in the shed for a few nights in a row. Got down to 64F with the lights on. I run my lights at night to help with heat a little. I have a small space heater in there now set on low. It's keeping it at a steady 70F that way.
I was gonna say, the yellowing and the purple stems look like low temps to me. and Possible K def. What you want to look for on amazon is Soluble Potash. Comes as a salmon-colour, usually. @farside05 is a great resource here.
I was gonna say, the yellowing and the purple stems look like low temps to me. and Possible K def. What you want to look for on amazon is Soluble Potash. Comes as a salmon-colour, usually. @farside05 is a great resource here.
Yeah, I seen all the different brown boxes of stuff at the Hydro Store when I bought the Terpinator.
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